Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Sending the warmest Christmas wishes to you and your family.

As the Holiday Season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped to shape this blog and your opinions expressed here. We value our relationship with you and look forward to continued blogging with you in the year to come.

We wish you a very happy Holiday Season and a New Year filled with peace and prosperity.



Sunday, December 14, 2008

Watch My Dam Money

Reading the QHW 12/7 article on "Going Hydro" finally prompted me to dig into this for more than several reasons There is a lot of talk but very little proof that this will work. I hear and read lots of "I Think".

Let me tell you of what "I Think". Some of this is going to be cut and paste for two reasons: One, no since re-typing it, and Two, I'm lazy.

First to explain how hydro power works:

Flow and Head
The first step in assessing the feasibility of any hydroelectric system is to determine the amount of power that you can obtain from the stream at the site. The power available at any instant is primarily a product of the flow volume and "head." Flow volume is typically measured in cubic feet per second (cfs) or gallons per minute (gpm). Higher flow means more available power.

Head is a measure of the pressure of falling water, and is a function of the vertical distance that water drops and the characteristics of the channel, or pipe, through which it flows. Higher head means more available power. The higher the head the better, because less water is needed to produce a given amount of power. If less water is needed, then smaller, more efficient, and less costly turbines and piping can be used.

Hydroelectric sites are broadly categorized as low or high head sites. "Low head" typically refers to a change in elevation of less than 10 feet (3 meters). A vertical drop of less than 2 feet (0.61 meters) will probably make a hydroelectric system unfeasible. A high flow rate can compensate for low head, but a larger and more costly turbine will be necessary. It may be difficult to find a turbine that will operate efficiently under very low head and low flow.

In simpler terms, it converts the gravity of water falling into power.

Now a little research on Lock and Dam 21 tells us that:

Lock dimensions are 110-feet wide by 600-feet long with additional provisions for

an auxiliary lock. Normal upper pool elevation is 470.0, approximately 16 feet

above the tail waters of the dam at low water. When both pools are at their

normal depths, the difference in elevation is reduced to 11 feet or less

The maximum lift is 10.5 feet with an average lift of 6.55 feet.

The movable dam has 10 submersible, elliptical Tainter gates (20-feet high and

64-feet long) and three submersible roller gates (20-feet high and 100-feet long).

The dam system also includes two earth and sand-filled transitional dikes, and a

submersible earth dike.

What’s this mean? The maximum fall of water on a good day with the wind out of the south, normal rainfall, no spring runoff will be at best -10 feet.

Footnote on the Lock and Dam. For those of you that have seen the Missouri side of the “dam” it’s quite a disappointment. It’s nothing more that a concrete dike there and if the water reaches the top, it just runs over it. Kinda looks like the COE ran out of money and just filled in the rest of the dam with rock. Looks impressive from the Illinois side.

Now some more:

A series of 29 locks and dams on the upper Mississippi, most of which were built in the 1930s, is designed primarily to maintain a 9 ft (2.7 m) deep channel for commercial barge traffic. The lakes formed are also used for recreational boating and fishing. The dams make the river deeper and wider but do not stop it. No flood control is intended. During periods of high flow, the gates, some of which are submersible, are completely opened and the dams simply cease to function.

So. When the dams cease to function, so does our $200 million dollar hydroelectric plant. How often does this happen?

Since I wanted to see just what the fall was on a yearly basis, I copied some info from the COE web site on 2007 Lock and Dam Pool 21 and tailwater levels and imported them into a Excel.

Spreadsheet 2007 Levels

First tab/page is 2007 Pool, Second tab/page is Tailwater, Third tab/page is the “fall”/difference/head between the pool and tailwater. Falls less than 2 foot are colored in red. Falls between 2 and 5 feet are in Yellow, Falls greater than 7 are in Green.

I think that there has to be a better way to spend millions of taxpayer money on something that is more dependable that this.

I’m not a licensed engineer but this technology looks a little better for the Mighty Mississippi.

