Jansen's title will be local agency liaison and safety outreach coordinator for IDOT's District 6. He will be in charge of working with small communities in search of beautification projects, grant writing and area right-of-way acquisition. He also will work with IDOT safety programs.
Mike Claffey, a spokesman for IDOT, confirmed that Jansen will start next week at an annual salary of $62,200. Claffey said the position exists elsewhere in the state but has not previously existed in West-Central Illinois.
The state job will give Jansen a chance to qualify for benefits under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. He was enrolled in IMRF during his time as an alderman and director of administrative services. But Jansen fell short of the eight years needed to get a pension.
Must have been a rigorous interview process.
Hard to get your head out of the teat-sucking trough too.
Wonder if he was offered a privite sector job ?
I doubt there are too many private sector job descriptions that fit his qualification and experience.
I'm sure it's for the good of the state's children. Everything is for the good of the state's children. Once a teak sucker always a teat sucker!!
There is no shame for these guys.
This guy must know where all the bodies are buried.
He believes those years in politics and tourism helped get him the job working with small communities in this region.
"I'm used to working with different communities and political leaders. I know a lot of people," Jansen said.
The knowing of people being the key. He was so qualified, they created a job that didn't exist.
understaffing at the state facilities must take a second seat to the beautification of our roads. Shame on our leaders for their disrespect to the citizens of this great STATE. We as citizens need to clean house in Springfield. Remember to vote in 2008.
Hope that is sarcasm.
Greeters at Wal Mart know a lot of people but do not get state jobs.
typical of these thieves. they'll steal your money to give a do nothing job to a party loyal while vet homes go understaffed. i hope he sleeps well at night.
after conducting "business" at the pub, he probally just passes out.
maybe a second DUI in the taxpayers wheels ?
How does a UI offender who has hs own stool at the pub get a job like that. Fucking teatsuckers. The IDOT guy who hired his ass is getting a link emailed to him from the Adams County court records website, I'll tell you that. In a aobut five seconds. Click.
Neither qualifications nor disqualifications are important to local Democrats when it comes time to fill jobs.
Didn't a big-whig at IDOT just get shit-canned a while back for DWI? And they hire Jansen?
no comment but OH JESUS H PUSSY
I see the nut-grabbing bag slappers- down at the oracle have finally added links and their opinion of this blog is a "diluted right wing fool blog" ?
What your opinion of them and will you return the link?
JJ rocks!
so does a boat that's getting ready to capsize.
Oracle stole the naming links from Me ..............damn ass hat
Jeff Jansen is a good guy... he'll do a good job.
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