Quincy Notre Dame Newsletter .
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Most of the individuals who post here are some of the best and brightest. The opinions expressed here, while probably right and certainly smart, are their own, and are not necessarily reviewed in advance by anyone but the individual author. Sometimes, the author is audacious and decides to post an opinion without a buddy reviewing it, and at other times, he/she may seek counsel of a friend. Regardless, these opinions do not necessarily reflect the view of Quincy Fire or any other person or company. Quincy Fire might agree with them - or might not.
You could use the 2nd link as a City Hall newsletter as well!
Hydro's gonna work, I tell ya!!
Lost me, Fire. Are you saying the HW is Notre Dame's newsletter? Does Notre Dame HAVE a newsletter?
Why did this article and the article about Bud Niekamp's ouster not make the QHW tonight. It was online around noon. Is it being held up so people have less time to arrange their schedules and attend the meeting Wednesday night?
7:22 - The story was online at noon because the paper was printed at 10:00am. It was on my driveway before lunch.
The QHW is essentially a morning paperthat is printed in the morning and distributed is very early afternoon.
Any news stories that appear to be day of publication were actually written in advance based on information provided, also in advance.
Ralph Oakley
School officials say Grove resigned from her job as a paraeducator at Berrian Elementary School in Quincy after her arrest.
Thinking if she was from QND this never would have been mentioned.
Thank you for your reply Mr.Oakley. Forgive me, but from my own past experience with the QHW, I know how creative writing is used by your paper to make a point. It doesn't have to be the truth. That is why circulation has gone down and online news consumption and communication through these blogs have gone up.
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