Free Flow

They currently have preliminary permits from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to study 59 sites on the river. Read it here.

It generates power with the flow of the river, not the fall. In times of flood when the flow increases, it would produce more power. The lock and dams on the Mississippi would be the perfect place for these. The river traffic is diverted to either end of the current dams and would not affect the barge traffic. The entire flow of the river could be channeled before the dam and go through the turbines before going through the gates.

If you could somehow incorporate these into the existing dams on the river.

Ching. Ching.

(I think)

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Blagojevich's New Letterhead

From the desk of:

Rod Blagojevich

Illinois State Governor

Busted Blaggo

At a news conference in Chicago on Tuesday, Fitzgerald called it a sad day for the citizens of Illinois.

Just Today ?

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky says she was "absolutely shocked" to hear of the arrest.

The arrest or the crime?

The head of the FBI office in Chicago says if Illinois isn't the most corrupt state in the United States, it's a strong competitor.

Have you heard of the Hacking in Quincy?


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Wild Fire

Post-Thanksgiving, Pre-Christmas Edition.

Anyone seen the FBI in town for the hacking investigation?

Maybe they are waiting for "after the holidays".....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stand in Line

Click on the title to read this amazing story.

City pisses away $400k of city taxpayer money and turns around and asks the federal goverment for $25 Million ???

Quincy Illinois, AIG of the Midwest ??


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Better Deal

While reading the on-line edition of who-give-a-shit-daily, I ran into this article.

"It's cost me over $400,000" to fight the lawsuit, Don Kirlin told the paper, "and after spending it, I only get to lose 12 percent of my property that I already owned."

City of Quincy has spent
over $400,000 to fight the firing of 6 city employees and after spending it, They only have to re-hire 33 percent of the employees that they already fired.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

$23 Million Ceiling Paint

The decision to hire Miquel Barcelo, 51, one of the world’s most highly paid abstract artists, to redesign a 14,000 sq ft dome has prompted furious protests from campaigners who believe it is an extravagant misuse of development funds.The work, at the headquarters of the UN Human Rights Council, will be unveiled this week by Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain and Jose Luis Zapatero, the Spanish prime minister.

Ki-moon was overheard that "If I had to do it all over again, I would".

The lavishness of the project has also caused disquiet among UN staff. “It’s shocking that development aid was used for this,” said an employee.

"but I just didn't think it would ever cost that much money."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Firefighter or IT Director ?

  • lying to a superior officer regarding password-protected electronic materials.

  • insubordination for non-disclosure of password-protected material and misleading an investigation team,

  • misleading a departmental investigation about password-protected material,

  • non-secure transmission of material impacting his own ability to lead and supervise.

  • the misuse of city e-mail and equipment,

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


As we celebrate this year’s Veterans Day holiday, we should take the time to say, “thank you,” to a veteran. If you don’t know any veterans, take a quiet moment to appreciate what they have done – and continue to do – for our country.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008



If you read this blog regularly you know I don’t pick sides or try to influence anybody when it comes to politics. I believe in an open mind when it comes to voting and nobody can tell me or influence me on how I vote.

In fact, if you are a Registered Republican or Democrat you might as well stop reading this right here. I seriously think that if your candidate committed murder in the town square at high noon in full view, you would still vote for them. Sorry, I do not believe in someone committing their vote to a dedicated party.

First of all, DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING THE MEDIA TELLS YOU. With that being said, let me get this out of the way. I have no love for the media. You can’t tell me that the news is unbiased when advertising money is being shoved into their back pocket. The press today picks and chooses what it wants its audience to see or hear. They are as guilty of reporting news it wants you to know about as well as what it does not. Most media outlets that do business for a profit are going to swing their audiences in the direction of what the owners decide. Television, newspapers, internet and radio have more influence over election results than any group of voters. Current stats show that both presidential candidates have spent close to a BILLION dollars. Where do you think this money goes? Almost a third goes to the media outlets. Why? The media helps to sway voters a certain way. The more money a candidate has, the better his or her chances are of getting elected. I get my information from various sources. I do not believe to share or impose those sources on others.

