Palmer told us there is no definite timetable for when a decision will be made.
...the clock keeps on ticking.
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Most of the individuals who post here are some of the best and brightest. The opinions expressed here, while probably right and certainly smart, are their own, and are not necessarily reviewed in advance by anyone but the individual author. Sometimes, the author is audacious and decides to post an opinion without a buddy reviewing it, and at other times, he/she may seek counsel of a friend. Regardless, these opinions do not necessarily reflect the view of Quincy Fire or any other person or company. Quincy Fire might agree with them - or might not.
The Commishion that says " Nih"
Will make a decision when they get a
Was looking for a html "Debt Clock" to go under it to show the money lost, but could find one.
Well I hear you sent Jamie Sachs a text , she protected her phone like it was a state secret tonight .
I hope she starts to cover hog poop disposal in the field over her lack of telling us the one UNKNOWN player
Now, I never said I got a text from who Fire could possibly be. I said I got a text asking about water boarding.
Anyone who reads this and has my phone number could have sent that. In fact I received two texts from two different people. Maybe Fire is a tag-team, Tookie my dear.
Too fricken funny !
p.s. : Who is Fire ?
Damn it four years is enough !
I know who fire is .........
It is both jamie sachs and les busen
Stop the CLOCK !!!!!!!!!
Ayers and Doan have declined to comment on the investigation.
They've reached a decision but King Spring decided to wipe his ass with the paperwork, and the two man committee can't remember what they were talking about.
Betcha they open up the manila envelope and there's brown streaks all over.
What's this I see???
There is a decision.
Two are fired. The third is suspended for 30 and demoted.
More to come.
SOURCE: the fax from the lawyers
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