Situational irony is the disparity of intention and result: when the result of an action is contrary to the desired or expected effect.
Courtesy Rides, a service that provides free transportation to anyone who calls. Most of those who call are intoxicated individuals who need a ride home from a local bar and are grateful they won’t have to get behind the wheel and risk being arrested for DUI.
In an effort to protect the public the city council even changed the city code as to not allow this service to operate. He dropped his attempt to apply for a Taxi license because the Chief of Police had an issue with a $3k forgery bill.
Several of my favorite quotes include:
Duesterhaus said the ruling is about public safety.
"The public has a right to know that someone has checked out the driver and the vehicle," he said. "The licensing process is not so onerous that anybody of good character can do it."
Under questioning from aldermen, Copley said the police department hasn’t received any significant complaints about Courtesy Rides.
Pinnacle Security Systems comes strolling into town, fills out the needed paperwork for solcitors license and starts shaking down city residents under the full approval of the citys requirements.
Now the QPD warns of Pinnacle Security Systems concerns.
But hey, They met the requirements under the city code..........
No hypocrisy in this town!
Once you burn your rep in Quincy it is always burnt. Courtesy Rides would be better off leaving town and finding a non-repressive community to serve. He won't have to look hard.
If it was anyone other than Jeff Scott, this would be a good idea. This guys family has played a part in Quincy's destruction. Arsonists, levee breakers, burglars and forgers. Do we really want that type to transport drunk people? They can't even run their lives correctly, how can they be trusted to take care of a person that is drunk? I say fuckem. Run his ass out of town on a rail. I can't seem to figur eout why someone else has not picked up the torch and ran with it.
"Quincy Fire said...
When did this happen?
7/08/2010 08:14:00 PM"
See post above. Fair is fair.
Actually its NOT fair.
Other than the $3k fine remaining to be paid, Jeff has paid his debt to society.
Of course SOME people would just as soon pile up the wood, soak it with gasoliene and burn to death ALL "lawbreakers", to "make the community safe".
A pity that anon1130 will end up burning in hell with that load of "I'm never forgiving anyone who ever did anything wrong, fuckem!"
Wait a minute. Didn't I see anon1130's picture on Crimestoppers? Oh no, I remember, he's virgin pure and without sin, I saw him dressed up as the Virgin Mary, that's right.
What a dickhead you are, anon1130.
QPD Irony
Just weeks away from KC barbecue where more beer is consumed on 5 acres in 72 hours than any other mecca in Adams County and QPD sticks their collective heads in their asses. Then they call off ISP.
But the QPD MF'ers have no qualms about road blocking front street around closing time at Backwaters or the Dock.
But that is to be expected when you have chickenshits like Copley and Dryer admiring themselves in the mirror telling each other what a fine job they are doing for the taxpayer.
Public safety, MT FUCKIN' ASS
I am 1130
Those boys burnt down a fucking school house. Remember? There is no debt they can repay for the harm they did to the kids. He is scum of the Earth and he is trying to make a buck and do it without paying taxes. Fuck him and his gay ass looking self.
Hey dipshit.
What about the kids? Are you freaking serious? Asswipes like you have no knowledge of shit. It's a FACT that is was burnt during the SUMMER! and at the time it was not a school it was a preschool. LOOK IT UP!
Too bad you and people like you weren't in it when it went up!
Does not matter if it was summer or winter. The kids that went there were affected. What about his forgery conviction? Would you want to be drunk and getting a ride from him and have your checkbook fall out in his van? Ya think he might write checks on your account? Jackass.
Baaa ba bouy
Baaa ba bouy
Baaa ba bouy
Howard Stern Rules!!!!
Think you all are missing the POINT here.
To get a soliciters license is LESS that a taxi License.
A soliciters license reqires less BS and they can prowl door to door LEGALLY and swindle residents out of money "under the citys rules". (see QPD warning)
A taxi you have to call for service and if the service sucks, you don't call again.
GET IT ???
Sounds to me like you boys do not
play well with others.
Where the fuck are you now? You're a hypocrite! As I said before, ya can't have anyone saying anything bad about DIPSHIT MCQUEEN, but let's bash away at Courtesy Rides.
