Day 8
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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are you surprised? They're waiting for us to forget so they can get back to "work" :)
Don't know about anywhere else here in town but where I work and something like this happens, the decision has to be made in 72 hrs or less.
Welcome to wonderful world of the unionized nepotistic democrat welfare state that is the city work force.
Typical reaction, the public trust is abused, and they go and bury their heads in the sand. Shame on you, city of Quincy!
Les Nessman tapes the new edition of City Desk today. Last week they declared:
"Mayor John Spring's only comment to date has been to confirm that a personnel review is underway. The Desk says this isn't enough. We firmly believe the Mayor will have to be more forthcoming. The rumor mill and the blogs will have a field day in the absence of official comment."
Let's see what the five time winner of the Buckeye News Hawk Award has done to follow up. Any bets? My money is on NOTHING!
Kudos to Fire, Tookie (is he in hospital, dead, or what?), and lazy bg for addressing this issue.
Here's the dilema. If you're going
to try and fire a few employees for
using city equipment, that is emailing other city employees on the taxpayer dime to hook up before, during or after work hours,
you open a big ass can of worms. Everyone should pay close attention to this. Even UMR who is apparently hiding under his taxpayer funded desk. Most don't care about the nepotism that is rampant in city government. This is the result. Poor leadership.
I am sleeping through this ....
Sorry my pneumonia is a wee bit more important & I have like every know anti biotic alergy .
Wake me up when the news breaks .
Day 9...
News !!!
Lootie, wake up!
"Three non-union city employees have been fired, the other three have formal complaints filed against them. "
that wasn't a shocker !
Fire Union is a different beast !
Love that graphic.
In Elaine Benes voice:
To Tookie:
Get well, get well soon!
We want you to get well!
Everyone, look on the city website, see who has been taken off the list.
Wow ! Did both Mr Sachs and Mr Les ask the question of WHY ?
Nope ?
Somedays I wish we had a 3rd Press agency here . I know and have faith that the paper will do a good job in a month or so.
Frankly I don't care until details come out .
Going back to bed
I am so tired I haven't even sniffed too much into it. One thing is certain to fire 3 and have 3 up for review SOMETHING went down.
I will say "atta boy to Spring and the hired gun"
I wonder if they will face wrongful termination suits ? Got to be more to this story than the avg inner office email.
Lmao : Thanks for the heads up "all the news" ......
I have solved our crime problem ! If the criminals show up when ordered to ...... our crime stoppers would be like almost BARE of people !
The atta boy is not deserved. When the details come out you will see he had no choice.
Please thanK both Mr Les and Mr Sachs for calling City Hall all day long and telling them "THE DESK is waiting".........
They broke the story under the cover of THE DESK !
On the next "The DESK" join both Les and Sachs as they chase down the Crime Stoppers most wanted !
But why ruin my mood.....
I am in that semi dopey state where I find humor in everything ...
Like the Crime fighting Twins Known as the DESK.....
*fucking meds must be crikey!
The Desk discusses an investigation underway in Quincy. Reliable sources confirm six city employees are on paid leave during an investigation into reported violations of city policy. Mayor John Spring's only comment to date has been to confirm that a personnel review is underway. The Desk says this isn't enough. We firmly believe the Mayor will have to be more forthcoming. The rumor mill and the blogs will have a field day in the absence of official comment.
That bad, really?
I hope none of the 6 used LEAF BLOWERS ..........
I swear Ed was "Johnny on the spot" once again today !
Say no to Leaf blowers and "yes to illegals with rakes"
Go Green
By Rodney Hart
Herald-Whig Staff Writers
Mayor John Spring said Thursday that three non-union city employees have been fired for violating city policies and misusing city equipment.
Those employees, along with three Quincy firefighters, were put on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation being conducted by James Spizzo, a River Forest attorney with the firm Vedder Price, and the city's Human Resources Department.
Spring said the city "is close to wrapping up" the rest of investigation, which sources say began about three weeks ago. The three non-union employees were fired Wednesday and Spring said the cases of the union firefighters will go before the Quincy Police and Fire Commission.
