Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Firefighter or IT Director ?

  • lying to a superior officer regarding password-protected electronic materials.

  • insubordination for non-disclosure of password-protected material and misleading an investigation team,

  • misleading a departmental investigation about password-protected material,

  • non-secure transmission of material impacting his own ability to lead and supervise.

  • the misuse of city e-mail and equipment,


  1. Murphy fits perfect

  2. "We're supposed to screw the taxpayers"

  3. Murphy does not fit perfect. He had permission to use the city server as a host site. Whether you like that fact or not, it is indisputable. Also, regardless of your feelings for Jim Murphy, let's not lose sight of what these fireman/women did. There has certainly been enough exposed that warrants all of them losing their job if you ask me. If any of us did that crap in our jobs, we'd all be looking for new employment.

  4. 701

    The question is not whether or not Murhpy had permission to host the site on the city server. It's clear he did soccer club business during work hours. Not only website business, but he had people in and out of his office at city hall. Now, to cover up his email contact, he has filed a false police report. That is what is indisputable. If any of us did that crap in our jobs, we'd all be looking for new employment.

  5. 7:51,

    First of all, who says he didn't have permission to conduct soccer business during the workday? You may not like it, but if it didn't interfere with his duties and the city gave him the okay, what has he really done wrong? As for covering up his email account, why are you so quick to assume he did? You're so quick to judge him, yet aren't willing to admit that the website could have been hacked, including changing dates and then printing screen images to make it appear that it had been going on for years. And you truly believe that he and/or the city would file a false police report and involve the FBI, to cover up something his superiors knew he was doing? Might want to stop believing all the conspiracy theorists my naive friend.

  6. OK Mrs. Murphy. Go to bed now and let the adults post!!!

  7. 8:17

    If the City gave him permission to work on soccer stuff while he was supposed to be IT DIRECTOR, then the hire ups should all be looking for new employment. And, if it didnt interfere with his IT DIRECTOR duties, then how didnt he know what his staff was doing? Appears to me that he was the SOCCER PRESIDENT during business hours more than IT DIRECTOR. And, yes, Murphy and the City would be brave enough to file a false report and get the FBI involved. Why not? He got by with doing something other than his job 5 days a week!

  8. soccer club or pornographic emails on company time. Sour grapes SD and SW. JM still has a city job and a nice salary. Boo hoo

  9. No kidding, "jane doe" sure isn't looking out her Cadbury Ridge address over at Murphy's now is she! Times have changed.

  10. naive 817

    I have some seriously crappy stuff I'd like to sell you at a very high price. If you believe the load of crap you just posted, you'll buy anything.

  11. anon 8:17

    Here's some proof you don't know what you're talking about.

  12. I’m told in the firefighter's hearings before the incompetent commission as well as the arbitrator Murphy readily admitted he used his work email as a contact for the website. The hacking deal is another cover up attempt at trying to clear up a protected one. The fired never said they didn't do anything wrong. What people are saying is hold Murphy the director who wrote the policy that calls for no personal usage accountable. He states there is a little room in the policy for personal use but the policy reads no personal use is prohibited. There are plenty non-for profit organizations who don't use the cities server but would gladly accept any offers if they were made. What’s worse is spending countless hours on the cities dime managing and maintaining the web site while often times using IS staff to assist. There is proof the email address was there long before your hacking fantasy. Do you drink a lot? Lets go one further and ask Murphy about everything he has covered up in the past. I can tell you of one offense that was discovered by Mr. Murphy that is a federal offense. It would make anyone who has kids sick. How about the lingerie business that was being run from a city computer on city time. What happened to that person? Didn't see the Whig report on that one. You want to talk about the six who were allegedly having affairs. I say this because you have only heard one side in the Whig. I do agree they should have been punished but not to the extent of what they got. There has been past practice that affairs were covered up. Look into the police department, central service, or near the top with the administration. There have been firefighters in the past having affairs with dispatchers. This is not new and is no shock. Then there’s my all time favorite. The city dogcatcher, whose father was lets just say working for the city, was pulling vehicles over imitating a police officer and even carrying a loaded gun with out authority. Loses that job and is moved to another department with a different name before getting a girl pregnant and leaving town. Lastly for the record, the estimated $150,000.00 is nowhere near the total spent on what the city has spent on these six. That is just the attorney and that figure was not even to date. He will be over $200,000.00 before they are done. Add to that the extras of calling firefighters in to cover for those off on paid leave at time and a half in addition to still paying the suspended their salaries for four months. Bottom line is this. Don’t get caught up in believing everything the Whig or the city tells you. They are masters at cover and conceal. You’ll see the evidence is there if it is ever released.

