Sunday, December 10, 2006

From the " Why Didn't We Think Of This" file of the QPD

Dec. 9, 2006 — Police in Orange County, Fla., have created a special holiday season speed trap — an elf cop armed with a radar gun and a citation pad.


UMRBlog said...

He didn't need the pad. There were 20 Motorcycles running down the people who would speed by, wave at the elf and never have a clue until the oscillation began.

The greatest part of the CNN feature on this was the blonde explaining why it was wrong for an elf to be doing this. I can't come near repeating it but it was hilarious and illogical!

I guess the ears make him a Vulcan Elf!

Anonymous said...

Fire, you will probalby get to this, but why was the effort to start up a taxi service in Quincy shot down by Copely? Copely said the guy had a bad record, anyone, is this true? Also, do we need choir boys to run a taxi service? I tried to check the guy out but couldn't find anything (not even sure I had the right info yet). Anyone in the know, is the guy mentioned really that bad?

A taxi service is greatly needed, if not but this provider, by someone? Also, was taken aback by the the statement of the night club owner saying that with no taxi service, the drunks will end up on the road. Yikes! Should night clubs be closed in the interest of public safety if no taxi serve is provided after 1:00 a.m.?

Anonymous said...

Does anybody honestly think that
a few speeding tickets will "fix"
all the traffic problems on Broadway.

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