Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stand in Line

Click on the title to read this amazing story.

City pisses away $400k of city taxpayer money and turns around and asks the federal goverment for $25 Million ???

Quincy Illinois, AIG of the Midwest ??


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Better Deal

While reading the on-line edition of who-give-a-shit-daily, I ran into this article.

"It's cost me over $400,000" to fight the lawsuit, Don Kirlin told the paper, "and after spending it, I only get to lose 12 percent of my property that I already owned."

City of Quincy has spent
over $400,000 to fight the firing of 6 city employees and after spending it, They only have to re-hire 33 percent of the employees that they already fired.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

$23 Million Ceiling Paint

The decision to hire Miquel Barcelo, 51, one of the world’s most highly paid abstract artists, to redesign a 14,000 sq ft dome has prompted furious protests from campaigners who believe it is an extravagant misuse of development funds.The work, at the headquarters of the UN Human Rights Council, will be unveiled this week by Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain and Jose Luis Zapatero, the Spanish prime minister.

Ki-moon was overheard that "If I had to do it all over again, I would".

The lavishness of the project has also caused disquiet among UN staff. “It’s shocking that development aid was used for this,” said an employee.

"but I just didn't think it would ever cost that much money."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Firefighter or IT Director ?

  • lying to a superior officer regarding password-protected electronic materials.

  • insubordination for non-disclosure of password-protected material and misleading an investigation team,

  • misleading a departmental investigation about password-protected material,

  • non-secure transmission of material impacting his own ability to lead and supervise.

  • the misuse of city e-mail and equipment,

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


As we celebrate this year’s Veterans Day holiday, we should take the time to say, “thank you,” to a veteran. If you don’t know any veterans, take a quiet moment to appreciate what they have done – and continue to do – for our country.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008