  13. You Anons need to go back and get your information straight. Murphy has ALWAYS had his City email listed on the Quincy United website. Why would he hide it? It was common knowledge throughout the entire City that Quincy United was his part time job. Being soccer club god took precedence over being City IT director. How else did he not know what his staff was doing? How many times was Bower seen coming up to meet with Murphy in his office? How many times did Murphy use his staff to help with the Quincy United website or various little projects during the season? How many emails went out from his City account to Quincy United members? When is the City going to comply to FOIA and give what they requested? And when they do give that information up, how many emails and phone records will be missing from the reports? It has happened before. King Spring cannot be humiliated and will do whatever it takes to protect Murphy. Why wouldn’t he? Murphy was the City’s puppet. He went above and beyond producing emails to bring down the City 6. How can those men sleep at nights?

  14. Alot a accusations, but very little substance or proof being provided. A bunch of loners who hate their lot in life, get on a blog and toss out every type of conspiracy theory they can think of, simply because they don't have a good job, a family to go home to, or a decent salary. You are the same people that believe Obama is a muslim terrorist or that a UFO landed in Roswell 60 years ago. At least you knuckleheads are good for a laugh.

  15. For what it's worth. I don't know if he or they hacked into the city website and changed it previously or not, but I can tell you for a fact that the former fireman did print out the page on the website that had JM's city email address on the soccor site. I can also tell you that if it was hacked into there is no way he had the knowledge to do this on his own. In addition if JM did use his city address for personal use it most certainly was not used for the same reason as the other 6.

  16. In addition, If they did hack into the city server and change addresses, they will certainly be caught. No offense to the city, but if they caught them with their emails I don't think the FBI will have much trouble.

  17. 11:00 11:04 11:27

    Careful not to fall down while you're back peddling.

  18. All your blogs mean nothing without your names.

  19. 714

    Then why are you here...anonymously?

  20. I enjoyed the threat letter sent by the paid Director of Operations of QUSC . Good stuff .

    I also do not buy anything was hacked . Being very computer savy , any real hackers in the USA stopped post 911 . The Pat-Act changed hacking .

    I also think that Hacker-gate is a smoke screen. What the City SHOULD have done was say " in the light of what is going on we have decided to move this site"

    Story is then done.

  21. the professor, in the study with the candlestick............

  22. Much ado is made about being allowed to do soccer business on city time & it not effecting or interfering with performance. It has effected his and the dept's performance.

    There are goals the IT dept has that are behind schedule & many other areas of service that are sub par. This is the area that should be of importance but isn't being looked into or admitted. The problem here is that whoever is doing performance reviews (and those evaluating the reviews) has fallen down on the job so much in the past that they can't start giving poor reviews now without revealing their own incompetence.

    It all becomes political. The ultimate responsibility falls upon elected officials trying to protect their income by covering up the whole situation.

    Anyone not a city worker or on the city council will find it hard to tell just how far behind the IT dept is on projects that would improve city workers productivity or the quality of live of Quincy residents and visitors.

    City workers find it hard to admit in public they are offended by this. Those busting their butts & working full time at their jobs don't appreciate the Mayor letting such a highly compensated dept head get away with doing so much non city & non essential business.


  23. 805

    I like to stir the pot

  24. Quote-of-the-day:

    Spring said he believed the charges against the firefighters were serious enough that significant disciplinary action was called for.

    "In my book, there is no progressive discipline for something like that. You get rid of people. It happens every day in the private sector," he said.

  25. Forseti,

    How do you know that the IT Dept. is behind? Do you work there? Have a spouse on staff? Maybe a disgruntled city employee tossing darts? Or maaaaaybe, it's Som and Sean trying to stir up more trouble. I get it now, screw your husbands co-worker, spend work time passing along dirty emails and text messages, and then when you get caught, spread lies on blogs trying to make your ex-dept look bad. Very clever Som & Sean, but why not stick to doing something you're better equipped for, like betraying your families and wasting tax-payer dollars.

  26. Oh I think Mayor Ego Spring is far better at wasting tax dollars .

    Anon ,


    See he may have permission to host QUSC , but I do not think he has permission to run QUSC from City Hall .

    No matter how you try to spin this , Murphy and his inflated pay will pop up . Is the guy even qualified to do the job ?

  27. anon 4:34

    Your post is clever but I would say they are probably sick of the lies and rumors and would be surprised if they even look at the blogs. I read it for humor and the anons who post with out having to back anything up. They have probably moved on and you should too.

