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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Vote 'em all out!!!! (so you idiots will have something to complain about when, not if, they fail and fuck up like the previous batch.)
Anonymous, 9:05 is correct. I have no love for the "current batch", but I have no faith, whatsoever, that a different "batch" will be any less corrupt, more productive, etc. on any level, be it local, state, or national.
That's why we have elections every couple years. There is the option to remove the person you feel is not doing the job right.
I would hope you go vote today and have a better attitude than anon 9:05. If he/she doesn't vote, they will have even less to bitch about.
Happy Voting!
9:05 here.
I did vote. Here's hoping the entire cast of Looney Tunes are residents of Illinois because as a write-in they're already more qualified.
vote for the dems, and watch this country go down the drain. vote for the repubs,and watch it go down a different drain. pick yer poison.
Fischer up by a cool thousand right now.
Looks like the QND Fans get their coach....I mean sheriff back for another couple years.
Guess you could say Fischer EXTINGUISHED McCoy... HAHAHAHA
ROTFLMAO Whoa hahahahahaaa.....
Great! More of Fischer's unfettered goons and their boorish, bullying behavior.
Hey, at least Fischer's bullying behavior doesn't consist of using fire extinguishers on inmates!!!!
Congratulations Brent Fischer, on winning a campaign without slinging mud. Can Yosemite Sam McCoy say the same?
Ummmm, because bullying the county's citizens is much more acceptable? What is your point?
However, I agree that a clean(ish) campaign is much more acceptable.
Hope you dummies are giggle happy with your voting for Quinn
If no City employees got raises this year, how did HR Olsen's secretary(Oops, sorry, newly titled, Administrative Assistant)go from $25K to $40K per year? Just wondering.
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