What I can Do on the Internet:
Get the tax forms you need from the IRS, Do you taxes online, Perform many of your U.S. Government services online, Prepare free customized legal documents online, Pay bills online, Do your banking online, Buy items off of Ebay, Send money through Paypal, Use your credit card for purchases, Manage your 401K, Find your friends and neighbors arrest records, Watch video of your traffic violation, Fight or pay your ticket online, Who gave and how much to you local elected officials, How much did your neighbor give to the presidential candidates, Book a hotel reservation, Buy a theater tickets, Buy books, music, movies, and games, Buy your U.S. postage stamps online, Buy those "As Seen On TV" products, Check your car's Blue Book value, Check U.S. flight conditions and delays, Check out businesses and their practices, Check out your prospective medical care provider, Check the appreciation rate of your home, Check to see what pollution, hazardous waste and such are in your neighborhood, Check the value of your neighbors home, Check your local weather report, Check Worldwide weather, Watch weather radar real time, Locate earthquakes in your area, Find live cams worldwide, Choose a good movie before you go or rent, Compare digital cameras, Compare gas prices, Compare long distance and cellular phone plans, Compare travel insurance plans, Compare mortgage lenders’ rates, Compare or research products and services on the Internet, Find a celebrity's mailing address, Find a date, Find a hospital in your area, Find a quote, Find a restaurant, Find a recipe, Find a teacher, Find a veterinarian in your area, Find anyone's birthday, Find maps of your neighborhood, Find dumb laws in your town or state, Find old school mates, Find out about that prescription drug or medication before you take it, Find out how secure your passwords are, Find police auctions online, Find WiFi hotspots worldwide, Find symptoms and treatments of common medical conditions, Find the scanner frequencies for your area, Find the value of a dollar, Find your next job, Find a job with the government (not in Quincy), Get information about anyone, Get facts from the U.S. Census Bureau, Get maps and directions for your trip, get an up-to-the-minute traffic report, Get useful data on any U.S. city, Get your own blog, How to protect yourself against identity theft, Keep abreast of bank rates, Learn about the copyright law, Learn about the latest recalls, Learn what nutrients are in the food you eat, Learn which computer viruses are just a nuisance and which can do serious damage, Check the U.S. Department of Energy, Check Symantec's Virus/Hoaxes and Urban Legends, Read Supreme Court decisions, Locate someone who is or has been in the military, Locate the nearest ATM, Make free conference calls, Rate your Doctor, Recover your stolen computer, Stop Telemarketing Calls, Scan your system for spyware online, Scan your system for viruses online, Search for a name on the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Wall, See who's polluting your community's air and how badly, See a map of the United States of America, Send a FAX to anyone, anywhere, for free, Send a gift certificate, Surf the web anonymously, Take a virtual tour of the Smithsonian, Take an I.Q. test, Track down phone calls, Track your packages, Track web traffic on yours or any other site, Use free encrypted e-mail, What did the presidential candidates really say.
What I cannot Do on the Internet:
Not secure enough.
This is Quincy Fire and I approved this message.
You can run Club Soccer sites on the net also
Where's the porn?
I can check Adams County site for arrest records. You can see how many times a person has been arrested and for what.
I, for one, would never feel comfortable voting online. Yes, I take advantage of most of the items listed (found it interesting that you came up with them in alphabetical order) but I would prefer that there be a paper trail. The votes in Adams County are tallied electronically yes, but there is an actual paper ballot to correspond with each vote tabulated by the machine. If audited, the votes could be counted by hand. I just think it would be way too easy for the electronic numbers to be altered.
Since in many states you are not required to show ID, it has to be easy to fool the old pol workers. As Nathan Bedford Forest use to say "Get there first with the most." It will work in Ohio now that Mickey Mouse can vote.
"Jimmy John" (whose address was that of a JimmyJohn's in Crown Point IN) is also registered.
At least "Tony Romo" and "Terrel Owens" in Nevada had a little pizzazz. Can't you just hear it "Obama be doin' better when I touch da ball...."
Seriously though, UMR, are you not bothered by all this potential voter fraud?
I mean, you still believe Bush stole the election in 2000 dont' you?
Isn't this far worse if Obama wins by a small margin in these states?
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