What kind of a POS would intentionally pump 29 BB's into a poor defenseless animal is beyond me.
My only wish for this person would to be caught, jailed and the same treatment used on them.
If you have any information, you're asked to call the Quincy Regional Crimestoppers Hotline at 228-4474.
There is a reward available.
I could not agree more ! Child and animal abuse PISS me off .
That is a dude/dudette that needs a tase !
It's a good thing we've got someone like Jennifer Cifaldi doing the prosecuting here. She's quite the animal lover and if they catch whoever did it, they will FRY.
Fingers crossed they catch this fool, they have no idea what they've gotten themselves into.
Great post but should this person get anything worse than probation? Thats all you get for screwing your 4 year old girl.
Great post!
Thanks Jennifer Cifaldi and thank you Fire for this post.
Charge 1
Class 4 Felony
Disposition 101 - Guilty 09/05/2003
Sentence 205 - Probation/Spec Cond 30 months
10/08/2003 In Force
Sentence 301 - Fine 10/08/2003 In Force
Sentence 203 - Periodic Imprisonment
6 months
Sentence 209 - Public Service
100 hours
10/08/2003 In Force
Disposition 701 - Probation Terminated
What...are you saying that's who did it? Context, man...context.
Dude, I know Mike Ryan and he didn't shoot that dog. What the hell?
"Great post but should this person get anything worse than probation?"
I'm just making a comparison for future reference. Ryan's sentence was fair, if they ever catch those involved.
Jennifer C rocks .......as do all of the Adams Cty "the mans "
So we you hear that "The man is oppressing " ..rest assured that it is our fine DA office and those Law Dawgs from hell .
I hear they come into court with rock jams & smoke like WWF Raw .........
( well it would be cool as hell if they did .....)
Well I do not think that these crimes are punished harshly enough. We are talking about a animal, who will stay around even when someone is beating the shit out of it. Is it loyalty?? I wish they(animals) were not as trusting as they are.
I believe that the prosecutors( hopefully) do what they can, with the limits they are set. Since ASPCA has made public the arrests they make, everyone thinks that any town can do the same. WRONG The ASPCA only has jurisdiction in NY. Which sucks!! We need to expand on the laws and knowledge that they possess and hopefully that might help?!!?!?!?
I know Mike Ryan too. Kinda. I learned to waterski with his boat. The dog thing was really messed up though.
It would be nice to be able to shoot the people who shot this poor dog. Eye-for-an-eye style. There are judges that would actually do that too.
Set up a BB gun firing squad.
I prefer a head for an eye.
I believe that anyone that would do this to an animal, would have no problems doing this to a human. We need to get this POS now!
Hire some hard pipe-hittin brothers to go to work on his/her ass with a pair of pliers and a blow-torch.
Only punks and wimps hurt animals.
Glad to hear of the help everyone is giving to the dog, and the offers of taking the dog in. We have a good community of animal lovers here! God Bless the humane society!
Sally Westerhoff 100% pours her heart and soul into the H/S . Glad she does !
If someone shot one of my labs with a bb gun , they would meet bb's from my goose gun (maybe some rock salt too )
Pisses me off !
Another aspect to this if the offender(s) was young. One of the most prominent indicators of future violence against people is youthful violence against animals.
It's bad, standing alone. It's worse in the continuum of life.
8:43AM: Love the Pulp Fiction reference.
Of course it might all depend on the lawyer too. Here's an example.
CRUELTY TO ANIMALS No Plea Class 4 Felony
Dismiss/State Motion 01/08/2007
Count 2
CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Guilty Class A Misdemeanor
Sentence 1
Cond Disch/Spec Cond 12 months 03/22/2007
In Force
Sentence 2
Fine $877.00
03/22/2007 In Force
Sentence 3
Jail 8 days
03/22/2007 In Force
Sentence 4 Spec Facility Attend 03/22/2007 In Force
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