QHW and Dilberts Office both getting new coffee machines at the same time?
Coincidence ?
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Will this be placed beside the Kool-Aid machine that the City put in ?
Kool-Aid machine is FREE and mandatory daily supplement for Husner and Wilson.
Jim Jones served Flav-Or-Aid in Jonestown, not Kool Aid. turns out Jones was a cheap SOB in addition to being a psycho.
Page 9A
QND student learns how to drive a golf cart drunk. Thought they learned this on the golf course with their parents.
Page 1B
Huge photo of QND's win over QHS.
P.S. - Schuckman: Streak is defined by consecutive number of games won. 18 of 20 is not consecutive.
I thought QND students got drunk at that house by the football field.
oh, you mean the house where the tax-payers paid to cut down the those nice big trees so they could see the football field?
How about rebuilding the canopy there?
C ompletely
U seless
B y
S eptember, no sratch that, April
Big babies, pissing and maoaning "QND got a bigger picture in the paper....." Who the hell keeps track anyway.
They should rename this blog: Little QHS bitches who like to gripe and whine like 3 year olds blog
Sorry, not going to change the name.
The original post was on a coffee machine.
Don't get pissed at me if the comments change direction...
I think its funny how these comments start. 4:50 says "Huge photo of QND's win over QHS". This isn't the first time I have heard this complaint on here. It's really simple! Just beat QND and you won't be upset. Isn't that really your only bitch.
This is just a guess at enrollments. I'm sure some one will correct me.
grades 9-12 550 kids
grades 10-12 1600 kids
I would be pissed too if I lost even one game to this tiny, Catholic School.
Go ahead and tell me what school district the top two players on the QRND girls basketball team lived in.
It's QRND not QND. It stands for Quincy Regional Notre Dame.
Oh, for the love of God. Both sides need to get over it.
Is there a Catholic High School in Payson? If you lived in Payson, would you want to go to school there?
People in these small towns go to QND for the same reason people in Quincy do. They know QND is about a tradition of excellence in education, character development, and integrity. Development of an elite Catholic consciousness is a vital element in the curriculum at QND.
At least Catholic schools are not laying off people.
At least Springfield diocese can make payroll, unlike Big 172, apparently.
Oh, yeah, blame the Catholics because Dickerson & the 172 school board decide now to start executing their hostages.
Don't ever complain about the 1.65 multiplier then.
Tradition and excellence? Wow, you are a brain-washed HYPOCRIT like 90% of them.
Oh yeah, I forgot, there is only one religion in this world and no others count....especially in Quincy.
I am surprised the Springfield Diocese can pay payroll and keep their pedophile priests out of jail. That's impressive!
Yes, it is, maybe 172 can take a look and see how to manage money in a hostile environmant, insteading laying 30 + off and closing schools. buts that's likely over you and Big 172's heads.
Yes, there is only one religion, Catholic, Jesus said to Peter "You're my rock, and on this rock, I build my church". He didn't say anything about any bastardized off-shoots, as you protestants are.
You all make me ill.
I told them, all QHS & QND are brothers and sisters, and we should act like it. We are a community.
>At least Catholic schools are not laying off people.
It's not the district's fault the stingy bastards in Quincy think paying a 30-year-old tax rate is a great idea to get quality schools.
School board may be effed up, but the "taxpayers" have to take their share of the "we're too effing cheap" blame.
And 1:59, you DON'T want to go there on the religion thing.
I noticed Lonnie lemon's got his inflated salary & benefits locked in, but your teachers just got let go. There you go!
I alos noticed the adm & teachers union didn't agree to cut their pay, but everyone was okay with the 30+ getting canned.
Check with the pvt schools in this area, they'll tell you how to run a school. You don't seem to be doing so well.
You are the proto-typical hypocrite and you are seriously brainwashed.
Is everyone who is non-catholic a Protestant? No, you dumbass.
