The firefighters have been paid a total of about $25,000 since they were placed on administrative leave in mid-October while city officials investigated alleged violations of policies and misuse of equipment.
Charlie Doan told WGEM News last week that commissioners hoped to arrive at a decision by Christmas.
This Year ?
What did they do that was so terrible anyway? Put the guys and gals back to work. Tell em not to get caught in the wrong BR's(not bath) again.
If they've paid the firefighters $25,000.00, what have they paid the five acting officers who are filling in for them? Plus lawyer fees? For what? What did they do so wrong? Where is the progression of discipline? In the meantime, there are City workers all over town doing whatever they want. Hmmmm?
Seems like the only thing quincy can do about this is tap dance.
Getting in trouble kicks ass these days.
it's the holidays man
apparently there was explicit emails/pictures being sent b/t secretaries and the firefighters
From the information I have been told the QFD is a regular “Payton Place”
You almost need a score card to keep track of who is sleeping with whom!
One of the spouses that were cheated on apparently still has enough clout at City Hall to make some heads roll. I hope the three FF have been job hunting on their paid vacation, they may need one.
I'm so glad I got to watch the Bears lose last night!
I'm glad no other games interfered with me seeing the Bears get beat again!!! Yay!! Things are working out that way a lot these days! Thank you Dish NW & NFL NW!
I think the Bears are the best LAST PLACE team in the land! I think, above all other last place teams, the Bears losing while in last place should be aired on cable.
Best last place team in the NFL, da Bears!
Although the Bears will not make the playoffs ("playoffs?" in Jim Mora voice), I think they are the best last place team that is not making the playoffs.
I agree. As Chris Collinsworth said last night during the telecast:
"There is professional and unprofessional football, right now the Bears are playing unprofessional football"
That's what I like to see, unprofessional football as played by the last place Bears.
Cable providers; please have the foresight to give us this unprofessional last place non-playoff bound football by the Bears on a continuous basis.
It's the NFL Network, not the Bears network.
Bears Suck, Rams Suck, K C Sucks.
Whats your point?
That the Bears suck, and should not be considered to be less in sucking than STL or KC. Next time I'll type it out in braille and cram it up your ass, maybe then you'll get it.
Flex them Net threats.
They ALL suck. Get over it.
Jai Alai.
Well guess who landed the Central Services job? A Reis of course! Julie Reis. SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!
Who ever made up the rumor that there were naked pictures is an idiot. There were no naked pictures!
Another Reis? Isn't that funny, who will S. Ray talk to know in the comptrollers office when she makes more money than she deserves. Isn't her husband the one that messed with the female firefighter causing her to leave? When will it ever stop? I guess the Grussenmeyer’s are up next. Oh wait, his daughter got the open IT job. So let's see, maybe Spring can take his turn again. My head hurts!
What about the Assistant Chief that is living outside the city limits and is not in the union. According to the rules He is supposed to live inside the city limits if he is not covered under the union contract. Also, this is the same Assistant Chief who years ago fired a handgun at the airport causing another firefighter hearing loss and nothing was done about it because his step dad is Mr. Mays. Isn't all this just as bad as what they are trying to hang the current 3 firefighters for? Not to mention that firing a hand gun on Airport grounds is a felony. Does anyone have an opinion on this?
If the firefighters were misusing city equipmentby sending/receiving personal emails during their working shifts, then nearly everyone on the city payroll is guilty of the same "crime" 50% of the friends in my address book have addresses at their place of employment. Perhaps all city computers should be checked. If I were a firefighter, I would have applied for different employment when first accused. There is a chance we could lose some hard working men dedicated to being a firefighter. How many among you pointing fingers would want the job?
To the anonymous "genius", the book
they refer to is Peyton, not Payton
Place. Stop listening to vicious rumors and learn to spell. This whole situation appears to be what can happen when you give a little authority to people lacking the intelligence to deal with it. I think all of our local media sources need to move on the actual news stories and let the fire department deal with any personel problems they may or may not have. The public is feasting on gossip that really should not concern them. It doesn't sound as if anyone was derelict in duty.
I agree,you guys don't have a clue what you are talking about. You sound like a bunch of gossiping women.
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