I Think Pundit calls these Springisms:
In the fictional universe of Star Wars, a Jedi mind trick is a Force power. Jedi who know the power can, by using the Force, influence the actions of other "weak-minded" sentient beings.
Jedi typically perform this ability with a wave of the hand and a verbal suggestion. If the trick is successful, the victim will reply by restating the suggestion and will immediately think or do whatever the Jedi suggested.
The hand wave may not be required to use the power.
Spring said the incident involving the conviction was "15 years ago" and stressed he didn't hire Murphy but said, on more than one occasion, he's doing "a terrific job."
Murphy has filed a police report alleging a hack into a Web site on the city's computer server. The FBI is
handling the investigation of the Web site hack.
IT director job responsibility's:
Oversees the implementation of network security at the corporate level.
Quincy airport has an average of "50 to 80 planes in and out of the airport" daily
Maybe he meant weekly?
Spring also said Director of Administrative Services Ken Cantrell is back at work but "needs to watch himself."
Gough: I have never misquoted you. Spring: Well...you twist things and...you'd better watch yourself.
SPRING: ................ Call me. I'm in the book. Nobody has taken me up on that.
Spring: I also don't appreciate you call my police chief on a Sunday and asking for my private number. (Stresses on the MY's)
We like to be as transparent as we can
QuincyNews.org requested Spring's travel information on Jan. 22 and did the story last week.Updated 4/1/09 ( April Fool's Day )
Right now if three of these were up and running, it would produce enough electricity to electrify, not only every home in the city of Quincy, but Adams County. This is going to produce a great deal of power," says Spring.
True statement? If all the dams were producing at 100% capacity this would be a true statement.
Problem is, that the river conditions that will produce 100% designed power only occur 12 % of the time. Don't know about you, but I enjoy my lights being on more than 5 mins every hour.
What the Phuck are these two down kissing ass to the self proclaimed YP's of Quincy?
The ONLY thing they are worried about is a ride home from the bars at 3 am.
This YP group SUCKS!
Show me ONE thing that this phucking group has done to "bring jobs" into the city??
Anyone? Anyone?
I was not aware that bringing jobs to Quincy was their raison d'etre.
Oh, silly me. That's because it's not!
You want GREDF. Different department. Far more amusement value.
Bend over and pay the extra cig tax money, you overweight fat cigarette smoking clowns. The kids need the money for healthcare. The kids are more important than you. So fork it out, you little bitches. Just stay 15 ft from the door, you outcasts.
Get some exercise, and stay out of MackDonalds. And quit drinking
8:18: What does that have to do with the article? Sheesh.
Regarding YP sucking, maybe they do. The group is the city's answer to keeping and recruiting young talent. In that respect I think they are not inclusive enough to fulfill that goal.
The truth only gets in the way of his re-election. If he told the truth he'd lose. His words are on record for us to mock but unfortunately the majority of the people listening to his lies don't read the blogs.
I'm 19, and I can't drink in pubs. I should be able to drink in pubs.
Ken Cantrell runs the city, everyone knows that. At a city council meeting I went to, verytime they asked Spring a question, he was like "Where's Kenny, Kenny what do we know about that..." They'd be lost w/o Kenny.
I heard Dave asked Kenny to stay on when he wins.
I'm watching the debates tonight and have came to a conclusion.
Spring doesn't have a clue to what the hell is going on.
If you've ever heard the phrase "It's not what you know, it's Who you know" He is the classic example.
He is 100% Bullshit.
Spring says he wants to keep Quincy's youth in town, but does not fly out of Quincy because he wants to see his son in St Louis.
What Happened here?
Wow. I watched that debate, and...well...Bellis doesn't really come across great on tv...
I'm really less concerned about how my mayor comes across on tv and more concerned with how he would run the city...
You know who was good on TV? Hitler. Yeah, I fuckin' said it.
Spring is Hitler... only a lot less evil, but a whole bunch more douchebaggy.
