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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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To? Mayor Spring says someone WILL develop hydropower at L&D 21. WILL. He must be able to see into the future! Why then did he not foresee the 6 mil going down the crapper?
Now presenting "Incomptence at its Finest" starring John "The Six-Million Dollar Man" Spring, Chuckie B and Andrew "Daddy, can you get me a Job?" Staff
Can also be see at other locations. Call Westview Golf Course for more information.
Can we put 6 mill into 11th ST? Or 8th & Payson?
Who the hell wants to go read the whig?
Bob tried to start a new website
The judge says NO NO NO.
Tookie hires crew of lawyers
Moyers says it's fine
We'll just hire Bob to whine.
Bob tried to start a new website
The judge says NO NO NO.
It's Bush's fault!
Now that QNO is AWOL the boys and girls over @ QNI can sit back and return to the public calling in news rather than go finding it.
City Hall is probaly breathing a sigh of relief too.
what happened to QNO?
Looks like it's back to Life is Good crap from the City Hall Gazette.
I guess before Spring loses anything he has got left, Chucky Schlitz is trying to make a few final bucks and get American Water(EMC)to take over the Water Plant. Just like he did with Waste Water. That cost 8 Quincyans a job and took $12 million of the Citizens money to Missouri in the last nine years, instead of spending it here. They must have a great line of crap, some officials still think they're saving the City money. Do the math and don't believe a word they say. Don't come crying in a couple of years when then water is crap and you're rates have been doubled or your property taxes double because they cleaned out the water account which supports half the city's operations.
Hey JDH,
Someone will develop hydro at L&D 21... you know who? Missouri. Bob Gough made it sound like the city pissed away all of this money at a dead idea, but take a look across the creek at what Rep. Craig Redmon passed. The vote? 147-0.
Fuck you QNO, and good riddance.
anon 12:04
Bill reads as:
Redmon's bill modifies provisions of the enhanced enterprise zone program to allow renewable energy generation zones to be designated as enhanced enterprise zones.
Says NOTHING about DEVELOPING a hydro dam. Just gives enhanced enterprise zones.
And Yes the city did piss away 6 million of taxpayers money. We will NEVER get this money back and we have NOTHING to show for it.
Headline reads:
"Redmon's Bill Paves Way for Hydroelectric Power Plant at West Quincy"
So how does that say they aren't going to go hyrdo?
Obama said that he would create jobs.
How's that going?
Believe everything you read?
Sure. Media outlets just make up headlines.
Like this one, http://lewispnj.com/story/redmon%E2%80%99s-hydropower-legislation-signed-law
this one,
this one,
and hell, even this one.
Well we can pass all the bills we want, but that don't feed the bulldog. If private investors aren't ponying up, that means tax dollars are being sought to develop these hydros. Where will it come from?
Ink doesn't build hydro plants.
Where is the construction? In print?
Looks like JJ is back. Nice pants JJ.
Want to talk about WASTE do a article on woodland cemetery!!!
I hear mr. waterfowlerswarehouse is about ready to jump off the hill behind the cemetery.
Water Plant.....If they (EMC) can get it done for cheaper and meet the govt water standards then so be it.
"So be it." So be it? Yeah, right.
I can see it now... Shovels in hand at the groundbreaking ceremony, and all you IL idiots saying "jobs in MO but not in IL, BLAH BLAH, Quincy coulda had something like that BLAH BLAH another missed opportunity for Quincy BLAH BLAH Spring is so dumb BLAH BLAH life is good BLAH BLAH," in typical Illinois Republican fashion. Damn you people are too predictable.
Steve in MO
Well Steve-o-from Mo you need to fill us in on how the Il Democrats would do this differently! (By the way, "Life is Good" is Democrat buzz.)
When they (Missouri) build the hydro, you'll need to keep us bumpkins apprised of the tax windfall and profits you'll get from the 300 temporary jobs "created". Personally, I'd love to see it work, but if you do the research you'll be surprised at all the predictions, but no solid real world numbers. My guess is we'll see more nuclear way before hydro.
Seriously, if there is money to be made from hydro generation, it ain't much because NO private entity is doing it. That's how Quincy got derailed. The gummint wants the tax/grant money going to private investors, not ladder-climbing, self aggrandizing politicians looking to make a name for themselves, or a "legacy" project to put on their next resume for another cushy gummint job.
Water Plant They(EMC) can't, at least not at waste water, probably costing the City a couple hundred thousand a year. If they could and meet Gov't standards at the water plant the only thing you are going to see out of it is your water rates double
What happened to QNO? What's the teaser about the judge saying No No No?
Bob tried to start a new website
The judge says NO NO NO.
Tookie hires crew of lawyers
Quincygazette is dead
He'll just use QuincyJournal instead!
Bob tried to start a new website
The judge says NO NO NO.
Yeah, because GAZETTE is always the FIRST word I think of when referring to internet news.
lifeisgood.com was already taken.
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