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City pisses away $400k of city taxpayer money and turns around and asks the federal goverment for $25 Million ???
Quincy Illinois, AIG of the Midwest ??
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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That would be the TV arm of the Quincy Herald Springer. Get used to those jackoffs being in the tank for Spring. It was no coincidence this retarded story came in the afternoon of the day Bellis announced. It will most certainly make the front page tomorrow. Maybe Spizzo will pave us a parking lot.
Wow. That's alot of jack to buy votes, silence and whatnot. All you young turks back in Q-town best start fucking any chick related to an Alderman or central services employee.
Mayor John Spring released the list Tuesday afternoon and sent it to members of Congress from the region. He hopes local projects will be “at the top of the list” on President-elect Barack Obama’s plan for a multi-billion dollar infrastructure and economic stimulus program.
Hope in one hand,
you-know-what in the other.
Obama filled about 20 sandbags this summer during the flood of 2008.
That comes to about 1.75 million dollars a bag.
I saw nothing in that story stating that Spring requesting money is right or wrong. Actually, it is the exact opposite, since all it basically does is print word for word what the letter says.
I don't care for Spring myself, and the timing may be suspicious but I don't see how you get "in the tank for Spring" out of that. Its about as far as you can get from being an opinion column.
The timing isn't suspicious, it's intentional. Spring knows if he puts out something with Durbin, Oakley and roads in it, no matter how ridiculous it is, the City Hall Gazette will lap it up and put it front page above the fold. Check your paper today. They have been and will continue to be, in the tank for Spring.
I'd have to say that the paper wasn't mentioned here. The tv station was and there was no bias detectable there. They just printed the letter for people to make their own judgment.
Anyway, Obama is the one proposing this kind of thing, intending to create jobs. What would people be saying about Spring if 2 years from now, Hannibal got 25 million and we got nothing because no one asked?
No shit he should ask. That's not the point. Fire may have not mentioned the paper, I am. Same company owns both, and both are in the tank for John Spring. You'll see more and more above the fold headlines for things like this that should be next to the quilting stories. What you won't see is anything critical of John Spring, ever.
It would be absolutely fascinating to watch the corrupt way that $25 million would be spent. Who gets it... the city jobs for family you can create with that money.
My god, you could have so many people begging for a scrap of it from city hall that no one will ever question hiring felons, lifetime jobs for delinquent children and the rampant graft and outright thievery that go on. This would be like a teatsucker Nirvana.
Reminds me of my kid's xmas card to Santa . 27 pages long .
Springer left out 2 new front teeth or caps for every person here .
I guess all local news should have ignored it like quincynews. Asking a new president for 25 million is no biggie.
Since the city spent 400k + and didn't "create" one freaking job.
How many items on this list could that money could have been put towards?
That's a great track record to show the president elect of how we spend money.
The Democrats allowed the city to be turned into a 400 grand whorehouse.
I guess all local news should have ignored it like quincynews. Asking a new president for 25 million is no biggie.
It's on there. Has been all day. Pay attention, makes for better conversation.
It wasn't on there yesterday, and what eventually showed up was done by a radio station.
And that's exactly the coverage it deserved. BTW, Spring forgot to include my driveway. I need a new a driveway.
ursa dave made a list also, I didn't see that on WGEM or in the Whig front page above the fold. I have a list too, let's see if it makes the 10:00 news.
The hypocrisy sucks, but 25 million would be great. If it actually gets spent on what the letter says, I'd frolick down Maine Street. What I'm wondering about is the nearly 2.5 million dollar linear trail from 5th to 7th street. 2 blocks?! I'm a cyclist, one of those men on "toys" for transport and recreation, but that is a terrible way to spend that cash. You could put actual bike lanes throughout the whole town and actually clean them (pretty please?) for once with the same amount of cash.
Let's be honest here...Quincynews is just as biased as every other news group around...just biased in a different way. I'd love for there to be an actual independent news source around here but I guess someone has to pay your check, whether its oakley or knapheide.
Knapheide doesn't own Quincy News. If you're going to start out your comment with a plea for all to be honest, start with yourself.
He doesn't ?
I don't know. Maybe he does. 11:21 doesn't know either. You can's put out a blanket "honesty" proclamation
and be sure of the facts yourself.
That being said, any new news organization will be viewed as biased if they don't spew the same "life is good" crap the Wrag puts out.
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If it's transportation-related it gets the ("clearly") automatic thumbs-up from Tom Oakley and his QNI minions.
Maybe someone with an idea of how these road projects really work can explain why it would cost half a million dollars to put up traffic signals at 36th & Columbus? That's two-thirds of the dollars requested for the widening of South 48th Street for about 12 blocks! Do they need titanium support poles? Will the electrical contractors cost that much?
From a safety standpoint 36th & Locust would make more sense (i.e low-speed vs. higher-speed collisions).
And where is the justification for a $4.5 million dock?
The website (www.maia-port.com) has only been updated minimally in the last several years to show changes in the people associated with it. There is nothing else current. Powerpoint presentations four and five years old. No apparent listing of budgets or the cost to the taxpayer for operating the 'authority'. No progress reports. What has this organization accomplished since its' inception. Tell us!
