Mayor John Spring said he was disappointed to see the council shoot down the proposal without even looking at the study.
“This doesn’t make sense,” Spring said after the meeting. “All we were asking for was permission to hold a public hearing.”
He said aldermen were willing to hire Teska to conduct a study, “but then you don’t want to hear the results of the study? It seems a little backwards to me.”
Kinda like when the taxpaying citizens elect aldermen and a mayor and then when in office do not want to hear from the people who elected them..
Yeah. That is kinda backwards.
that's because they only listen to the people that REALLY "elected" them.Those people sit in the back at council meetings,in uniform, because they want us all to see that they are concerned about what's going on,and keep everybody honest.
I'm sure glad 5:47 is on top of things. He sure sounds smart.
hisoner doesn't like it when he gets the same treatment he dishes out.
Durbin....esk if u ask me.
The mayor asking for a public hearing? Will wonders never cease?
Too bad his Whig picture buddy wasn't there to help get it thru. They will be back for another try.
How Damn much money have we given Teska over the last 30years to tell us how to "save downtown" ? I for one am tired of spending money to rebuild stuff downtown that we don't have the first of in much of the city. Also we elected the council and mayor to decide what the city needs , not some out of town firm. If any of the elected don't feel up to making decisions on their own without spending money on advice--Resign.
Mayor Spring's just trying to look like he gives a shit what we think.
Is it election time already?
They hire outside firms because the council doesn't know shit.
So the city employees have to give up furlough money but the city council doesn't. Well we now know how special the elected think they are! Alderman brink has no problem taking jobs away from people that already paid furlough but ask him to give up his 24hrs of pay and he stands behind a firm NO! What an ___!
I am in agreement. Maybe being a repo man he can't afford to give up his $52 like Alderman Vahlkamp for his 24 hours of furlough time. What an ass____! Brink should not even run for reelection next time.
As I predicted, they are back again tonight.
Yeah, writing a $52 check back to the city will fill the $4.3m hole. Maybe Brink is into solving the problem, not grandstanding with meaningless crap.
Does he really have the brains to solve the problem? I think not.
Sure he does. He's already put forth a solid plan. Stop the unnecessary spending. Note, he didn't say close a fire station.
Brains? On City Council? I'm pretty sure there are at least two Dems that have trouble reading. I mean, they can not read.
I am in the 5th Ward. I will not vote for either of my aldermen if they do not pay the furlough days when reelection time comes. I'll be watching to make sure they do the right thing. If they don't, I'll campaign against them.
Give me a break. We all support our local charities. That's only part of what makes Quincy such a awesome place to live. The aldermen who said that tonight should be embarassed of themselves.
As predicted, the missing alderman from last week added the needed vote. Any bets if his picture will be in paper tonight along with Spring's?
Refuse to vote for a guy who won't grandstand or one who doesn't give a DAMN about people other than his family?And was there ever any doubt how this would go?Vote them all out!
Very misleading article by the whig. It never mentioned the furlough program did not get voted on, nor endorsed by the council. It was something the mayor enacted. Notice how they did not bother to ask the other alderpersons their opinions before printing an article.
The grand total for the "savings" of furlough days for aldermen would be $800.00, this is deserving of a front page article?
I feel it's more about how all city employees had their 24hrs deducted from their paychecks, without a choice to where it goes. Are the council members not city employees? Everyone gets so mad on these boards when some elected think they are above all else but when the the others (republicians) do it you jump to their defense. I'm conservetive myself, but BS is BS!
The city council, knowing the tax es weren't going to be there this year to support the budget, passed it any way. Now everyone from taxpayers to city employees are going to pay for it, except, of course, the council.
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