I am an atheist and proud of it. I don't need your man-made religion and ideology. I suppose you still believe in Santa Claus too? :)))
There is plenty of room for both in this town. Why hate on each other?
I think both sides would agree this video on youtube is not a good reflection of any kid from Quincy....
Really ashame it has to be like this..
5:56 here
Yes, that video is stupid and a waste of time to watch. Definitely puts a worse image on QHS than QRND.
36 teachers, all probationary, non-tenured, in service anywhere from 1 to 4 years, were let go for economic reasons.
The others were resignations, retirements, leave of absence, or non-tenured teachers being let go for cause (ok only 4 of those).
Those 36 teachers had no reasonable expectation that they would continue to be employed--they could be let go at any time.
We now have the same number of teachers we had in the mid 1980s. We also have LESS students than we had in the mid 80s.
I don't see where class sizes are going to increase or education is actually going to suffer (other than through the more muddle-headed actions of the school board, which really DOES need a good pimp-slapping for other reasons :).
There's reason to be grumbly about our schools--but this isn't one.
QHS should be in contact with the folks in springfield on how to close schools....Catholics have closed 3 in the last 5 yrs, or have you pea sized brains forgotten that.....But who cares, and Jesus was not CATHOLIC you idiots...he was a Christian, raised a JEW. But then again you don't worship him you worship Mary the virgin mother....
How could Jesus be a Christian?
He was a Jew.
"At least Catholic schools are not laying off people.
At least Springfield diocese can make payroll, unlike Big 172, apparently."
4/04/2008 01:03:00 PM
Huh? Haven't half of the Catholic churches and schools in Quincy merged already? Didn't St. Dominic's and St. Anthony's merge? How about St. Boniface, St. Mary's and St. John's?
What happens when schools merge?
Jobs are lost.
Merge churches? A leader loses a job... right?
How has no one spoken up about this until now?
I moved here 13 years ago and I just do not get this entire debate.
After watching that video, it shows some serious hatred that some students at both schools have for each other.
You wonder why kids would act like that...Then I read this thread and I see it must be pounded in their heads by parents/community??
Not trying to be Gandhi here, but what is the point of ripping each other? A good sports rivarly is one thing, hating is another. Both schools have pluses and minuses right?
I went to QHS and Poon hunted QND . I really ENJOY QND football games . I love standing on the field .
I also think QND is a hell of a lot better with Ray and Bill C .
Ray H may be the BEST school admin in the City . The guy is a 100% class act and I wish our QPS 172 folks would take a class taught by Ray
According to KHQA, it looks like WIU Campus Police like to use their authority.
"WIU hosts first Tase of Macomb (video)"
I don't remember ever liking or disliking anything about QND... other than that I heard they drank Old Mil... which is weird that a whole school would drink the same beer. I'm guessing it was a cruel stereotype. I think a better group of people to pick on would be grown men who have nothing better to worry about than high school sports... get a fucking playstation! Jesus Christ!!
Fact check.
"At least Catholic schools are not laying off people."
Umm, they just did it a couple years ago when they consolidated grade schools and parishes thus creating All Saints School and parish.
"But who cares, and Jesus was not CATHOLIC you idiots...he was a Christian, raised a JEW."
Umm, Jesus was a JEW with an altered belief system. Christians and Catholics did not come into place until after his death.
"it shows some serious hatred that some students at both schools have for each other."
Yes there was fierce competition on the athletic fields, but unless this communtiy has undergone some serious changes from the days that myself, Tookie, and Senor went to school there is no real hatred between the two.
They always claimed they drank that crap because they couldn't afford good beer after paying such high tuition. We all knew better and knew thier P's were footing the tuition money. Fact is they just wanted to keep the QHS guys from drinking all thier beer!
a german catholic QHS alum
Couldn't do the poor man's plan, could you?
Tookie goes to court Monday morning for jury trial and all you jerks wanna do is bitch about which local joke of a HS is better? Shame on you! Make yourself useful and pray for Tookie (or bribe a juror).
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