Before asking for all these extra funds to stimulate 'economic growth' why not document for the public how the greater Quincy area has benefitted from all the previous public work projects that were so desperately needed? Say the Radio Road / IL 57 work? That project is benefitting the taxpayer how? Explain -- 500 words or less.
The true journalistic service to the community would be to take a list of projects for which the area has received grants, matching funds or loan gurantees, say from 2000-2005 and do a report on the final cost of the project (or progress to-date if not completed). List the expectations and results -- both in real dollars and with something measurable.
Here's an easy (and a small) one -- what happened to the $20K that the Lt. Governor 'gave' to the HQBD for their 'Downtown Wi-Fi' project? Appears that was $20K of taxpayer dollars pissed away for NO BENEFIT. Move on up in dollar value from there.
QNI, QNO, Barrington, Staradio Corp? Allegedly 'journalists' work at each -- maybe someone at any of these can see the benefit to the public by doing some *thoughtful* investigation and reporting on the actual use and return on investment of the taxpayers' dollar for all these public works projects.
But even though they say that 'Life is Good', the layoffs and cutbacks at the entrenched media may make this type of deliberative journalism unlikely...
wgem.com shows story with pic of our favorite mayor.
whig.com shows story with pic of our beloved "votes present" President-elect.
Guys. You need to get more in tune with each other.
I think your overestimating Oakley influence at wgem. His office isn't there and it seems like they pretty much do what they want.
Oh and thanks for posting website registratiion stuff. That tells us nothing.
I don't think QNO is hiding who they are.
If exposing government waste, corruption and countering bias in other publications is biased then I guess they are.
The true test will be if a Republican is ever elected mayor, will QNO be in the bag for him/her the way the Whig is for Spring?
I think the reason the $25 mil wish list wasn't immediately reported on QNO could be because the Mayor was playing favorites again. It was after all a story based from a press release sent out by Spring.
Ask their only employee why he doesnt work for QNI anymore. Then decide of you still want to support the site. Bet you wouldn't.
"Then decide of you still want to support the site." Just what does that mean?
Since nothing happened, why are you against the message? Think of all the bad employees we have had and still have at the city.
5:49, Do you live in a glass house?
Did he embezzle money?
Impersonate a police officer?
Get a DUI in a company vehicle?
Charge personal items on a company credit card?
I give up... what'd he do, assface?
Probably a good question for all the women who used to work there.
Sorry, 1246, you're thinking of his predecessor, Mr. Amtrak.
Sorry, 1246, you're thinking of his predecessor, Mr. Amtrak.
Give him a call. The numbers right there on the website. Better hurry ad space appears to be going quickly and you're gonna want some when all is said and done.
Easy there 5:49. Don't burn bridges. You might need a job after the next cuts over there at QNI.
10:58 I bet the old 10:00 anchor would disagree with that.
That's the whole point. No one should have to call and ask. It should be open and honest, just like what is supposed to be happening with local gov't.
Actually, many laptop users frequent Washington Park, free wifi.
well maybe not now that winter settles in...
It is open and honest , that's why he has old deep roots signing his pay checks .
p.s. : Those roots founded his old job as a HOBBY .
Best stay anon or else that pissing fight with a skunk thingy
Sleep well , esp since Fire has an I.P. Tracker
11/29/2008 08:43:00 PM
Statcounter. What's that going to do?
I wonder if Bob Gough will do a story on how Mike Rein's son is an alleged drug runner.
Drug runner? He had a QP, where are you from. It's on the blotter at QNO.
Drug running is 500#'s .........
A QP is a great start to fall semester .
A QP would not get you noticed at a Dead, Phish , Wide Spread or OAR concert .
Approximately 500 pounds of marijuana was discovered during a traffic stop at Third and York in August 2007.
Ya that QP is 1/2000th of what was found in this bust.
Get a clue 12:09
My bad, didn't know there was a legal definition for drug running vs. pos. w. int.
They automatically added the "with intent" after a certain amount...don't know what that is though but it isn't very much. It is a bu****it assumption. Probably up-charged to try and get him to gnark on his dealer.
Is the kid that got busted with the pot in charge of the city's computer system?
Barney Frank sponsored a bill to decriminalize up to a 100gs of pot (just shy a qp) this summer. Ron Paul was in on it to. Legalize it, tax it. It worked for tobacco
Another QHS boys basketball product gone to shit. Looks like Everette Abbey and Quentin Watson have company.
Thats not very nice...Abbey was making Meth and God knows what else and didn't Watson resist arrest or beat a guy up at Macker or something? heck, our President elect did Coke in college!
Mr Mackey Said
Drugs are bad. Umkay
Decriminalize it! Are we still in the 50's here or what?
Alcohol is a much worse drug than pot.
I'd rather get caught fighting, fleeing or with a 1/4 lb of weed than be a teacher accused and possibly convicted of sexual misconduct with a 16 year old student.
Where did Mr. Dalton graduate from?
Don't forget some of the other exQHS basketball players who know how to make headlines and not in the sports section. Kelsey Clark, Chris Doane, Sean Dean, Chris Bradshaw.
Wow...hopping in the way-back machine aren't we grandpa? Now someone needs to bring up Swango to even the score!
what does he had a QP mean? I'm not up on the lingo I guess.
QP = #3 on the McDonald's Extra Value Menu
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