Second. GET EDUCATED ! If you hear or read something a candidate says that maybe does not sit well with you, go check it out. The internet has a wealth of information. What media to trust and who to believe? You have to make that determination on your own. “When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

Third, VOTE FOR YOURSELF. I heard some of the dumbest things this election season. First up, “I must vote for X candidate, that’s what my union told me to do”. Well God forbid that the union starts losing membership income and tells you to go door to door and start selling Tupperware. Seriously. Act like you got a pair and vote for yourself. Last time I voted, it was me and a piece of paper. Only one person is allowed in the booth.

In second place for the dumbest thing I heard was “I’m voting for X candidate because I think he is going to win” WTF? This ain’t the 3rd race at the Belmont Stakes! If you want to profit financially off the election go here. This election will determine the leader of the free world. For someone to treat it as pick-the-winner is beyond me.

Third place goes to the generation guy. I had to restrain myself from shoving dog do-do in his pie hole when he said this. “My grandpa was an X, my Dad is a X, so I am a X”. You can insert the party of choice in for the X for this one, but it is much more fun if you substitute the word moron.

And Lastly, GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND VOTE. Trust me. Nothing pisses me off more than to haul my carcass into the local voting place and use the same technology that has been in place since Washington was elected. And don’t feed me the crap about how the internet is not “secure” enough.

See you at the polls.

Please Vote !

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wild Fire

Think I'll wait with QNO for more news on the servergate issue.

Started a clock on the right here to watch.

Meantime, what burns your ass?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Going Once.....Twice.....

The city of Quincy is cleaning out its

.......Furniture items include 10 metal
headboards and footboards for single beds
that were used by the Fire Department.

Any slightly hacked used servers up for sale?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


What I can Do on the Internet:

Get the tax forms you need from the IRS, Do you taxes online, Perform many of your U.S. Government services online, Prepare free customized legal documents online, Pay bills online, Do your banking online, Buy items off of Ebay, Send money through Paypal, Use your credit card for purchases, Manage your 401K, Find your friends and neighbors arrest records, Watch video of your traffic violation, Fight or pay your ticket online, Who gave and how much to you local elected officials, How much did your neighbor give to the presidential candidates, Book a hotel reservation, Buy a theater tickets, Buy books, music, movies, and games, Buy your U.S. postage stamps online, Buy those "As Seen On TV" products, Check your car's Blue Book value, Check U.S. flight conditions and delays, Check out businesses and their practices, Check out your prospective medical care provider, Check the appreciation rate of your home, Check to see what pollution, hazardous waste and such are in your neighborhood, Check the value of your neighbors home, Check your local weather report, Check Worldwide weather, Watch weather radar real time, Locate earthquakes in your area, Find live cams worldwide, Choose a good movie before you go or rent, Compare digital cameras, Compare gas prices, Compare long distance and cellular phone plans, Compare travel insurance plans, Compare mortgage lenders’ rates, Compare or research products and services on the Internet, Find a celebrity's mailing address, Find a date, Find a hospital in your area, Find a quote, Find a restaurant, Find a recipe, Find a teacher, Find a veterinarian in your area, Find anyone's birthday, Find maps of your neighborhood, Find dumb laws in your town or state, Find old school mates, Find out about that prescription drug or medication before you take it, Find out how secure your passwords are, Find police auctions online, Find WiFi hotspots worldwide, Find symptoms and treatments of common medical conditions, Find the scanner frequencies for your area, Find the value of a dollar, Find your next job, Find a job with the government (not in Quincy), Get information about anyone, Get facts from the U.S. Census Bureau, Get maps and directions for your trip, get an up-to-the-minute traffic report, Get useful data on any U.S. city, Get your own blog, How to protect yourself against identity theft, Keep abreast of bank rates, Learn about the copyright law, Learn about the latest recalls, Learn what nutrients are in the food you eat, Learn which computer viruses are just a nuisance and which can do serious damage, Check the U.S. Department of Energy, Check Symantec's Virus/Hoaxes and Urban Legends, Read Supreme Court decisions, Locate someone who is or has been in the military, Locate the nearest ATM, Make free conference calls, Rate your Doctor, Recover your stolen computer, Stop Telemarketing Calls, Scan your system for spyware online, Scan your system for viruses online, Search for a name on the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Wall, See who's polluting your community's air and how badly, See a map of the United States of America, Send a FAX to anyone, anywhere, for free, Send a gift certificate, Surf the web anonymously, Take a virtual tour of the Smithsonian, Take an I.Q. test, Track down phone calls, Track your packages, Track web traffic on yours or any other site, Use free encrypted e-mail, What did the presidential candidates really say.

