Wednesday, November 19, 2008

$23 Million Ceiling Paint

The decision to hire Miquel Barcelo, 51, one of the world’s most highly paid abstract artists, to redesign a 14,000 sq ft dome has prompted furious protests from campaigners who believe it is an extravagant misuse of development funds.The work, at the headquarters of the UN Human Rights Council, will be unveiled this week by Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain and Jose Luis Zapatero, the Spanish prime minister.

Ki-moon was overheard that "If I had to do it all over again, I would".

The lavishness of the project has also caused disquiet among UN staff. “It’s shocking that development aid was used for this,” said an employee.

"but I just didn't think it would ever cost that much money."


  1. sounds familiar!

  2. Like Alderman Reis, who also sits on the fire aldermandic committee, when asked about the city spending that much money on firegate. "Well I didn't know it was that kind of figure." then he follows with "I don't think I have a comment".

    To busy keeping his family together. Dump the daughter in-law already. How many times can it happen.

  3. 400 hundred grand, just because those bastards turned city hall into a mf-in cathouse. Disgraceful.

  4. I think $23,000,000 for a dome at the UN Human Rights Council is entirely appropriate. After all, some of the countries most concerned about human rights currently serve on the council. Who could argue that Cuba, Russia, China and Saudi Arabia aren't beacons of hope for the millions in this world suffering from human rights abuses? My only disappointment is that stalwart of human rights, the nation of Zimbabwe, no longer is represented on the council. Besides, this expenditure by the UN (25% paid for by U.S. taxpayers) makes the millions wasted on the Quincy City Hall building look like peanuts.

  5. anon 9:30am

    Meow, purr purr, Meow, Hiss Hiss

  6. Once a thief, always a thief.

    Just don't send him to JOS A Banks, hope he ain't a Dockers man.

  7. 11/20/2008 09:30:00

    Yeah, 400k was easy to spend since it was or money. It's easy to legislate morality when you can "afford" to.

    Of course spring said he'd do it again. He can afford to.

    "A man walks into a room and waves to his client, his boss watches. Then his boss walks up to the man and shakes his hand."