The Police and Fire Commission has the authority to suspend, demote or terminate firefighters.
"We have prepared a strong case and we're presenting it to (the commission)," Spring said.
The commission is scheduled to meet next Wednesday. Commission Chairman David Ayers could not be reached for comment. Commissioner Dick Wentura said he could not comment on the investigation, and said he did not know if commissioners would hear about the three firefighters next week.
Spring would not say if there is timetable to wrap up the investigation, but sources have said the city hoped to have it resolved within 60 days of the start of the investigation.
Spring declined to comment of specifics of the investigation or identify the employees being investigated, but The Herald-Whig has learned the fired employees worked in the Information Technology Department, Central Services and the Fire Department.
Fire Chief Scott Walker has declined to comment on the investigation. Quincy Police Chief Rob Copley has said that no criminal investigation is taking place.
Sources said city computers were seized. The city has written policies governing the use of electronic equipment, including e-mail and Internet usage. Penalties for violating those policies include termination. Fire Department personnel have a separate code of conduct.
The city paid Spizzo's firm $20,304.44 for work in the fiscal year that ended April 30. The city has four local attorneys in its legal department.
Contact Staff Writer Rodney Hart at rhart@whig.com or (217) 221-3370
Way to go Rodney.
Take Friday Off.
...but don't use your leaf blower.
Day 9 all hell breaks loose !
Wow ! "Live at 5" had City Worker graphics .........
My mother called me to get the scoop !
Talk about when the damn breaks.....
The city paid Spizzo's firm $20,304.44 for work in the fiscal year that ended April 30. The city has four local attorneys in its legal department.
That's a slam on ABC and his high powered legal colleagues who are employees of the city for those of you not paying attention.
KHQA has zero on the "scandals" both the fired workers & leaf blowers ..........
Can someone wake up their news room
Blackberry's rule and the desk wants answers
I have such a boner now that I am learning all the secrets of the Blackberry ---like high tech viagra !
What the hell was I thinking with my old ass ghetto phone ?
I am serious this thing rocks !
Not like Ozzie Rocks back in the day but PANTERA with Dime Bag Darrel Rocks .........
That type of Cowboys from Hell ROCK !
Dirty Texas biker gang rock
Can I say fuck on this blog too?
Just checking. That's all I got to say about that.
Spizzo was one of the very few who contributed to ABC's last attempt at office.
Did they use Spizzo when they investigated the Mayor's son?
Somlith Weise , Lynn Doellman , and Tammy Unmisig
Can't wait to see which family members will be hired as replacements...
Dude OQ comes out of retirement to POUND the City ? Dayum ! I am glad I got woken up yesterday .
Thanks Hareld or whatever for the link !
Funion naming names ='s something big is floating around .
Now you bitches got my interest perked !
are Somlith Weise, a senior analyst in the Information Technology Department; Lynn Doellman, the secretary to the fire chief; and Tammie Unmisig, a secretary to the director of Central Services.
OK ..........
What are we going to do when the ONLY person at Central Service that could use MS Word and maybe Excell lost her job ?
We're so F*CKED !!!!!!!!
I think this may qualify as emergency service because of the 90 plus at Central service having a RATIO of ZERO on being able to use ms word or read a spread sheet now is critical.
This JOB must be filled RIGHT AWAY .
And Duese-Gruese-Reise-Stroms looking for work ?
HOURS : WELL LIKE 10"ish" until 11 then come back to clock out at 3 ....
Full benefits
( hint join the union )
Interesting to see if the jobs are posted on city's site.
Currently sporting the:
"No jobs are available at this time."
Fire I am spooked ! I mean when the only person with even remedial computer skills is job less , I am freaked.
Are there any High School kids out there that could fill in at least ?
I just checked KHQA again.........
No mention of this at all ! Could someone please call and wake up their news room ?
I may send coffee over to them !
What good comes out of naming names? They fucked up, let them move on. So from now on when I see a certain one of the three I'm stuck with the "Oh yeah... you got fired from the city."
To hell with that. They're still good people.
Fire, do you object? If not, take the names off. We did for a certain former news director.
