What next ???
First Smoking?
Now Trans Fat.
What next Drinking?
Soon it will affect you too. Nobodys Perfect.
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
First Smoking?
Now Trans Fat.
What next Drinking?
Soon it will affect you too. Nobodys Perfect.
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I strongly oppose this. I believe that Fat people have the same right to change sexes as skinny people!
Oh, that's not what this is about?.........Never Mind
Tony that actually made me snicker !
That is a good thing.
I am fully against any smoking bans, and pretty much against banning things in general, but I haven't gotten too upset about this trans-fat ban. Maybe I'm not as informed as I think, but as long as I can keep getting nasty, fatty, greasy, yummy food, but it's made with a different kind of fat - I don't care. As long as it tastes good, or doesn't taste different anyway. I'm sure I'm much more likely to die from eating fatty foods much more than anything else in the world at this point.
Now as long as I can have my smoke after eating, I'll be happy.
Well, I used to say "each to his own" but today I had lunch at on eof the local pubs on Broadway and first the guy on the right lights up while I'm eating and then the gal on the left lights up but at least she asked if I'd mind her smoking, what ever happened to simple manners. As a former smoker, I would never think of lighting up next to someone who was still eating or in someones home or business with out asking.
I vote for no smoking anyplace food is served. And throwing your butts out of the car window is littering!! QPD, enforce the fricking litter laws on the slobs.
Go on with your bad self, you da man!
They don't want fat people walkin round smoking. Let them pay for their own funerals. They got money for cigs and hamburgers, let wm pay their own health-care. Too many white trash fat-ass smokers sucking the public funds dry.
If I see any of you going thru the buffet line too many times, I'm callin 5-0, I'm puttin the man on your ass.
For everybody except tyrants, private property is the answer to the smoking issue. If I own a home, office building, factory or bar, I should have the right to decide whether smoking is allowed or not. You have the right to decide whether you wish to enter the premises. By the same token, if you own a home, office building, factory or bar, you have the identical right and I have the right to decide whether I shall enter. I have no more right to use the law to force you to permit smoking on your property than you have to force me not to permit smoking on mine. Tyrants can't live with such a liberty-oriented solution; they like to forcibly impose their preferences on others.
Good one. I like that !!
If you want to smoke and eat Trans Fat cheap, go to the Mack-Donalds @ 13th and Broadway, it will save you on cig money, you don't have to buy any, just suck up the 2nd hand smoke there. And then walk down to Blessing and hook yourself up to a god-damned ventilator, you'll need it. But pay for it with your own in'surance, NOT public aid, tired of you butt sucking fattys mooching off us taxpayers.
Wrong, dumbshit!
Private owned is still a public place in a lot of situations. So get out of here with that pvt property, choice crap, it didn't fly in Springfield, Bloomington, it won't fly here.
You can choose not to smoke and offend others, asshole!
Too many dumbass Americans like you have contempt for the principles of liberty and opt for solutions that employ the political arena to forcibly impose their wills on others.... dumbass! You're probably right, the ban will pass. I'd rather go places and not be bothered by smoke. That's not the point dumbass. Just don't start fucking crying when they drag your fatass off your parent's basement couch and make you exercise cause you're driving up healthcare costs... dumbass.
I note with some amusement the calm and reasoned response of 3:48 which comes down to "live and let live, and don't patronize 'em if you don't like smoking."
Then I compare it to the obscenity-laden post at 4:53 and the insulting post at 4:49, both of which take the opposite viewpoint.
I know where I'm putting MY support, and it's not with the anti-smoking radicals.
BTW, learn some basic logic. If a full 40% of our nation is substantially overweight (and even fewer are smokers), it stands to reason that not all of them can possibly be white trash, public-aid sucking folks.
But hey, you want to insult people you're trying to convert to your Nazi cause, hey go right ahead.
But don't get mad at us when we call a Nazi tyrant a Nazi tyrant.
Let me make myself perfectly clear. I'm not a Zazi. I'm just a person who likes clean air. I fight for the children. The less dummys like you all smoke in front of them, the less they will think it's the big shot thing to do and maybe some won't want to emulate idiots who smoke. It's a monkey-see monkey-do thing (will the same level of intellect), that's why you bozos started smoking in the first place.