If your that upset, start your own blog and regulate how you want.
I see nothing here that isn't public knowledge and personal opnion.
A lot of people support Courtesy Rides and I would bet Fire does too if you read past post on here.
Take a chill pill dude.
Hey 11:20,
What have you got to say about McQueen, assface? Just keep posting it. Then, you should go to McQueen's house and tell him about it to his face, you pussy-assed fucknut. So, fuck YOU!!
Sorry, I put 11:20 and not 11:22. The 2 I dropped could represent the two balls of 11:22's boyfriend that he's cupping and sucking. Stupid faggot asspoker.
11:22 here.
What I'm referring to is something the regulator of this blog said in the comments section of the last post. Someone made a comment about Messiah McQueen's previous financial troubles (also public knowledge/personal opinion) and it was deleted.
"Quincy Fire said...
If your gonna make very personal attacks, gonna have to leave your name.
Otherwise there gone.
7/08/2010 05:43:00 AM"
Well here we are, just a couple days later and people are crucifying the Courtesy Rides guy and all I hear are fucking crickets from the moderator's keyboard.
Oh irony.
I shouldn't have to 'start my own blog' just to criticize another blogger. I'm just calling him/her out for not playing fair when he/she said everyone else has to.
WTF ever.
I don't think that's irony
Don't like it.
Don't like it?
Don't read it.
why don't you two just make out and get it over with? This is the gayeset thread I've ever read.
Sounds to me like you all voted for
Obama, have 2 mommies and no daddy.
Now go outside and play nice.
Would someone unplug Roberta's fuckin keyboard already?
LMAO @ 3:51!
Like I said:
You Boys don't play nice
I'm going to open a grocery store on a donation only basis.I'll start out slowly,letting everyone know what the donation should be,but never asking for it.Anyone that won't donate,I won't let back in the store.If the other stores complain I'm breaking the law,I'll say they they won't cater to their customers like me.I'll make big money,and pay no taxes.Yee-haw.
Yeah, well girls like me don't like Roberta either! Someone SHOULD unplug her keyboard.
Please do not take this personal,
but I don't like "girls" like you either.
Also, why is it ok for you all to "speak" but you want to silence me..
We're still waiting for you to say something intelligent, that's why. Words are hard for you, huh?
What was this discussion about again?
Yeah Fire...
Me again... That's what I thought... Too busy to moderate comments about Courtesy Rides but you have all the time in the world to defend McQueen AND now Bobby G too huh?
Keep up the biased work.
What about hydro power, Since Januarys ice jam and above flood stage all year there would be no drop [head] for power, so when they start talking more about hydro
and dollars start asking more ???
Almost 8 months 0 kilowatts... JMO
All hypocrisy aside,Courtesy Rides is a rip-off.You better pay,or next time you won't get a ride,or it will be after the clubs close,and you will be last.Also,undercutting legit services by not paying insurance or having a limo license just isn't playing by the rules.How about we get a courtesy police force or fire dept?
You better pay, or next time you won't get a ride,or it will be after the clubs close,and you will be last.
Guess it's better than no service at all isn't it? Cheaper than a DUI too.
Me thinks, if you need a ride home from "clubs" more than once you just might have a drinking problem and need detox more than a ride....
Hey, 10:40... he moderated my comments about you liking balls. So, he's got your back. Which is just the way you like it, right?
MY POINT WAS....it's not much of a "courtesy" if you gotta pay!That is what Jonathan is touting.He is doing it as a courtesy and doesn't need or ask for a "donation".Sounds like BS to me.
MY POINT IS: Call it what you want, but in a community the size of Adams County,there just must be someone that a drunk or bar owner can call to assist an inebriated patron to safety
wait about 6 months and see who has a service like Courtesy rides.. it'll be a friend of that fuckhead scholz, or an aldermans relative or a retired state "ss" cop, someone wants that business....it'll happen just not with these people
Mitch, chill; you are about to blow a gasket.
Don't worry your pretty little head, I am sure it will be some fine upstanding citizen involved in creating a "scenic ride" company.
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