  28. 11/13 4:34pm you are very wise. Sean
    has always been like an immature horny teenager trying to tear others down to make himself look better. Why not "man up" take your lumps lose the loser and give your son something to be proud of

  29. The cruely ironic part of the story is that Dean and the others put their faith in the fact that the h**ker/computer wiz and her uncrackable password protection would keep them from getting caught. Bill Gates she isn't. Who gave up the most in the whole deal? Kinda gives a whole new meaning to term "The biggest loser". He gave up a career that he desired since he was a kid, a better job than 90% of us will ever have, a great family life and the genius is still with her today. I'd be a little PO'd at her myself. She didn't have to change careers or salaries just employers, big deal. It does prove that a man can only think with one head at a time. He has taken about a 50% cut in salary and will soon have to give a big portion of that to a soon to be ex- wife from what I hear. For his sake I hope it's all been worth it. The way I see it this has been one expensive piece of a**. If he is no smarter than that the QFD is better off without him. He should also keep in mind, if she'll do it for you, she'll do it to you. He better sleep in his apartment with one eye open. The only way things can get worse for him is if they were stupid enough to hack QUSL's site. If they did and it is being investigated they will get caught and now a days that is a VERY big deal.


    Just type in Quincyunitedsoccer into the WAYBACK MACHINE .

    Now tell me what was HACKED .

    The Digital DNA finger prints do not lie .

  31. Rep Jim Murphy 228-9618

    From May 2005 under the "Contact Us" ..........

    That would be direct line to City of Quincy and his Gov't email . Refer to email policy laid out in the Firegate rulling .

  32. Secretary Jim Murphy 228-9618

    May 2006 under "contact us"

    repeat the same

  33. The addendum was added to deal with unauthorized access and computer viruses. It
    provided in its entirety:
    1. Acceptable Internet Use Access to the City's Internet
    must be for the sole purpose of business related projects.
    2. Acceptable Email Use The City Email system may only
    be used for business related purposes. No personal emails
    may be sent or received through the City of Quincy􀂶s email
    3. Forwarding of non-business related emails to other city
    email users is prohibited.
    4. The term business related refers to those activities directly
    related to the user/employee􀂶s job and/or functions as a

    City Policy from 2001 -------

    Pretty f*cking clear cut

  34. Tookie:

    Maybe the hacker broke into the WAYBACK MACHINE server and also changed the e-mail address there too.


  35. I skipped the insiders with an axe to grind and checked into it.

    More specifically I asked a few city employees & alderman if the IT dept is up to date.


  36. How much longer do we have to watch and wait?

  37. So, do they have a hacked server, or a website defacement issue. Which do they really mean?

    If a password was guessed to gain unauthorized access. Then the site was cracked.

    Passwords are usually changed and all back doors are sought out by a competent admin before and after an employee leaves or is fired.

    IMO, neither the city, or the system cracker can prove or disprove what happened.

    Think "Motive".

    Also, If a person has a tendency to exhibit skills that aren't commonly used. What better way to frame, or attempt to frame them by creating a motive using a close description of what they might be able to do.

    I like to think that when a system gets "compromised" after the fact, a mysterious laptop gets "stolen" and the content of the laptop being listed as the same info that existed on the "compromised" system.

    My Guess is that nothing will ever become of this type of thing other than an administrator of a system admitting that they were careless and not qualified...

    Who's hands posses the "evidence" first?


    Don't fellowship in darkeness.
    This town is small and it needs all the help it can get. So be good to each other.

    Ephesians 5: 11

  38. Tookie's right. Its clear cut that he was violating policy.

    My guess is there are too many other skeletons hiding in city closets that they want to keep hidden.


  40. I think Murphy has a skeleton.
    The City of Quincy site under "Businesses" has had the same thing up under "Today's Feature:" for a long time now. It brags about a business that went out of business in 1951! Way to keep up Murphy.


    Just a FYI on how useful the City of Quincy's website is to potential businesses or any other viewers who want to know much about the types, sizes, services etc located in our fine community.

    Today's (& yesterdays & perhaps for a long time) feature business is Dick Bros Brewery. The IT Dept must be so busy with soccer work that they can't show more current info or content.

    I realize a website is not the only thing the IT dept does but is this site really up to par?

    Watch the site change now

  42. Why change it? Spring must be happy with promoting dead businesses.

  43. So does the city have a personnel/human resources director? Where have they been during this, humming in the archive room? This big pile'o'shit needs to land on somebodies desk.

  44. Today's Feature: Dick and Brothers Brewery

    and Generalissimo Franco is still dead.

  45. I think the topic of HR (or lack thereof) is going to keep coming up

  46. Holy crap!

  47. Welllll, looks like there is some explaining to do! Now ya really have to wonder who was doing hiring at city

  48. 11/13 5:22pm If you've moved on, why keep posting?

  49. The truth is that Quincy is full of self-dealers and good ole boys.

    Which might I add is a very popular behavioral trend and framework among really small towns that claim to be cities.

    I guess we should just walk it off and move on as the powers that steal expect us to.

  50. 11/13 5:22 sounds like it was written by someone involved in this
    mess who mistakenly believes they are fooling everyone. I've pinpointed this persons posts before and they aren't even close to being as intelligent as they think they are