Would you really wish your smoking addiction on your worst enemy, let alone young, impressionalbe children? Grow up, do the right thing, support the ban, and stamp out cig smoke.
Look at the vote on this fire blog, non-smokers are speaking out, by God! You all will have get together and drown your sorrows in Benson & Hedges when the ban ges thru. Just do it in your own homes, and yes, we wil choose not go there! Sorry this isn't a sweet, Hallmark style argument that the one your pvt-choice, I can harm others as long as I'm in Ruby-Fridays clown wrote, just wanted to give you smokers a little stench-crap you've been giving out for years in public.
I may be a Zazi, but am not a Nazi. A Zazi wants not to kill all smokers, just break their arms.
By your logic we should ban all behavior you consider bad for children.
Guess what, Adolf 9:03,
I don't smoke. I've never smoked. I don't patronize places where there are lots of smokers because I don't like cig smoke.
I hold imposing MY beliefs on everyone else in contravention of the individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States to be a bastardization of the democratic process and something to be avoided like the plague.
Leave the business owners alone and don't patronize those places that allow smoking. Why is that so hard for you guys to understand and accept?
But of course that's not the issue, is it. Behind all the smoke (no pun intended) and mirrors, it's about CONTROL. You want to CONTROL what other people do and force them to kowtow to the way you think things should be (again, the essence of ANTI-democracy and tyranny).
But it's clear as daylight what the anti-smoking crowd wants, and what is coming up next once you've imposed your will on these folks (i.e. smokers and business owners that cater to them).
Fellow chubsters, we need to organize our Resistance NOW.
Incidentally, Fire's poll means absolutely zilch since a single person can vote multiple times from the same computer (albeit after shutting down their browser and then opening it again).
Also anyone NOT from Quincy shouldn't be voting, but there's nothing to restrict the vote to residents.
Meant nothing when there were tons of "let the owners decide" votes, still means nothing now that the two or three anti-smoking Nazis have discovered how to stuff the ballot box.
It isn't about control, it's about not doing things that harm others, plain and simple. We are evolving towards living healthier together. Look at the laws the great state of California has put in place. All meant for the good of others. Think about the children! We are all getting there, thank God!
Besides, it isn't right that people who wish to breathe clean, non-toxic air should be kicked away to "non-smoking" areas. There aren't that many non-smoking areas around, who wants to eat at the hospital, for Christ's sake?
You all think we should go around avoiding smokers, screw you! You smokers are all a bunch of entitled #ssholes who think you should be able to impose your stench around everyone! Well, you all can F#ck off for a change! Get ready, jerks, the ban is coming! Hope you enjoy smoking in 10 below weather, standing around huddled up looking like the blooming idiots you are!
What part of "I don't smoke" defeats the comprehension center of your pea-brain?
There are LOADS of restaurants and bars in Quincy. Not all allow smoking. Most that do have a real segregation of smoking and non-smoking areas (a handful do not and I think that should be changed).
But those that want to cater to smokers should be allowed to do so--and YOU would have the choice of patronizing them or not. Whoa, hey, that let's BOTH sides have their way in some fashion, the essence of American compromise.
But like I said, it's not really about smoking. It's about having the POWER to impose your own narrow bigoted views on others, regardless of what THEY want.
You sir, are an anti-smoking Nazi.
And as a (reputed) American, you should be ashamed of yourself.
I enjoy smoking, and you might find it an abomination and worry about the health effects of secondhand smoke. If I'm stopped from smoking, I'm harmed by a reduction in my pleasure and you're benefited. If I'm permitted to smoke, I'm benefited and you're harmed.
There are literally thousands of examples of how people harm one another. No one but an idiot would make an attempt to objectively determine which harm is more important than the other and should be banned by government. Thus, we're confronted with the question: What is it that decides what kinds of harm should be permitted? How is it decided who may harm whom?
In a dictatorship, it's the dictator who decides. In a democracy, it's mob rule. How is it decided in a free society? In a free society, the question of who may harm whom in what ways is decided through private property rights.