What I cannot Do on the Internet:



Not secure enough.

This is Quincy Fire and I approved this message.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Oh Oh, We know the answer to this one....

" ... I don’t know why people spend time tarnishing the city’s reputation and just trying to hurt people in the city.”
-Mayor Spring

1. Five fired ex-city employees and a demoted firefighter might ask you the same question?

2. Don't have no tarnish, won't be no tarnish.

3. Seatbelts, Seatbelts, Seatbelts.

4. Puppygate.

5. City job hiring process.

6. Nepotism.

(please continue in numerical order)

Friday, September 26, 2008

What's Hot, What's Not....Job Loss Edition

Six city employees sending personal e-mails on city's time.... IS HOT !

IT Manager hosting a personal web site on the city server....IS NOT!

Double Standards?

Thursday, September 18, 2008


A small fire in a classroom closet in the South section of Baldwin Intermediate School has canceled classes throughout the school district today.

One small fire in one classroom and the entire district is off?

Fire Department officials report the fire was started by a light bulb in a storage closet. The heat from the bulb apparently set fire to books and papers in the closet.

Who stacks flammable crap in the closet so high that it touches the light?

Didn't I read in last nights QHW that how well the QPS was doing on saving energy?

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs !!!!!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Rams Fans Rejoice

CGEM/FOX has posted their NFL Schedule for 2008.

Rams (0-1) are listed to show 14 Games.

Packers (1-0) have 2

and Da' Bears (1-0) - 2 (minus the one where they PLAY the Rams)

KC = 0

CGEM must get a commission on how many local viewers they can force to order the Sunday Ticket.

Goodbye CGEM, Hello Direct TV!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Wild Fire !!!

Holy Crap !

too much for me to keep up on.....

  • The Quincy Police officer connected to the investigation of possible violations of police department polices and procedures has resigned. QNO was on this. (QHW has in on the NEXT to last page today)
  • Three Quincy firefighters will have their arbitration hearings over the next two days regarding discipline they received after being accused of violating city policies and misuising city equipment. QNO on this.
  • upgrade 461 light fixtures in public safety buildings (at $38.00 each), $8,500 for a new, wider door for the airport's emergency station - Havermale asked, "Didn't anybody measure the truck or the door before we bought it?" ( Havermale asks the questions I frequently think why no one asks?) - QNO with the hat trick here too !
  • Main Street Tap reopening ???

Anything Else ????

Facility Technician ???

Page 7A of 9/9 Whig shows a "facility technician" washing windows at the QPL.

In my days we used to call these people Janitors.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Ebay ?

I'm curious to know where this Huge TV is going to end up at.

Would be great watching Sunday football on.

Anybody finds out, let me know.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Qualifications and Candidacy

The qualifications for the vice presidency are the same as those for the presidency. The vice president must be a native-born American of at least 35 years of age who has resided in the United States for at least 14 years.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Poll Results

77% of visitors here say that the QPD seatbelt tickets are excessive.

Heres another states view.