Spring is playing on the fact that majority of people probably have never seen this forum or QuincyNews.org..sorry BOB. Those people live the whig and wgem as their news. The believe what Les and Shan say. If its snowing a blizzard but Rich Cain says its gonna be sunny and 50 guess what, not winter coat and no boots. Thats how nieve majority of people in this community is. Thats why we have only gotten worse over the years, because people have been drinking the kool-aid offered by the city, but not their morning coffee
Enjoy your work and am not stopping in to argue politics. With regard to the FOIA about the Mayor's travel expenses, our response was very timely.
The expenses were charged to a bank card. The bank card charges came in and the mayor submitted his claim, pursuant to the city's claim procedure. The claims came up before the Finance Committee in the ordinary course of business and payments were sent out March 20, 2009 (a Friday). I got my copies of the entire payment and claims materials by fax Monday, March 23. I cut and pasted the ones that were not responsive to the request and notified QN.org that their compliance was ready Tuesday March 24.
Until we paid the claims, we had nothing responsive to the request. Instead of just saying, in January "We've got nothing," I notified QN.org that we would treat their request as standing and comply as soon as we had records (that is, as soon as the bills were both presented and paid.) I would comply with their request. I took one business day, March 23, to put a volume of records into compliant form and tendered them to QN.org.
I believe Mr. Gough will confirm everything I just told you about how this request was handled. In fact, if you will review his piece on this FOIA, he lays it out quite fairly.
Of course you can dislike any administration you want but I think your suggestion that this was not transparent is poorly founded.
The only delay was not in compliance. It was in the billing time for the bank card and the normal processing time for city vouchers.
I hope you find this useful. Continued success with your blog.
Guess my example of the DC may have not been the best one. I understand that you provided QNO all the required information that was requested in a timely manner.
I guess my point would be "Why is a FOIA needed?" This is taxpayers money and it should be posted on the city's web page. This would be an example of open and transparent government.
BTW: I had requested by phone and in person the PUBLIC studys that were done on the Hydro project. I was more or less told to go pound sand and this information was not for public viewing and it was none of my business.
Thanks for stopping by.
I'm sorry, but I think Bellis blew the debate. Hopefully for his sake he'll be able to relax a little for the next one. He had several opportunities to make some good points...namely about the firefighter situation...and he just stammered through it. And its not just about being good on tv...he has to be in charge every day and run council meetings...which are of course on tv. Anyway it doesnt matter how bad Spring is or how many ideas Bellis has if he can't get them out of his mouth.
Here's a point.
I would rather have a mayor who stammers thru BLOWING almost a half a million dollars and a blown firing than on who snakes thru it and says that he would "do it again" the next time.
If you want someone who looks good on TV, vote for Dave Letterman, if you want someone to watch YOUR tax dollars, vote for Bellis.
Anyone wanting to hear a discussion about firefighters in the debate missed out...Doug wilson specifically asked a question about whether city employees were mishandled...Bellis said nothing. There were several chances for him to rip into Spring and he missed them. Doesn't exactly make people feel confident...
I'd like to know how spring plans to use the money from the stimulus to help EVERYONE.
Pryor, Oklahoma: A town for all seasons:
Pryor, the seat of Mayes County, is a town of approximately 8,500 interesting and diverse people. Additionally, there are at least half that many people living within a five-mile radius of the city limits. This population has created the demand for the cozy housing developments that are popping up everywhere in the rural community. Pryor is much larger than what can be initially perceived by individuals passing through this Oklahoma town. But the real reason for people to be drawn to Pryor, the real beauty of Pryor is: Her people think large.
By taxing themselves in recent years, Pryorites have built a new $6 million recreation center, a new $6 million gymnasium, a new $9 million county courthouse, and a new $4 million county jail.
Mayor Jimmy Tramel has looked at the current growth of sales tax revenues and has plans to earmark a portion of them to "design-build", a new library, a new City Hall, a new police station, and a new dog pound.
