Fire doesn't Bitch about everything.
Kudos to Central Services for getting thru this ice storm. Quincy streets are looking mighty fine.
Good Job !
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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I was thinking the same thing, great job Cen Services!
What in the hell did we all do to deserve the Rams, da Bears, and Chiefs all stinking so bad this year? Was this punishment for the Illini and Mizzou having such great seasons?
And yes, Tookie, if Mizzou is ranked # 1 for a time (short), and Illini go to Pasedena, the seasons were great!
Zeal for superstar Hannah Montana drew scores of admirers — including Gov. Rod Blagojevich and his family — many of whom shelled out hundreds of dollars for tickets to a Rosemont concert.
"We're big fans," Blagojevich, who was accompanied by his wife and two daughters, said before Saturday's concert. "I've seen every 'Hannah Montana' episode."
Alabama lost to Marilyn Monroe.
Ya think they expected more for a measly four million?
That was mean. Here Tookie is preparing for the legal case of his life, the trial of the century in Adams county, and you pour salt in his wounds! You a cold-blooded dude, umrb! I hope he wins his case for playin his radio too loud! Then they'll be studying it in Alabama's law school for years to come, and Tookie will have the last laugh on you! LOL
I can already hear some ole cracker law prof in Alabama, "Now in City of Quincy vs Tookie........."
The US Supreme Court stood up for Larry Flint ........ You know a circut court has to see the light for Tookie !
And $4 mil has us at #3 recruiting class .....last year #10 ..#3 ..
See the work of Saint nick while watching LSU ......
Thank's alot for the comment's I was one of the drivers.
Quincy firefighter investigation update
By Rajah Maples
Posted: Monday, December 10, 2007 at 9:26 p.m.
QUINCY, IL -- Here's more on those three Quincy firefighters who are on paid leave during an investigation.
The hearing on the pending charges against them has been changed from December 12th to January 23rd of next year.
According to the Police and Fire Commission, that date was the earliest workable date for attorneys on both sides.
Any longer and the dudes will be able to retire.
It's the Holidays ..thats whats important .
A statewide smoking ban goes into effect on the first day of the New Year. The law states no smoking in “public places, including bars, restaurants and workplaces, will be smoke free.”
· Effects of secondhand smoke
o Heart disease
o Stroke
o Cancer
o Sudden infant death syndrome
o Low – birth – weight in infants
o Asthma and exacerbation of asthma
o Bronchitis and pneumonia
o Increased risk of premature death
· No person shall smoke:
o in a public place
o in a place of employment.
o within 15 feet of any entrance to a public place or place of employment
o vehicle owned, leased, or operated by the State or political subdivision of the State.
Experts say second-hand smoke kills about 2,900 people in Illinois every year. There is no doubt the actions of smokers are harming non-smokers. This measure is a matter of public safety. Customers and the staff who serve customers should not be exposed to dangerous smoke regardless of the type of smoke or its origin. This new law is no different from requiring business to follow fire codes.
As an employee, of a local business/restaurant/bar, I have been assigned to the smoking section several times. I have raised the question, is it safe for me to work in such an environment for the reasons listed above. I was told, “be glad you have a job”. I am glad I have a job, but I want a job that has a safe environment. Is being exposed to seconded-hand smoke any different to being exposed to pipes covered with asbestos?
I am having a hard time understanding why the City of Quincy Administration is considering allowing smoking in a beer garden. The city administration wants to pass laws restricting flashing signs because of public safety, but what about small, confined space beer gardens with a roof? How fast will smoke float out of such an area? How many people will breath the second-hand smoke prior to the smoke leaving the confined area? I am sure more people in Illinois die from second-hand smoke than die from flashing signs. Employees and other (non-smoking) customers we still be exposed to second-hand smoke in an outside beer garden!
What would City Hall do, if their employees would pay for the cost to build an area outside city hall, (like a beer garden) with a roof to have to hold meetings, take lunch breaks, and hold public meetings so they can smoke during such gatherings? The law states no smoking in a place of employment. Is a beer garden a place of Business?
I hope the city finds my health as a server as important as people exposed to flashing signs and not allow a loophole to allow smoking in an outside beer garden.
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