North Dakota Supreme Court Slashes Traffic Ticket Profiteering

Thursday, August 21, 2008

In The News...

Fire goes after the low hanging fruit today...

Gems earned at least $50,000 more profit than last year.

wonder how this happened?

The Quincy Humane Society will try to cash in on an American tradition Saturday -- the garage sale.

"Sally saw the (concept) on a Web site of another animal shelter in a town about the size of Quincy," Seybold said.

Gee...driving down the road and seeing a garage sale didn't spark any ideas?

Quincy Mayor John Spring was one of four co-chairmen appointed Thursday to a new statewide task force that will try to help Illinois communities recover from the 2008 flood and prepare for future floods.

He said the formation of the Recover Council "could be a real positive thing" for Illinois communities that experience flooding.

Government + Natural Disaster = Always Positive Things

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Can I Lease Ya Some Land ???

Those who will save the city money...

Voting against the measure were Aldermen Mike Farha, R-4, Tony Sassen, R-4, and Paul Havermale, R-3.

Farha and Sassen said they felt the cost was too expensive.

"I don't think we should be leasing the land," Sassen added.

Those who don't have a clue....

Alderman Steve Duesterhaus, D-3, said he thought the city got a good deal by having Waterkotte build the lot and lease it to the city.

"This looks like an economical method to expand our parking," he said.

Mayor John Spring agreed, saying the city's cost estimate for building the parking lot was more than $100,000.

Best Quote...

Mayor John Spring agreed, saying the city's cost estimate for building the parking lot was more than $100,000.

"And, quite frankly, if we had to purchase the property, our improvements would have been substantially more," Spring said.

Here's a hint:

The Quincy City Council voted 10-3 to spend $95,100 over the next five years and possibly $200,000 over 20 years

When you lease the land, at the end of the lease you own nothing !!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

2008 Olympics

New 4th place metal.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wild Fire

Seat Belts....

Speeding Tickets....

Gang Activity.......

Tookies Vacation.....

Pick the Topic.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sad Day for Quincy.....

If "Giving back more to the community than what it gave you" would have an entry into the Webster Dictionary, it would include this picture:

Thanks Mr. Shierling for all you have done for Quincy !



Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Words to Vote By......

"There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. It is that simple and if you vote straight party line you, my friend, are stupid."

Read the Grizz Blog Here!


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wild Fire : Click it or Ticket Edition

Have ya' read the story of Seatbelt Tickets in the City of Quincy?

You can read it here over at QuincyNews.

(Way to go Bobby G.)

If my calculations are correct:

Odds of getting a seltbelt ticket in.....

Decatur - 1/5000

Springfield - 1/1700

Quincy - 1/250

Wonder if the State offers grants to catch these people?


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

COQ Job Apps

Quincy News did the first article.......

Tookie took another swipe......

I have to go for the hat trick !

....Q Pundit jumps in too !


(Job Application)

The City of Quincy has a policy on hiring relatives, so we need to inquire about relatives working for the City. The "relative" list below includes those relationships that the City considers under its nepotism policy.

RELATIVE - includes parent, grandparent, spouse, domestic partner (a person of the same or opposite sex who lives with a City employee under circumstances in which they have agreed between themselves to be responsible for each other's welfare), child, brother, sister, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, step-parent, step-child, any other person so related through marriage, and any other person so related to one’s civil union partner or domestic partner.

Does anyone related to you as described on the list work for the City of Quincy, in any capacity including a permanent, limited, or temporary position, in an exempt position, or under contract? A positive answer does not necessarily eliminate you from consideration and will have no impact on the results of this interview.

Relation: Name:

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If you filled in at least one relitive in the above lines, please wait at least 5 days while a job is created for you.

If you did not fill in any relatives in the above lines, We currently do not have any available openings.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Unsung Volunteers

vol•un•teer [ vòllən tr ]


1. somebody who works for nothing: somebody who works without being paid

2. somebody acting voluntarily: somebody who does something voluntarily, especially something undesirable

I would like to open up the post for comments on some of the unsung volunteers that have helped out this year in flooding of the Mississippi.

