Thursday, February 22, 2007
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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Damn Girl Scout cookies, 3.00 a box, ain't worth a shit! Who makes the money off these Son-of-a-Bitches? They brainwash the little girls into selling em all over hell's half acre, what do the girls get out of it? Some fat cat bastard is makin all the money off of it.
Anybody in the know care to comment on whethe or not this is the crock of shit it seems to be? Is any money being delegated to the GS community here in town, or do the get some rediculously low percentage (1.5%, or something, likely)?
And bring back the chocolate and vanilla crmeme cookies, and the older variety thin mints.
On Thursday, the Illinois House passed a bill, 100-14, from Rep. Mary Flowers, a Democrat from Chicago, that would require Chicago Public School school officials to ensure students wash their hands with antiseptic before meals at school, reported The Chicago Sun Times.
Democrats can't keep their f'in nose out of sh*t can they?
By Monique Garcia
Tribune staff reporter
Published February 23, 2007, 12:21 PM CST
SPRINGFIELD -- Under pressure from consumers, a group of Democratic state representatives in Springfield proposed legislation today to roll back massive electric rate increases that took effect at the start of the new year.
The proposal would basically extend what had been nearly a 10-year electric rate freeze, which expired on Jan. 2, by mandating that utilities return the rates to their previous levels for the next three years. Utilities also would have to issue a refund to customers, plus interest, for differences in rates during the past few weeks.
Quad cities paper:
As communities throughout Illinois debate whether to ban indoor smoking, some groups want to completely clear the air by snuffing cigarettes throughout the state.
The Illinois Lung Association and others plan to launch on Thursday its push to ban smoking in public places.
-Keep smoking while you still can, you slimy bastards.
Your momma is at Main Street looking for some tricks.
Keep smokin you white trash scum! Do your own selves in, we'll be seeing ya at Dukers. We'll put a butt in your mouth before they close your casket, you can smoke all you want in your graves.
Free curly french fries at Arby's today (Monday)!
Get em now while they're free, soon you won't even be able to buy them, they'll be illegal or banned by the food police!
How about QND retiring the Raider? Am I the only one that thinks this is absolute stupid?
Is this true, haven't seen the HW lately, will come out from under my rock soon?
If true, it is a shame.
Girl Scouts troops get 15% - or 45 cents per box of cookies sold. The rest goes to local & national council and to the cookie manufacturer.
55% of the cookie proceeds go direct to programs for the girls & for training programs & materials for the adult volunteers and also camp maintenance and salaries
the rest 30% goes to the product manufacture but includes patches and recognitions for scouts - the sales materials etc.
45 cents a box - your better off writing the troop a check and deducting the money off on your taxes!!!!
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