Bryce ........
the Names are published in the WHIG ....City /County and FRONT page Whig site !
Bryce your pretty good with computers.......
Maybe some options for you, post you finish your masters degree.
This whole blogging thing is nothing but a big soap opera. I hate soap operas.
I've got important things to do. This ain't it. Anons didn't win. I'm outta here.
Day 10 : The Whig prints names
BG takes his blog from the sand box
But no real answers yet .
But day 9 started a whole shit storm
THE DESK is back making demands.........
Oh my god please unplug the keyboard
(click the blue name)
bg (bonnie girl) couldn't take the heat, so she got out of the kitchen.
Yes, I agree.
For God's sake FIRE, get those names off this blog before someone opens the paper and reads them !
or before someone goes to www.whig.com and reads them !
For the love of god
Or for God's sake before Mr Les & Mr Sachs READ them to all on the WGEM 6:00 news like he just did 3 mins ago !
I see your court date is set for 12/10. I think that is what I saw anyway, now the circuit clerks website is down so I don't know for sure what day I saw it was extended to nor the judge you will be in front of. I sure hope you are better by then so you can lay it on them. Just what were you rocking to that morning? Also, I see the officers badge number on there but not the name like they use to put. How old was that prick that wrote you the ticket?
Date is Dec 10th I think ! Officer is YOUNG ! I know his name . I have friends in blue. He came from a County North of here .
He did have an INTERN with him .....
I WAS JAMMING PUBLIC ENEMY ( Chuck D & Flava Flav ) "Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos"
Death Row ......what what what a brotha know......
I had offers from a Columbia, Mo lawyer to help PRO BONO on that case .
If you can't tell I am in the World of the living right now ! Feel great !
Took 9 fucking days of hell.
Interesting side bar . In Columbia they have a Citizens Advisory Board now over the Police Dept. A 100% independant body of "Joe Six packs" ......that meets with the Prosacutors, Defence lawyers and the Police & Fire commish every 30 days.
Amazing that their Policing of hardened Thug criminals went way up and the avg tax paying listen to Public enemy on a stock radio went down.
A good idea !
By Kera Mashek
Posted: Friday, November 09, 2007 at 5:53 p.m.
Quincy police are investigating a stabbing that happened at a house at 3rd and Cherry just after four o'clock Friday afternoon.
Police are not confirming the name of the victim...but neighbors tell us she's in her late 20s or early 30s.
Her boyfriend is thought to have stabbed her with a pocket knife.
The victim was taken to Blessing Hospital.
Here condition is unknown at this time.
Neighbors also tell us this is not first time the couple has gotten into a physical fight..but they say it's never been quite this bad.
( I sure hope this isn't the BLOG PIMP GUY .......But I thought his MO was a car antena ? )
Nah, Tookie, dat wadn't me, I'll put my goon hand or a car antenna on a b----. But just like Fillmore mf-ing Slim used tell me, you want use your mind to control a b----, use your goon hand as a last resort.
Well I am happy that wasn't you !
I would be lost without the blog pimp's words and wisdom.
Fillmore Slim was a prophet !
This whole thing is a HUGE joke and a total mismanagement of tax payers money. What the hell is taking the commission so long to make a decision? Do they only work one day a week? wtf!!! whats taking so long to get this worked out? This should have been taken care of long ago and if that means the commissioner work every day till its done then so be it! Meanwhile "we" the tax payers are footing the bill for the extended vacations of Assistant Chief Mark Bigalow, Bruce Oikter and Shawn Dean. As I see it if the facts warrent the firing of Somlith Weise , Lynn Doellman , and Tammy Unmisig (who by the way have a habit of jumping from one bed or the back seat of a van to another! ;)) and the other three fire department UNION members played the same part in all this then lets get our shit together and stop wasting time and tax payers money. I know for a fact the these things are worse then some of the anons sticking up for the women involved truly are. "Totally professional"??? come on, puuulease!, get your head out of your ass, the true story will soon be out! There are things that without a doubt are of a very intimate nature involving things you just don't use company computers to e-mail back and forth and should never have been done on company time.
