Merry Christmas !
( damn! Someone lit my tree)
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Merry Christmas, Quincy Fire. Thanks for running the best Quincy blog around.
Oracle wins the Cholo 5000!!!!!!
Corry Fire, 7th & Oak "Back Porch Tavern" is a long way from Arizona.
Cholo must have been smoking in the tavern.
If he was smoking in the tavern......good, his ass is out of there. Now, just a few days left until the rest of the polluters are out of there. That will be sooooo nice!!!
Rhode, I will be coming back to Spring Street to spend my money beginning Jan 2!
I sure Rhode will enjoy the pack of gum that he will buy with the extra profits you non-smokers bring in.
The key to your statement is the word "extra" when talking about his profits. You didn't say he his profits would be less. You are learning already that the smokers will still be there, smoking outside thankfully, and more non smokers will be there to create "extra" profit.
Nice to see you are catching on.
pack of gum was the point.
If the lack of smoking is anything like Springfield ,Il. he may very well have to close. It is a shame that the person who's money is involved no longer has a choice of whether to allow a LEGAL product to be used in HIS business located in HIS building paid for with HIS dollars. The people that pushed this horrible law have absolutely zero financial risk in its success or failure. What is even more frightening is the fact that many are rejoicing in the loss of personal freedom and evermore government control. Let's all say SIEG HEIL!
There is no way it will be like Springfield you wining dumb shit. Springfield has bars immediately outside the city limits that didn't have to adhere to the ordinance when it started there. How many of you butt puffers are going to drive to Palmyra, LaGrange, Canton or Hannibal just so you can pollute everyones air around you? If Quincy had passed this ordinance earlier this year, how many of you butt puffers would have driven to Adams, Mendon, or Marcelline?
People are legal (most) anyway are a legal product and there is a limit on how many can be in his establishment at one time also. Check the firecode on that one. How can they do that? There shouldn't be a limit on the number of patrons he has in HIS business, paid for by HIS $ even though it is a safety issue per the fire code? Better get rid of the health inspectors at the restaurants too because why shouldn't they have a filthy kitchen if they so choose? Afterall, it's their dollars paying for that kitchen.
I tried to tell these dumb-fuck smoker's ass-kissers that a time ago, they couldn't seem to grasp it, they all just come back and say "my bar" "choice" duh, duh. Enjoy 2008,I know I will!
Counting the days until you don't have to deal with the rude and inconsiderate smucks of the smoking world........ finally, Quincy catches up to Las Vegas.
I just want to know if the Backwaters crowd will have to ring in the new year at the same time they have to stomp their cigarettes out. I personally don't like any of the late-night spots around town, but I'd love to see all those cops that are always looking for drunk-bait outside do a 12:01 a.m. raid on the place and dish out tickets to everyone still smoking.
Question is, would you be surprised if QPD actually did something like this?
Hooray for violating civil rights of American citizens!
Non-smokers are being real nasty pricks about it too.
They should also lower the speed limit to 5mph. This would eliminate most traffic deaths, which is much higher than those that die from second hand smoke.
I can't wait until "they" tell us how much food we can eat so people aren't fat anymore. Yeah, guvm'nt. You know best!!!
I think that some houses are too big. When is the government going to come to its senses and tell people how big their house has to be?
And why are people allowed to drink at all? It's not the second hand smoke that is killing bar patrons... it's the cars.
I concur. We should ban cars. The CO2 from the exhaust is even more hazardous than second hand cigarette smoke.
Ban big tobacco whores.
We should ban food that is bad for you. People have no right to get all fat and use health care resources because of their unhealthy fat asses.
What about big 3 automaker whores? Why are we still driving around in cars when they kill more people than anything other than oldness? People are willing to let others die so they can get around quickly. This is 2007... almost 2008... when will we learn?!?
The gov't should at least take away the cars from the fat people.
Whah! Whah! It going to be over soon...............and you will be healthier for it. Love the comment about non-smokers being pricks about it. Hell, smokers have been rude ignorant pricks about it for years. I'll be honest, I do enjoy being a prick about it!! You mfer's have had it your way for a long time, time to get even. So step outside in the cold rain and puff your sick ass away. Only wish you had to leave your nasty smelling clothes outside too!!!!
Happy Days are here!!!
The creative bar owner and only the creative bar owner will prosper after the ban. Jim at Replay is good, very good, savy. Jim had drink specials even after the tax increase on alcohol, his bar is full often. He also brang in NFL Sunday ticket, which drew in a lot of people.
Get creative, bar owners, why should we come to your place when there are 69 other bars in town, and you won't be able to smoke in any of them? What's in it for the customer?
Maybe you can get out the popuri next to your tampons from your purse and put that on the bar while you drink.
I created Quincy Smokehouse to keep the smoking issues over there....
Must be a slow week.
I opened up a free-for-all over there.
Let's try for once to keep it civil and argue the facts.
I got a kick out of your lack of a decent vocabulary when you me "a wining dumb shit" The truth be known, however, I don't do not smoke , I hate to be around smokers, and have never allowed smoking in any of my buildings or any of my vehicles. The key word here is "MY". I resent Government intrusion into an private owned business and feal very sorry for you people who are just too ignorant to stay out of smoke filled buildings and cannot make their point without profanity.
These are your words:
"I got a kick out of your lack of a decent vocabulary when you me "a wining dumb shit" The truth be known, however, I don't do not smoke"
A simple spelling mistake on my part pulled out your true lack of vocabulary. "when you me" (did you miss the word called?)
"I don't do not smoke" Who has a vocabulary problem?
I spelled one word incorrectly and you call it a lack of a decent vocabulary?
Who has the vocabulary problem?
Here's more of you:
"I resent Government intrusion into an private owned business and feal very sorry for you people"
"Private owned business" should say PRIVATELY! That's a vocabulary issue. "feal"...do you mean "feel" perhaps? That is a spelling error.
Do you know the difference now?.......Dumbshit!
The best thing you gentlemen can do is visit THE ORACLE SPEAKS. TRUTH, WISDOM, and smoking is always allowed.
too much politics, bs, and nepotism at the oracle.
The fact that you have to use profanity and resort to name calling are my thoughts on your ability to be taken serious. Perhaps it is just better to let the government lead you around, then soon you will not even have to think, just willingly do what you are told.
I still smoke.
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