- No matter how hard you yell at the TV, Rex still sucks.
-After every, and I do mean every, turnover Grossman walks to the sidelines and has this "deer-in-the-headlights" look in his eyes like "what happened"
- If Phil Simms didn't preform oral sex on Peyton Manning after the game, he should have. He was warming up the WHOLE game.
- Love them or hate them, pretty much everyone has one article of clothing that has BEARS on it.
-Die hard Cowboys fans will still wear their teams colors out during the Superbowl even if the team went 1-15 during the regular season.
-The Coke ads sucked.
-My beer consumption increases in direct opposite ratio of the Bears offense production.
-Big screen TV's are great for watching the game, unless your team sucks. Then they just suck bigger.
da Bears!!!! Come on!! You really didn't think they were going to beat Manning???? Did ya...... I will admit the openning kick off return had me worried.
:14 sec into the game you had to wonder.
Devin Hester's 92-yard touchdown was the first opening-kickoff return for a score in Super Bowl history and the fastest score.
Maybe Next Year.
I told you people it was Peyton's year that he was the special, annointed, one, and that it was his destiny, and that if you thought the Bears would take it from him, you were sadly mistaken.
What was with the "vaunted Bears Defense" giving up 191 on the ground? Pussies.
WOW 1:39
You soo smart, you should go to Vegas with your predictions.
It's not as much as me being smart, it's more of Peyton being so special, destined to win, his being a better person than you, that he should get a table over you, that he is great, that he is more deserving than you and all of us. Where would we be without Peyton? I thank god everyday for Peyton
-Just a little satire on the hype
First off, Rex was a victum of a poor game plan. They played too conservatively on BOTH sides of the ball. Urlacher was practically begging to run a blitz late in the 1st half and they wouldn't. Second it wasn't all Rex's fault. They didn't try to spread the field and run the ball early, or throw it to Jones in the flat and let him run or take a shot down field with Berrian. And name one other current QB (besides Tom Brady) that wouldn't have crapped their pants late in the game with the same situation Rex was in? Also they tried to run Jones right up the middle instead of Benson (before he got hurt) and 3. Payton Manning did NOT deserve that MVP award. Addai did. Without him, the Colts lose. That simple.
Nasty, just plain nasty:
Nowak raced from Houston to Orlando wearing diapers in the car so she wouldn’t have to stop to go to the bathroom, authorities said. Astronauts wear diapers during launch and re-entry.
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