First off, Kutos to Mr. Sparrow for standing up and asking for information on the hydro project.
QNO first broke the story, and QHW did a story Sunday.
Fire did a story on this back on 12.14.2008 titled Watch my Dam Money.
Really? I don't remember seeing any of these "discussions" that were open to the public?
......after a quick learning from the Illinois Open Meeting Act, I don't see where any of the exceptions would qualify for a closed door session? What would you be hiding?
Another quote from the King Duece ""Most all of it has been made public. But you can't force people to listen," That's Funny! From the King of "I-don't-want-to-hear-from-the-people" himself........
If this information is for the public, Why is it not on the citys Hydro Web Page? I can gleen more information from a gum wrapper. Maybe your IT dept. can take a break from the golf course and his soccer site to put some of this information out there?
Show the evidence?
and just what does he get by grandstanding? What do you call Duesterhaus complaining all the time?
Why can't you see that the hydro project is going to benifit Quincy in the long run.
show me first that it will WORK. The whole thing is based on people thinking it will work.
Doe anyone on here know how Chuck Scholz is involved in this?
You all fret too much over this thing. Just sit back. Light up a Camel and pour yourself a few stiff ones babies. Watching these chumps try and sell crap dressed up as french silk pie is good for the soul.
Welcome to the official City of Quincy, Illinois web site and thanks for visiting! Our site provides citizens, businesses, and visitors easy access to a wealth of information and services.
It says " Street Projects/Closings NEW!
But yet Wednesday closing 0n Hampshire and Vermont are not listed. Surprised?
JJ, JJ say it ain't so, not another one JJ, well dog me, I would have never, ever guessed, JJ!!! Serprise, Serprise!! Who would have figured JJ!!!
JJ you're truly a class act, you state employee you!!
Carbon copy of the 2003 deal, JJ!!!!
Oh, no, JJ, I can hear the punchlines now!!
Way to go, way to live up to the stereotype JJ.
Fire, can we please get "Public's justice/safety from JJ" timer, set to around, say September 16th ish?
Could we, could we get that please?
Durn, another chapter in JJ gate.
Also the epilogue: 2009TR5430
Nice pants, JJ!!!
Would be more surprising if he were pulled over and didn't have alc, think the world would fall off it's axis.
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