Wednesday, August 27, 2008

If you live in New Orleans...



  1. Gas prices are on the rise and the hurricane is just getting in the GULF. Supply and demand is thrown out the window and FEAR is the cause of the upsurge in prices. I am afraid of merchandise in the stores going up so I"ll go ask my boss for a RAISE in pay. His answer is ?????????????

  2. Yes, start packing, don't just sit there and expect the govt to take care of you. save your own asses, you .........

  3. Anon 8:54: Relief will also cause a downsurge in prices. If the hurricane misses, they freak out as well. What can be done to stabilize prices? Heck if I know...

  4. Head for the roof!

  5. barak obama ia a liar mcclain is not the answer we are fucked

  6. barry obama is aliar mccain is stupid now what

  7. From tonight city council requests:

    By Bryan Smith requesting permission to close ½ block of 9th Street from Van Buren to alley for QND football home games, 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on the following dates: September 5th, September 12th, September 19th, October 3rd and 10th.

    Think there is any doubt this one will pass?

  8. 1:34

    Why shouldn't it? 9th & VB ain't exactly a business & economic hub, I think "Shuckman's Saw Shop" will be able to handle it. Live and let live, asshole! Besides, look at all the load QND & all other local pvt schools are taking of Dist 172's lame ass.

  9. Besides, the Pope said it would be okay.

  10. I think it is MAD COOL what ND does over FOOTBALL ! Anon must be a Soccer mom or something
