Post-Thanksgiving, Pre-Christmas Edition.
Anyone seen the FBI in town for the hacking investigation?
Maybe they are waiting for "after the holidays".....
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Who can see anything with Rodney Hart sucking the seatbelt police's dick over a kid with weed
RH is drinking the QNI Koolaid
He has De-Linked Tookie!
He has De-Linked Fire!
The kid with weed happens to be the son of an alderman. I am surprised they put that story in the HW.
Hey Fire, we're even!! QHS and QND alums drug thru the mud on same day! Hope you're happy!
Also, we all got to see the Bears and Rams lose this weekend. What a happy time for all, Fire!!! Yay!!
Don't you just love it when things work out, Fire? I thought you would.
Yes...Yes !
I'm excited as hell !
Wee. Wee.
(jumping up and down)
Ah..well..no not exactly.
I could care less.
Reading the Powder Puff, Cotton Ball article over at QHW
Man did Ed drill him hard !
(you wasted)
Vote Bellis, he'll whip them punks into shap, by God!!!
No turning city depts into cathouses on Bellis's watch.
"I could care less."
The correct way of saying that is "I couldn't care less." If you could care less about something, it means there are other things you care less about.
I'm not the grammar police.... it's just a pet peeve.
Maybe there are other things Fire cares less about.
HEY 12/03/2008 05:58:00 PM
Found a blog for you, "gramer gal"...
You will just luv it.....
Now let us get on with Quincy stuff..
Burglaries are up.
Dope sales are up.
Assaults are up.
And of course:
School zone & seatbelt tickets are WAY UP.
By the way, there is no Federal monies available for "law enforcement" however there is plenty of DOT cash available for other "stuff".....
Go! Donnie! Go!!!
The city's legal eagles prove once again the pitfalls of nepotism and patronage. They suck. Waste some more of our money.
The Juice get 15.
There is more than what meets the eye when it comes to Donnie. I'm fairly certain they covet some property he owns or think property may be holding up grand plan of Czar Bevelheimer.
On the other hand a land grab for the sake of just grabbing some valuable property could be all it is.
I for one do not like how they are trying to take advantage of his disability. The city doesn't realize how much support Donnie has from the public.
City will likely spend another 400,000 on Donnie.
UMRB, give as a break here, give us your "cut" rate. And no billing a 1/4 hr for just 5 minutes on the phone. If we pay for a 1/4 hr, we want a 1/4 hr of service.
Umr is not on an hourly basis with the city. Neither are any one of the other 3 "part time" attorneys the have. But the city is just his client. They pay his salary, pension, healthcare, mileage, training and they each have a budget. Just like every client does.
UMR, we trust you to take it easy on ole Donnie. Just cause he lives in a snooty hood, they pickin on him.
Donnies little "timber in the city" looks better than the choice of landscaping of his neighbor directly across the street.
Donnie needs to move to the Hood, he can run his own impromtu Sat night nightclub in the street.
Thanks god Rod Blago signed the clean air act before the feds picked him up, I've been enjoying the clean air.
Anyone want to start up a "Bail out Rod" fund? UMRB, how much you kickin in?
This is interesting. It would be nice to see everyone come out of hiding though.
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