Four miles south is the largest industrial park in rural America, MidAmerica Industrial Park (MAIP), where more than 60 industries manufacture everything from industrial size air conditioners to protein ingredients for food products. The industries are medium to small in facility and employment. There is no one company that dominates the landscape. This diversity has contributed to the industrial park's strength and allowed Pryor to prosper even during times of nationwide economic strife.
What does Pryor OK have to do with anything here?
40% of electric generated the hydro electric dam will be used by the city water and wastewater plants
To get city workers to vote, the admin is using the rumor that Mayor Bellis will cut 100 city jobs
C & Ped from QNO, thanks free money:
teatsuckerdom defined:
City Employees:
ALD Peters-son/son/grandson
ALD Mueller-son/son
ALD Jansen-nephew/niece(both a Springs Kids)
ALD Sparks-brother/brother/nephew/nephew
ALD Sparrow-daughter(hired,quit,rehired)son-alder.
ALD Schoenekase-son
ALD Duesterhaus-brother/brother/brother
ALD Goehl-son/son/grandson
ALD Klingele-son/son
ALD Vahlkamp-daughter/daughter/son/son
ALD Reis-son/son/daughter-in-law/brother-in-law/
nephew/nephew's wife
ALD Grussenmeyer-wife/daughter/daughter/son-in-law
MAYOR Hagstrom-son
MAYOR Scholz-appointed his brother
MAYOR Lenane-talk about loyal, even after death he's had grandson/grandson's wife/great grandson
in the last twenty years
DIR.ADMIN Meehan-created a job, then hired his wife for the position
PRESIDENT of Young DEMs got him a job and then they created one for his wife.
SAFETY DIR. Ran in primary to oust that unloyal/
ungrateful DEM.Volm. Couldn't do it,here's a job
No including Police/Fire(they have their own com-
mission, How many employees did the City hire in the last 4 years? How many had Rep. ties or no ties at all.
As far as bids go, I'll mention one. EMC, in 2002
they were awarded a 5 yr,and over $5,000,000.00 contract to operate the City's waste plant, without taking bids or even talking to similar firms. Also, if some one was to investigate, they might find it possible, that a long time friend of Jansen's(Springs brother-in-law), R.Johnson was one of the key people for EMC during contract negotiations and that this same individual
might have been Spring's campaign manager in the 2005 mayoral election.
I love the "My son-in-law, who I hired on, is woking on bi-partisan fair hiring policy" Kind of like having a Nazi in charge of Jewish health and welfare committee.
To clarify ,he doesn't "take" money from convicts for campaigns, he hires convicts for city IT positions. Got it?
Spring didn't hire Murphy, his puppetmaster did.
That list is unbelievable. To see it all together like that makes me sick to my stomach.
This phucking group of leaders has done plenty to get jobs for Quincy.
They gave Ray Shortridge anything he desired in return for $25,000,000.00 worth of empty space at 2nd and Hampshire that probably won't be done until after our new hydro plant. They spent 100s of 1000s of dollar in studies,so the new owner of the crumbling theatre would know what to do. They got us a grant so we could repave one of the better streets in town, cut down all its trees, put in new sidewalks with bricks in it so the weeds have somewhere to go, and bought 100 or more old street lights at over $3,000.00 a pop. Now all they have to do is get another 7 or 8 business on Maine St. and they will have a whole block filled. They built a new,$1,000,000.00 ,20 car parking lot at the Amtrack station, in about 3 days, that we are going to be paying for, for about 10 or 15 years. They're most likely going to make more money with the Hydroplant than estimated, because with the jobs and infrastructure situation in this town,the population will be about 20,000 when its completed. Renovation of Washington Park is on going with the Lincoln/Douglas pet project of Scholz's(How come no Lincoln Ave. here)and the Park District installing a new $250,000.00 water fountain. Its about time for a new company to come to town and work on the Newcomb Hotel for a couple of years. As soon as the Holiday Inn defaults on millions of dollars in taxes it will be time to built a new one of those. Its time to put another $100,000.00 of improvements in a stadium the City doesn't own, for the GEMS. They could always bring Meehan back to do another $80,000.00 City Hall heating unit repair, that somehow turned into 3/4 million dollars of
second floor renovation including luxury suites for him and Murphy.
