Link to Keokuk dam information: http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pes/public/2009/may/peshistory.html
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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When will the project produce a positive cash flow?
Related to the above, how much will having the hydro plant lower may taxes and my electric rates?
Will I be molested by Dr. Phil?
As I understand it, from my alderman that I talked to, the people paying for this, us, will get no reduction in electric rates. The city ran buildings would get reduced or low cost energy the rest of the electric will be sold to the grid.
He also stated that the only real payback for the taxpayer is that the income may lead to lower taxes somewhere way down the line. I wonder, if city expenses keep climbing, as they have been, how can they cut taxes inthe future? The way I look at this is that by the time this is built and online city spending will have grown to equal or perhaps surpass any revenue generated and we will be right where we are now.
Can I really save on my car insurance if I switch to GEICO?
How did JJ get that job with DOT in the first place?
jj earned his job.
Why do so many people think hydro is a bad idea? Just because John Spring is backing it? If Dave Nuessen thought it up, would it be a good idea then? Keokuk has had hydro since 1913! Do you think Ameren would still be running that old Keokuk plant if it was losing money?
Do some dam research on Hydro and then come back and ask some better questions.
Keokuk was DESIGNED as a hydro dam from day one.
With a 38 feet difference between the normal pool above and below the dam, the lock has the highest "step" in the stairway of the Rock Island District locks and dams.
If you go and read my first post on this, I pretty much explain, in detail, why I don't think that this will work here.
and... if you want the real lowdown on the keokuk dam and some information to read, go here: http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pes/public/2009/may/peshistory.html This goes into some REAL detail on the Keokuk dam and it's history.
As far as having something against Spring, I do not. I favor neither party.
Finally, read the article I have linked above. Ask yourself if this is such a "great idea" why has Ameren been so slow in making changes to the Keokuk hydro? And since Ameren is already operating a hydro dam on the Mississippi, why are they not jumping behind the Quincy Hydro project?
I did not jump on this thing because it was Springs idea, I looked into and did reserch on it and made my own conclusions on whether it would work or not. I have came to a conclusion that it will not. If someone wants to step up and show me differently, I will listen.
The posting here is open and waiting for a reply.
The link didn't come thru so I put the link on the main post.
I'm sorry this is off topic, but constituents need to know.
Phil Hare will be in Quincy this Tuesday ... not a town hall but a press conference. READ this
Does he really want to hear from his constituents? He's sneaking into town not to hear anyone but to say what he thinks!
Is there any chance Family Feud will replace Wheel of Fortune after the 6 o'clock news?
QF -
I have read your posts about hydro. I followed your link. I have read the hydro report for the project. I am also not a licensed engineer. With all due respect for your reading & research & interest in this project, I have to conclude that Mike Klingler, Mead & Hunt, and the Army Corps of Engineers know more about flow, fall, and turbines than you do. Unless you have comparable credentials that you have not shared, you haven't convinced me. I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you do for a living. But to be really honest - your anti-hydro campaign kind of reminds me of the rock quarry guy and the school district. Sorry...
Anon 8:15
First of all, thanks for stopping by. Glad to see that you have read the information provided. Everything I have read shows ME that this project will not work. If this hasn't convinced you, them that is the choice you have made. I'm not saying that the Mississippi river cannot be harnessed for hydroelectric, just that what was/is presented at this time, clearly will not work.
Second, No I'm not a " licensed engineer". I have never said or let on that I am an engineer. I am also sorry that one must possess the proper "credentials" for you to believe anything, with all due respect. I have no problem using Microsoft products knowing that Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard. As far as experience, Klingner has no hydroelectric experience. A search of Mead and Hunt on the Internet did not turn up any eye opening projects for me. The Corp of Engineers, who originally did the study, didn't really jump on this project when it was studied with federally funded money either.
I have obtained a copy of the FERC report that was submitted by Klingler and the city. It was provided to me not by the city but from a third party. The city flat out refused to provide me a copy. The report, at $60,000, was no more than a copy of the corp of engineers 1983 hydro study.
As far as my anti-hydro campaign, as you call it, this is strictly from the mechanical side of the project. I know other concerned people have problems with the bonding authority and funding of this project. The entire cost of this project is falling 100% on the taxpayers of Quincy. Klingner and Mead and Hunt will make money on this regardless if it succeeds or fails. In fact, the people most pressing this project are the ones to profit off it and have a zero risk.
My understanding based on anecdotal statements and from Ameren press releases (general comments about very low pricing) is that Wholesale Electrical Rates are in the mid-$30's. Can anyone prove this and shed light on a credible source for the information? VERY IMPORTANT to know this.
QF -
When I stated that I am also not a licensed engineer, I was referencing your statement in your 12/14/08 post "Watch My Dam Money" that you are not a licensed engineer. I think researching engineering projects is an interesting hobby. It's not my cup of tea, but good for you. The credentials are important, you & I both know that, and I was impressed with Mead & Hunt. Mike Klingler is a decent guy with a conscience who I think would like to continue to live & work in Quincy. I don't think he's trying to sell a load of crap just to make some big bucks off the rest of us. It would be nice to hear from your blogfriend UDN DAVE on this subject. More than a couple engineers in his family. Your link about the history of the Keokuk plant even mentions one of them. That UDN relative knows a lot about hydro...
Weak. Very weak.
So Mayor Spring chose Bernardi to handle the Bonds because he knows a partner there and they have worked with the City of Quincy in the past? Wow! Bernardi has it made like Haliburton does in Iraq. With no competition on the bids sky is the limit on the interest rate. This has Chuck Scholz written all over it. I still wonder how much Chuckie's cut is? Anyone know?
JJ just saved the State 63,291 a year, by doing what he does best. Yey JJ!!
When Obama invents a new form of energy or way of generating electricity, will we still be stuck with the $250-300 million for this project?
Did the q & a session the city put on answer all of your doubts about the Hydro project?
Will JJ get a job at the hydro plant, as "safety man" for the hydro plant?
JJ's gonna need some work before they turn any turbines on the river. Unless of course they create one. They wouldn't do that though.
JJ could be the "Director of the Beverage Committee" for the hydro plant.
He could also coordinate the purchasing of uniforms, especially the pants, of the employees at the hydro plant.
Anon 8:38
Didn't answer sh*t. In fact raised more questions than it answered, and STILL didn't get a straight answer from anyone.
About ready to throw in the towel on this blog.
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