I am so sick and tired of these few bad apples giving the whole fire department a bad name. These guys work so hard and 99% of them follow the guidelines of protocol and do NOT play these childish e-mail games, its sickening, just sickening!!!
So, I say to the commissioners and Mayor Spring: Get the hell off your lazy asses and make a decision so we don't waste anymore money on this crap and these guys either get back to working for their money and not being awarded for bad behavior with a nice long vacation OR demote, fire, whatever it may be and lets move on and get back to business. Don't forget you work for US and proformance means VOTES!
A concerned citizen.
Well Concerned Citizen, it is obvious you don't know what you are talking about. I, however do know what I'm talking about and these six were targeted. Angels? No, but I don't know many people who are. Did they do their jobs? Yes! Did they violate a policy? Yes. Do 99% of the employees for the City of Quincy with email access violate that same policy? Yes! Remember the saying, "He who lives in a glass house!" I think most people want what they have to offer at a job to be noticed and not their private life. Obviously someone had it out for someone and it got carried away at the expense of six people. I think the City Government can find bigger injustices going on within the City's Employee Pool.
Anonymous said...
What about the Assistant Chief that is living outside the city limits and is not in the union. According to the rules He is supposed to live inside the city limits if he is not covered under the union contract. Also, this is the same Assistant Chief who years ago fired a handgun at the airport causing another firefighter hearing loss and nothing was done about it because his step dad is Mr. Mays. Isn't all this just as bad as what they are trying to hang the current 3 firefighters for? Not to mention that firing a hand gun on Airport grounds is a felony. Does anyone have an opinion on this?
"I"??? don't know what I'm talking about lmaoooo...actually annon you would be surprised just how much I know these people and what the FULL story is behind all this. There is alot of things involved in this that not many people know (gotta be on the inside for that ;)) There were many complaints about some of the people's work long before this. And yes it was "personal" but "personal" stuff should not be handled in the work place. You are there to do a job you are getting paid for NOT to play e-mail tag. And to be honest these e-mails were much more than "personal" they were totally inapproptiate to be sending from a company computer.
And I really think you need to take a hard look at your "facts"...99%??? hmmmm wanna bet on that one? lol I'm not saying NO one else has ever done it but I can tell you it was never done with the total disregard for their positions that these 6 did it. There were sexual e-mails going back and forth, affairs were involved with married men and women, hiding in places during work hours and having sex!! :-0
If you are bringing your private life into work it will NOT be your work that gets notice it will be the things you KNOW you should not be doing in the first place that get notice.
This goes far beyond a few people sending some e-mails once in a while...why should we as the tax payer have to pay their wages while they are playing sexual e-mail tag, leaving work and going places to get a lil, and then whinning about losing their jobs.
They got busted...they got what they deserved!
The only thing that bothers me is that one of them did the same scrap and yet he kept his job...grrr...demoted yes, with a 30 suspension but WTF???? how come the others all got fired for the same shit.....Spring??????? *sigh*
HANNIBAL REGIONAL HOSPITAL----WHERE ADULTERY IS JUST THE WAY IT GOES NOWADAYS. I think that all the immoral adulterous ex-employees from the Quincy Fire Department should just run across the bridge or swim like rats over to Hannibal Regional Hospital in Hannibal,Missouri. While employed there immoral behavior can be condoned. If you are caught cheating with other married employees, caught ruining lives , or if after being caught you chose to continue your adulterous behavior, it will continue to be acceptable even after upper management realizes what you are doing. After realizing it, management will then look the other way ... It will all be to your advantage because it will only be your hurt,devastated and hysterical spouse that will be viewed as a problem in the workplace. The school of thought here I think,is that the cheating spouse must be the one who is harmed at home or they would not be cheating. Since it is thought of in this way I believe,the focus is diverted from the employee who cheats ...and cheats again on his (and her families).
The cheaters I have dealt with find refuge at Hannibal Regional Hospital.
HRH is the place for fired immoral ex-employees, a place where employees can be VERY friendly to all interesting persons. All wanting to F... , Heal and continue in their degrading actions should apply here.The motto id "Don't Worry Be Happy" at your family and someone else's family's expense!
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