Democratic Second Ward Alderman Steve Duesterhaus said that if the Republicans take control, "there's another election in two years."
He said regardless of the outcome, Quincy will "prosper and provide opportunity to its citizens (Family)when the majority, without regard to hyper-partisan leanings, acts for the long term benefit of the city (Family)." He also said this year's Democratic slate of candidates fits this description.
Dues quotes directly from The Union Difference book of axioms and reasons why a regular guy can't get a job with the city OR vets home.
Hyper-partisan leanings? He must not mean he is afraid the taxpayer will have a say in how their money is spent.
Nice pants, JJ!
If a couple of things hadn't happened (that were beyond your influence and control) you too, could have been ousted from your council chair last night.
Imagine an 11-3 Republican majority. We're going to get ya buddy!
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