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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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I think its very ironic that Tookie is talking about "Nepotism" when one of Quincy New's first stories is about Bill Gerdes. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
that is the whole Quincy problem ......being held captive by your parent and/or child ideas...you aren't responsible for anyone but yourself. ...some in Q do have their OWN ideas, unfortunately none of them work for the city.
Blow Cubs Blow!!!
Blow Cubs Blow!!!
Hey Chicago, what do you say, Kerry Wood blows a save yesterday!!!
Blow Cubs Blow!!!!
Blow Cubs Blow!!!!
9:37 -
Tookie is not related to Bob. Don't you GED retards have trash to haul today?
Tookie has nothing to do with Quincy News. Riiiiiight. He's so far up Bob's ass, I'm surprised he can see straight.
That story also covered Craig McNay .....
Why do I have to be up Bobby's Ass ?
Which of your taxes paid for the Quincy News site, anon-a-asshat 9:37?
Nepotism from a private entity, if it exists, is none of your business. You people are impossibly stupid.
Except for the last sentence, I agree with SBA.
Where I differ is in the belief that you are independently stupid and not part of greater amoebic colony.
BUT...if many more people sign on here and agree with you...We may be dealing with amoebic disorders after all.
Besides, Bill Gerdes is a very cool guy.
I agree with 9:37. There were comments posted a while ago on some blog (they are all the same around here, anti-media-except for the new one) that if you are in the Whig it's because you are a family or you advertise. I think that is what 9:37 was getting at. I've heard Tookie put up quite a bit of money to pay for this new site. Mr. Gerdes may be a cool guy, but he is still family.
What would be the advantage of Tookie paying money to get that story on a local website? UMR might want to reconsider dismissing that last SBA statement.
I was not debating whether or not Bill is a cool guy. I go to his church. Of course, he's a very cool guy.
WFG is like the Fonz
Actually he was all proud of that Magizine article . The truss design he urged was a huge thing for him.
He met with AISC and the Structural Engineers and this was his baby.
So I saw the article & said "WTF " ...called Bob and POOF there it was .
Sometimes things just happen .
I am sure I could have sent the thing to Hilfrink and it would be in the Whig. Just happened I could make a phone call & 1 hour later make a guy's year .
So judge me a "bad guy" for that .......
fucking ass clowns
Good Job Tookie
Your father is a fine man!
But that's just it - the Whig puts someone in the paper and it doesn't matter if the Whig has "made someone's year" or done a really nice story. No matter what it is said the person made it into the paper for the wrong reasons. I think that is unfair, and no I am not a QNI employee. You don't have to be a QNI employee to disagree with some of the comments made here.
You're talking about the QUINCY Herald Whig right?
If Tookie IS backing quincy News he should tell us so
If Tookie ISNT backing Quincynews he should tell us so.
Understnading of his comments would be enhanced in either case
It's common knowledge he is helping Bob Gough - who was fired from WGEM and everyone knows why - with financial backing.
You're misinformed.
If I am misinformed, sorry. What I had heard from three people. But you know how Quincy is.
Ask Bob who is financially backing him. That will remove any chances of being misinformed. Then, please come back to the blogs and share with us.
He posted his phone number on Pundit the other day - 217-617-6665.
I am sure it's best just leaving you wondering !
Please keep reading !
p.s. :
I have a "feeling" Quincynews.org will be fully alive in a year .
Just call it a hunch
What\'s misinformed, the reason for the firing? I heard all about that and it definitely is true.
I don't know Bob. I do kinda know Tookie. I gots nuthin' to do with either of them except on these blogs. I no longer care why Bob isn't at WGEM any longer and yes, I do know why. Get over it. I'm as much a fan of "titillating" as they next guy, but if you're gonna sling mud at least sling fresh mud.
"I heard all about that and it definitely is true."
That might be the dumbest thing I have ever seen written.
"What\'s misinformed, the reason for the firing? I heard all about that and it definitely is true."
Well you sure don't sound very god damn sure of yourself. The phone # is listed above.
