Think I'll wait with QNO for more news on the servergate issue.
Started a clock on the right here to watch.
Meantime, what burns your ass?
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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will that clock go over 2 years?
anyone want to take a wild guess on who the hackers are. Ya don't have to a rocket scientist to figure it out Quincy.
My guess is it's Mr Murphy himself.
What was changed or altered in the "hack"?
I'm bettin on a few ex city employees myself!
08:42:00 PM
What was changed or altered in the "hack"?
Why would an ex City worker "hack" something that ALWAYS WAS ?
Then if the HACK changed it to "info@" ..why did Murphy change it to that POST "fixing" the site ?
So what the FUCK are you saying they did ?
So far the only thing done was Murphy's doing .
I'll take that bet.
Tookie's right, there was no hack. Don't you think if there actually was one and the ex employees were suspected, the Springer would spend another $200k + of our money to find those tarnishers and bring them to justice? They are stonewalling in hopes it will just go away. I'm bettin it won't. You want a piece of that one 842?
Is it me, or did the libel meter just hit 11?
I would bet your DEAD Wrong and I think Fire should delete that comment from "10/23/2008 11:21:00 PM"
Normally I would have left that up but if someone I know tells me it ain't so....
I wouldn't dismiss it so quickly.
Damn! I always miss the good, juicy posts!
here is a good juicy post.
FIRE IS A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if QPD's new CSI has any computer crimes investigative experience???
Fire is a Cubs FAN, Bears fan, likes QHS over QND, advocates for smokers rights (no such thing), but is NOT A BITCH.
Hey Fire, if someone I know told me something I would believe him or her too. Problem is I saw what was posted first hand. Your blog gets weaker and weaker each time your opinion gets in the way. I bet Bobby G. would take that info and run. It will surface and when it does stay consistent and edit your blog. Weak!
"Hey Fire, if someone I know told me something I would believe him or her too."
Who says he/she knew the person?
They know who could validate the info and did.
Don't like this blog?
Start your own.
I's true! Every time something gets posted that is against what FIRE believes, he either deletes it or starts a new post. Look at the last few post it, it happends ever time.
anon 1:43
120,000+ pageloads
200+ comments
and I think I have deleted 3 total
Thanks for stopping by.
Trust me ,
That info was pure crap . That was an attack to actually very nice people .
It was not an attack and everyone knows about it. Its all over City Hall and QFD. Wait til that one comes out. Quincy Fire is too chicken to keep it posted bc these "actually very nice people" are too popular and political. Quincy Fire didnt give a shit about letting people talk down about the Firegate 6. They are acutally very nice people too and not everything said was true.
I got some of the best insiders at City Hall ..........the thing your speaking of isn't a blip on any City Hall gossip radar .
Knowing the main actors involved I don't buy it and checked it out .
It came back NOT TRUE --- which I thought it would
Also anon ,
I think most bloggers esp @ Fire thought the FIRE 6 was the biggest screw up by a City Admin EVER.
First they should have been brought in and been told " KNOCK IT THE F*** off"
Then explained if they didn't keep their pants on .........they would be fired.
But to spend 100's of Thousands of dollars and drag them through the mud on a Spring Moral crussade was clown shoes.
Also to publish their pics and emails a YEAR later in the paper was just bad taste .
No need to open a wound that was healing .
Is it OK with everybody if I put up a new post?
Please do.
Why ask dog, this is your show. You don't ask if its ok to delete a posting. Do your thing. Me and tookie got your back.
"Also to publish their pics and emails a YEAR later in the paper was just bad taste. No need to open a wound that was healing."
Regardless of what the outcome was in the QHW, don't you think as a taxpayer you'd like to know what all that money and all that time was spent on? If the QHW hadn't printed it, don't you think people would still be questioning what the Fire 6 did to merit that kind of investigation?
Actually I don't .
Take for example the 3 "at will employees"...........
They have been gone for a year . They had either tried to restart their lives and that issue was just a giant scarlet "A" on their foreheads.
All that money never should have been wasted . All that was needed was a warning . Post that warning if things continued , then no costs to the tax payer.
When I worked at city hall I knew of about thirty people in the short time I was there that were warned from a large range of things. From administrators to secretaries they were all warned and let me tell you, the things that went on that were to severe for warnings were usually swept under the rug. Much like the recent central services scandal that fire wont let you read about. That people is an example of a cover up. A lot like the hacker hoax. That would never of gotten the coverage it had if Murphy wouldn't have cried wolf. You aren't going to change it and it will always be around. I left because there was no consistency with how things worked. You have to not only compete against incompetent family but you have to play the game. So much happier these days. God help the current administration. I see a rocky road of lawsuits coming down the road as the taxpayers continue to pay the price. VOTE SPRING??????
I still don't buy this one .
But Vote Spring for the comic value of Government
QNO reports the NEWS from city council meeting - Ed from QHW sucks the mayors ass.
Who's the mouthpiece of the city?
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