Let's be honest here. I don't like Spring...at all...but this is just trading one local rich guys club for another. Im not sure I want the Niemanns, Knapheides and Phillips running Quincy.
Didn't you just list the names of a three guys that employ bunch of people? Assuming you are right, and these folks would have a lot more influence if Bellis wins, explain why you wouldn't want them running Quincy.
I really wouldn't want any country club fat cats running Quincy. Spring is a tool, but bellis doesn't really come off as his own man to me. He strikes me as someone who was plucked by a gang of rich guys who is a terrible public speaker and is just repeating what he's told to say. I want someone with his own opinions who will make his own decisions and not those of his backers. Maybe in 4 years...
I understand that you don't like the idea of a political puppet, but what is it that these fat cats are telling Bellis to do that is so bad?
I am just trying to determine if you are disgusted with the puppetry of it all, or if you believe the ambitions of his backers are somehow untoward.
I just think its sad you folks can't find ONE person to be your mayor who is 1.) smart 2.) moral 3.) not controlled by corporations...I mean 50,000 people and these two clown shoes are what you come up with?
That's just the way it works. There's two clubs in town and if you don't have the approval of one of them you can't get elected hall monitor. Ask Roger Davis, who had the gall to actually run in a primary.
A mayoral race around here is like the beaux arts ball.
Getting a little ugly in town...everyone should take a deep breath and click on this link...http://www.flickr.com/photos/catherinecaf/517624755/
I'm still waiting to hear who the "convicts" are who donated to Spring.
I think the word he looked for was DIRTBAGS , he said convicts .
Six or half dozen
So who are the convicts? Are we to assume that Bellis simply "misspoke" more than once? I guess that happens when you have other people writing your lines for you.
Listen to the Mary Griffith podcast if you want to know, it is all aired out there.
Can you call Chuck and have him play with his puppet some more ?
So the convict is some guy who got a DUI? No...bellis referred to more than one. Besides I'm sure if it was true then it would have been in one of the spam mailings his handlers wrote that showed up in my mailbox. Even qno didn't find any...and if anyone is going to jump all over Spring it'll be them.
Anyway I thought Bellis wasn't going to run a negative campaign. That's what he said at the beginning anyway.
Negative ? Is there something negative out there ? I have not seen any negatives .
This is because no intelligent enemy commander will willingly uncover a point or place that is vital or important to him. He will do so only if forced or deceived. To achieve such force or deception, the great captain will nearly always act in one of two manners. He will move so as to make the opposing general think he is aiming at a point different than what he is actually aiming at. Or he will operate in such a way that the enemy commander must, in the words of the greatest Union general in the American Civil War, William Tecumseh Sherman, find himself "on the horns of a dilemma," unable to defend two or more points or objectives and thus forced to cede at least one in order to save another.
Attacking your opponent rather than talking about your own skills is the very definition of negative campaigning. I wouldn't call postcards attaching Spring to Blagojevich or saying his contributors are convicts is talking about your own skills.
I can't wait for this race to be over. Then perhaps all the spinning and half-truths on both sides will cone to an end.
Look at where the money comes from. That will tell you who has the best interest of the city at heart. Spring's money comes from all over, mostly from non-local contractors and lawyers looking to do business with the city. Bellis' contributors are mostly citizens and local business owners.
Spring has several people with shady backgrounds. I mean who defrauds elderly people? His supporters will say that they were not convicted until after he took the money but to me that doesn't matter. He took money from people who do not have our city's interests at heart.
Plus he defends Murphy as being wonderful & terrific. What else can he say, He's doing a so so job? Fire him already
So who are the convicts?
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