Added "The Rants" and "Ursa Daily News".
Deleted "Rocky Cola"
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Most of the individuals who post here are some of the best and brightest. The opinions expressed here, while probably right and certainly smart, are their own, and are not necessarily reviewed in advance by anyone but the individual author. Sometimes, the author is audacious and decides to post an opinion without a buddy reviewing it, and at other times, he/she may seek counsel of a friend. Regardless, these opinions do not necessarily reflect the view of Quincy Fire or any other person or company. Quincy Fire might agree with them - or might not.
Muskogee, OK elects 19 y.o. mayor:
As mayor, his first priorities are the creation of an independent ethics commission to monitor elected and appointed city officials.
Maybe Qcy needs a 19 y.o. mayor!!!!!
You need to link the Fucktarded City Desk of Mr les, Mr Sachs , and Mr Desk . Use it as a PSA for kids staying in school
I find it funny that someone who can\'t string one sentence together on his blog makes fun of someone else for a couple of typos. Does Les run a good blog? No, it sucks. But clean up your own before you make fun of someone elses.
I also find it funny that someone is on a campaign against Quincy\'s recycling on his blog and on his \"independent\" website when his family business lost out on the recycling contract a few years ago.
I smell a conflict of interest.
It's the blog's STYLE ..... no grammer no worries .
The family business didn't lose out , it was a joint venture of myself , my dad , and the Goldstein family aka ALTER TRADING corp .
The campaign is about misuse of Public funds . Did you think we actually had a SHOT at winning a contract vs the ONLY person in the city with the data ?
Weird thing is the City uses all our "losing" ideas as their own ........
Funny how things bite one in the ass !
Watch for the 24 month mark ....
Goldstein & I are
Also I am not a paid journalist , I just fuck off on my blog and have my own style of typing !
I COULD use msword or power point ...but I do that shit for a living and my blog is sloppy .
Now if you would like to PAY me to blog I could clean it up for you .
How is what Quincy News.Org is doing a campaign against recycling?
Looks like they are trying to come up with some ideas to help promote recycling, not campaigning to take anything away from anybody.
Being deleted leaves me violated.
But, Rocky, you deleted yourself.
Maybe you should have just done it till you needed glasses.
Why don't you delete Joe Irvin?? that condesending mfker is not read by anybody. I only go there when I feel my blood sugar dropping. His blog is great reading for east coast snobs and America haters anywhere.
Yo Mr Bushie ,
Joe E is family to tookie ........
Dang smokers leaving butts out on sidewalk @ 17th & State. Inconsiderate bastards. And now they want a beer garden?
-Would have posted on Smokehouse, but it's as dead as the area 70's R & R band of the same name.
I think they should have more of a problem with the karaoke than anything else. That's a bigger cancer to the "neighborhood bars" than anything else.
Sorry Tookie!! We all know you can pick your friends but not your relatives. But I stand by my earlier statement. Joe should try writing for Pravda, he would be more at home.
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