Waaayy to much pissing and moaning over at QNO about how unfair the poll taken Sunday night. I for one was not home and wished they would be calling back.
So, I sought some advise today on exactly how to word this so no one would offended, pissed, accusing each side, and maybe to see if the numbers do indeed change if it was worded differently.
First, some background. I am neither a republican nor a democrat. I vote for the best person regardless of party affiliation.
Second, I have made my thoughts about the Hydro project, you can read them here. I think it is a high cost, high risk, with returns dependent on Mother Nature.
Third, the only two answers here are Yes and No. Not "I don't know". No "I don't understand the question". No "Maybe". Just 2 available answers.
YES or NO.
Will run this for 10 days.
Thanks 4 Playing.
Thanks for an unbiased point of view.
Thanks for the opportunity to vote a straight up or down vote.
If government employees couldn't contribute to candidates, Democrats couldn't get elected. Wouldn't be fair.
Hey Aaron, I am a gov't employee and the dems ain't getting $$$ out of me. Check the margin of votes vs. the # of gov't employees. (excluding Minnesota Senatorial elections). Whiner!!!
Can we as voters and taxpayers, form a coalition and vote to cut city employees pay and benefits? Everyone else is taking it in the ass, why not the union city workers? Why should they be kept mice? Sucks that they are insulated from the up and own(mostly down) economy, and always have their hands out, taking for granted year after year that there wil be tax money there for them.
More thought needs to go into an answer. Just where did "hundreds of millions" come from? If it's fed money, why not? If the project is feasible and would turn a profit or lower all Quincian's electric bills, why not? I have never heard "hundreds of millions" before.
Second question: Quincy is still a small town in most cases and I don't see how you can keep family members from donating. As much as I see the conflict, these are citizens also. We are getting the best government money can buy.
"It has been estimated that it will cost $200 million to equip the initial three sites.
Officials don’t have any estimate of how much it would cost to set up hydroelectric generators at the other two sites. "
That would be "hundreds of millions"
The original poll question(Bellis) was about studies. I don't doubt it would cost 200 million, more than likely a lot more. Quincy does not have hundreds of millions for this so most would have to come from the feds. In that case, if it reduces our local taxes or makes us money from sale of the electricity, why not.
But with the added capisity to the Electric grid of wind, surf , and solar AND the upgraded hydro , clean coal and NUKE .................
What happens when the price of a kilowatt goes to the crapper ?
Has the city looked into what kind of market value there is for renting the rights to harvest hydroelectric power at the locks and dams to a private company? The investment cost would be near $0 and the city would still make money on the deal. If I remember correctly, the city was talking about 50 year bonds to make this fly. The profits would be immediate if they rented the space to a utility company.
Then how would we employ future generations of "Quincy Folk"
By Golly Dave , what you said is just too complicated and big city like . I mean holy cow .............
* note the sarcasm
Like any bubble , being the last in sucks . By the time the hydro projects take off we will have so much added to the grid the price will DROP .
Then we the proud City of Quincy will go on ebay
Klingners is the only one profiting off of this. They are doing the feasibility study.
This is equivalent of asking your bookie "should I bet on this game?"
What is he gonna say, No?
Win, Lose, Draw, they still make money.
I couldn’t keep from laughing today as I read a promotional flyer sent out by QFD for an upcoming class at the training center. The majority of the class is to deal with fire department legal issues, including the hiring and firing of employees and other employment issues. The brochure kept mentioning that the presenters were to be some of the top legal experts in this field. I assumed that they were bringing James Spizzo in from Chicago to teach the class but on the back page was the bio of one of the city attorneys who will be the conducting the class.
Are these the same experts that were so clueless that we had to bring in an out of town guy for $400,000? If you listen closely you can hear the water sloshing on that sinking ship of a moneymaker they call a training center. And Walker is still the chief?
Please enjoy my new post at SBA. It is a proposal to save the country.
Thank you, Senor Takesitintheass.
That's it? Takesitintheass? Did you call all your friends together to come up with this?
Or is this the typewritten manifestation of your desire to have sex with me?
Tell you what, you keep up with your feverish gay dreams, you're gong to owe me dinner.
Spur of the moment, all I could think of, no friends involved. Not like I work for the city and blog all day.
No, sorry.
You wouldn't be worth it.
You belong in Springfield. You should run for office, as a D.
Why would I run as a D? That's a curious suggestion.
That was supposed to be the ultimate put down. Besides, if someone took you out, you likely wouldn't put out anyway.
Ummmm....the hydro question is far more biased than the one in the Repub poll.
Because you draw a false distinction and make an unfounded assumption: that money would HAVE to be taken from other things to pay for this. That is not necessarily a given. Probably, but not a given, and your question phrases it as an absolute given.
So no, your hydro question is not any better than the Repub poll.
Your second question isn't any better.
What is there about "city employees have as much right to donate to the candidate of their choice as YOU do" don't you understand?
Rephrase as "candidates should not SOLICIT contributions" and it would be much better.
But you can't take away peoples' right to contribute to whomever they damn well please.
Take me to Olive Garden, you're right, there would be no putting out.
But, you know, Buffalo-Chicken Horsehoe or an Agave Cheesesteak... you know... some drinks... who knows... I am not sure putting out would be desirable after hot wings and beer. What do the gays eat on a date that doesn't make assbanging later that night totally disgusting?
Mysteries of the world, man.
Wouldn't one dude having the beer shits be a lot like a chick on her period? I mean, after a night of drinking beers and eating pub food or mexican... you get woken up by some dude's morning wood and he wants to hit it... and you would have to be like, "no way dude... I'm raggin".
The Democrat thing was a tremendous put-down. Probably the worst thing that's ever been said about me on these blogs. Good work.
Actually, a more accurate question as it pertains to the current city administration might be:
"Should the current mayor accept campaign contributions from city employees in return for promotions, raises and job retention upon his election?"
It's not biased when it's the truth.
You have no idea about income and expenses.
Either you work for the city, government or you are a complete freaking idiot.
Which is it?
My guess is "both".
Some joint that serves 16 inch pancakes in S-field was listed on a MSN ranking top 10 mom and pop joints in the country. Forget the name, is that joint any good?
Charlie Parkers is the name, is it any good, Senor?
I actually went for the first time last weekend prior to taking the kids to Hotel for Dogs.
It was packed for an early Saturday lunch crowd. We waited forever for the food. It was pretty good, I had the breakfast shoe. Wife and I will probably head back with in-laws when they visit.
I recommend you not take your kids, though.
It would have been great if I were hung over and Tookie was paying, though. But, if you have ever seen a hungover Tookie pestering the wait staff, you know it would be great anywhere.
I will never forget the CrackerBarrel in Lincoln the day after my bachelor party. Tookie could not figure out why the waitress wasn't naked and finally came out and asked when she was going to take her clothes off. Luckily, he is a generous tipper and none of us were arrested.
15 hours in "Clubs" with all the staff nekkid and 2 hrs sleep will cause that sometimes
How'd you all end up in Lincoln? I like the Bonanza there.
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