What about cigarette smoke harming others? In a free society, as opposed to a dictatorship or mob rule, the matter is resolved through private property rights. If you own property, be it your house, restaurant, airplane or workplace, another does not have the right to smoke on your property without your permission.
Alternatively, in the house, restaurant, airplane or workplace that I own, another doesn't have the right to prohibit smoking. If you don't like the fact that smoking is permitted in my restaurant, you can go elsewhere. Similarly, I can do the same if you don't permit smoking.
A free people will always want private property rights to decide who may harm whom. It's less arbitrary, more certain and less subject to political whims.
If you all are so worried about "pvt property rights" why don't you go to Springfield, Bloomington, Cali, etc, and act against your sacred pvt property rights/issue being violated. Ain't that America? LOL Why wait till it gets to Quincy? Seems like your pvt property issue is LOSING everywhere, I love it!
Just because you're too stupid to understand why this is unconstitutional, doesn't make it right.
Remember, they'll be coming for your fat ass next. Just hope it gets to the SCOTUS sooner rather than later.
If it's unconstitutional, why did it go through in the places I mentioned? Those places are in America. If you are that stupid & needit explined toya, check out umrb's post on hats, and TRY to get it! (I know that's asking a lot, but try, dummy!)
You're just a pig who likes subjecting others to your crap.
If it's unconstitutional, why did it go through in the places I mentioned?
Just because it was approved in Springfield or Bloomington or anywhere else doesn't make it "ok".
It's unconstitutional because it violates rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Tell me, where in the Constitution does it say women should be able to have abortions? Nowhere. It's covered under privacy rights. You may or may not agree with that, but that's the precedent.
In fact, I would posit that the push to prohibit smoking in privately owned businesses is a violation of civil rights right up there with discrimination against blacks and other minorities.
Regardless of the health issue (which is real), you and the government have no right to tell me that I cannot allow smoking in my place of business. Unless you buy it from me (and for a tidy sum too, I might add, though you might be able to use that slimy, fracked-up eminent domain ruling that is ALSO unconstitutional).
All this stuff is inter-related. You pull out one support and the whole thing begins to crumble.
It already is, in fact.
BTW, how do you know any of us supporting the right of business owners to decide how to use their own property--and the right of morons to fill their lungs with pollutants--aren't contacting legislators and doing what we can to stop this snowball from rolling any further downhill? You don't. So get off your high horse and stuff it up your a$$, idiot.
Was just in Forsyth, yesterday, the gut who OWNS the McDonalds there can't smoke in it, by law! Has to stand 15 feet away!
There go your pvt ind constitutional choice liberties, dipshit! Quincy is next, thank God!
Why do you think Quincy should be the last bastion of Big Tobacco paying suckers harming people innocent bystanders?
Just because a city council passes something doesn't mean it will stand up in court. Ask the family that built the storage facility.
Now get your fat ass off your parent's couch and put down the ding dongs, dumbass.
Hey, asshole, I'm a chocodiles man!
Who the hell would take this to court WHEN IT GOES THROUGH, that retard Hubert Staff?
You and your "choice, pvt property, I should be able to screw your lungs up because I'm an important fat-ass white trash smoker....." Go run one of the Adams County prisoners a carton of cigs, if you think smoking's that important, and while you're up there, let one of em have their way with you, at least then you'd be doing someone some good, butt sucker!
Smoke all you want, but since I don't want to, you need to hold it in till I leave the resaurant. Besides if you smoke your taste buds are wasted, so go to Mc D's.
Hey chocodiles man,
where can i pick up a box of those
delicious chocolate covered twinkies? anywhere localy?
Good question, kudos to you for lightening up the issue! I said I was a chocodiles man, but I haven't had a chocodile in years. They used to sell them at Modern Dairy on 18th St. Who remembers Modern Dairy? It's closed, of coarse, yrs ago. Check the discount bakery store on N. 24th, acros fom Buford Wards. I will next time I'm in there, and report back to ya.
sweet. every once in a while they
have them at hy-vee or county market, but not lately. let me tell ya i've been jonesin' for some chocodiles.
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