My two cents is that it does matter. It makes me question his judgment. We all know why and its not like there was no reason for it. Its a terrible thing and you notice they are not talking about it.
I just want to say the word FUCK.
That's all.
You may be right. SBA's last sentence may also be correct. On the topic of "nepotism" the evidence of impossible stupidity is mounting.
Please note it was only the last sentence with which I ever disagreed and you're winning me over.
Somebody please tell U/G not to read this thread. His soul is shriveling too fast as it is.
Nice work, bg. Very nice. Just let it all out.
Blow Cubs Blow!!!
Blow Cubs Blow!!!
Hey Chicago, what do you say, Cards win two of three yesterday!!!
Blow Cubs Blow!!!!
Blow Cubs Blow!!!!
Welcome to the gun show.
How about this idea for Illinois, too?
Blow Cubs Blow!!!
Blow Cubs Blow!!!
Hey Chicago, what do you say, CUBS LOSE 9-0 TO CINCY TODAY!!!
Blow Cubs Blow!!!!
Blow Cubs Blow!!!!
Give it up Card fan.
It's getting old and no one cares.
Another Cards fan who really has no life.
Saw the 9th and Van Buren tailgaters last night. Wow, they are so special, tail-gating a high school girls soccer game.
Is the city ever going to replant trees there along 9th street to replace the beautiful old trees that we the taxpayers paid to remove? REBUILD THE CANOPY!!!
Just to be clear...the city isn't rebuilding the canopy. That's a private project.
Blow Isringhausen Blow!!!
Losing 9-0 is just one more game in the loss column and no different than losing 4-3 as far as the loss column is concerned.
THe Cards should have thrown a high inside fastball to one of Colorado's better players in the first game of the series. Maybe they could have knocked him out of the series like they did the Cubs Ramirez.
Izzy sucks?
Tell us somethin we don't know, mf-er! LOL!!!
Just be thankful Izzy doesn't play for the Cubs. Be nice, or we'll trade him to ya's! Never would have won the 06 WS w/ Izzy, thank god he got "hurt". Hope your Cubs win a WS by 2108. Go Cubs Go!!
quincynews needs a new server
I hear they are trying to set a date for a hearing etc re: the arbitration where the 2 perverted firefighters got fired? Anyone know the latest on that?
We can't have a fly-in at the airport, we can't be interfering with cancelled flights, by God.
46 comments and no mention of QND vs QHS? WTF?
I hear they are trying to set a date for a hearing etc re: the arbitration where the 2 perverted firefighters got fired? Anyone know the latest on that?
Last I heard was they were both working at Titan. Also heard the Fire Chief was headed to court for Sexual Harassment. I think the truth we were all after is starting to surface. Anybody know who the chief would have a beef with?
Apparently Titan has become the private sector's version of the city... I know a couple guys on lead out there that said these ex-QFDers walked into supervisory positions with no experience whatsoever.
Dayum... if all I have to do to is work for the city to get into a job I know nothing about sign me up!
King Spring have a single daughter??
They were officers with the fire dept. that is supervisor experience.
A veterinarian is a Doctor.
Who you going to go see when having a heart attack?
Supervisor experience ha. These guys spent all their time making keys to secret rooms in Central Fire Stations basement to screw around in and sending nasty emails all day and night! These guys pissed away life long dreams. What a waste. Men would kill to have what these guys threw away!
I sure would like to take the firemens side on this so it would piss off a few repubs. But damn. Those dudes are shitheads!
I know one of these guys and believe me, they are worthy of what they got at Titan. As for a life long dream thrown away, I'm not so sure. They will probably get their day of REAL justice and then we'll see witch way they choose to go. Either way I know first hand one of the "ex-firemen" is happy and will always succeed. Interesting about the chief comment in an earlier post. I have always wondered when the "fired" would retaliate. Sounds like this is a long way from being over.
like you don't abuse your work time you work x actly 40 hrs lie lie lie glass houses no rocks
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