I had to snicker today as I seen by another local blog that this one was linked as a "deluted right wing fool blog". Personally I could care less what political party someone belongs to, they're both full of crap in my view.
I have returned the favor (without any personal opinion.)
Racism is defined as:
Any action, practice, or belief that reflects the racial worldview — the ideology that humans are divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called "races," that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural behavioral features, and that some "races" are innately superior to others.
To be obsessed with branding someone "right wing' or "left wing" based on their view of the world is beyond my comprehension.
All views are welcome here.
First of all, the Oracle is only a member of his party because that is the one that he owes his job to.
Secondly, you don't have to be a member if either to party to recognize with which party you are closer aligned. You're sharp, which one might that be?
Fire don't let Big O's name calling get to you ! Send out a "Powers Booth " alert and members of Bad Ass Int'l will drive him batty .
I prefer to call myself a moderate leaning towards the right . I just would not be able to face myself if I was a lefty .
*** Also when trying to hug a bunny do NOT hug the one from MP's "Holy Grail" it has sharp pointy teeth and claws
Beer Gardens to the rescue! Beer Gardend will save the pub-owners from their plight.
I don't have much of an opinion on racism in Quincy, it is slowly leaving us. And when it is gone we can all be thankful. I have met a few racists in Quincy usually older and set in there ways, or just plain stupid. I have lived in many different places and have met just as many black racists as white racists but very few hispanic racists.
Hey new kid on the blogs ,
I linked you then posted a comment and you "moderate" , The gay alarm went off . Moderation is for butt plugs , ass hats , Dave & UMR ......
fixed the moderate problem now if get someone to post something other than "quit sucking some tit" we might have some fun and good debate..///
actually be happy with tit comments
good write up on the Airport manager "hire" !
Clown shoes is all that comes to mind with city hires
So what's the deal are you closin' up shop on this blog?
Newbie ,
Everyone knows FIRE CUMS in SPURTS
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