If you know of someone who has donated their time and effort, please take the time to leave them a word of thanks.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Midwest Flooding

Row vs. Wade

The only two ways to travel the Midwest - 2008

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday Rapid Fire

  • Obama flys into town, fills 20 sandbags, spits out some political BS then leaves. Big Deal. Did the water stop rising?
  • Was funny to watch Spring shadow him around the lot. Reminds me of the cartoon when I was a kid of the bulldog and the tiny dog that followed him around.
  • Rumor has it that Blaggo's sandbag total was 0. Seems fair. He hasn't sh*t for Illinois or west central Illinois yet. Why start now.
  • FYI: Fire WILL NOT sandbag. I have my reasons so stop txting me to help.
  • QHW FYI: Your saturday delivery of the "quincy answers book" missed my doorknob by about 30 feet.
  • Is bottled water now a requirement for sandbagging operations? Before bottled water, we just drank out of the hose.
  • Want to get more people sandbagging? Bring out the beer trucks. Quincyians will shovel sh*t into bags if beer is involved.
  • "23.6 This level is expected to be met or exceeded on average once every 25 years." You'd think someone would revise this statement on NOAA's web site seeing that it has occurred 3 times in 15 years. Get out your slide rule and recalculate.
  • BTW: the above statement is from a "confirmed source" - NOAA. Don't mean Sh*t does it?
  • Fire has confirmed that the sun will rise at 5:36am and set at 8:36 today. First reported on Quincy Fire. Also a Quincy Fire Exclusive. LMFAO!
  • Anyone else cutting their grass every 36 hours?

Have a Nice Day!

Friday, June 13, 2008

100 K

100,000 hits on Friday the 13th ?

This can't be good.

Thanks to everyone who stops by !!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Auntie Em, Auntie Em

How many people got this e-mail today?

Attention - Quincy and Adams County

This is just an FYI !!!! - READ IT NOW!

There are storm chasers from around the country in Quincy today and more are planning on arriving throughout the day.

The storm system that we are hearing about for tomorrow’s weather is a potential large storm. The chasers usually head to where the storm will form and then they chase from there. We are right in the area where the storm should form.

If it forms to the West of us, we could get a major hit. If it forms on top of us, we could have some damage. If it forms to the east of us, we could be spared.

I spoke with Brian Inman who confirmed this information. It appears that the storm will form on top of us or right to the east of us but be aware of everything with the weather tomorrow.

Do not ignore any weather alerts as this is a potentially large storm. Storm chasers just don’t drive into your town for nothing. This is a storm that has been forming for a while and there are apparently many, many factors that bring these storm chasers into a town.

It is unknown as to when this storm will hit or if we are looking at a storm system that could hit off and on throughout the day and night.

Just be prepared – have batteries for flashlights, water to drink, etc.

Here is some FACTS on storm chasing:

How often do chasers see tornadoes? Most experienced chasers don't keep close score -- since tornadoes are only a part of the experience -- but the loose average is about 1 in 5 to 1 in 10 trips. This, of course, depends on one's personal thresholds for what kinds of weather situations to chase, and the chaser's definition of and tolerance for busts. Some very talented chasers willing to drive after almost any severe weather threat have gone 50 or 60 chases and several years without seeing a single tornado. During unusually active periods, others may see several per day for up to a week. On the very rarest of days, those once in a lifetime events like 3 May 1999, a chaser may see 10 or 15 tornadoes. Others may never experience a day like that; and anyone who expects to see a tornado every trip will quickly become disappointed, frustrated and disillusioned. Tornadoes are just not very common

Friday, May 30, 2008


"It's going to be a tough pill to swallow for our community, but like anything, we will get through this and do our very best to assist folks in any way we can, try to bring some additional education to them so they can retool themselves, market themselves to a new position hopefully with a company here."

Mayor John Spring