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I'm sure Rob Ebbing is and will do an excellent job at the OLCC, but does he have to end every press release with hopes of bringing back the WFFC?
"Every" press release?
I don't believe he has even issued one press release in his 23 days as OLC exec.
He has talked to the press (most recently during the Civic Center Board meeting, which is where Husar from the Whig and Payne from WTAD got their info about it) but I don't recall seeing any "press releases".
Anyway, seems to me like that's a pretty newsworthy notion and the public oughta know about it--whether in favor or opposed to such a move.
Hmmmm, further study indicates that when Ebbing was named as new ED at OLC he did mention that he'd like to see the Free-fallers return. I suppose that qualifies the two times he's been quoted publically as "every".
3/22/07 - QHW
"Civic Center adds 2 new April Events"
Ends it with WFFC comment.
That is two for two.
Yeah, that was Ed's second story about what was said at last week's Civic Center board meeting.
There was no press release issued--it was part of his Executive Director's report to the board.
In his report, BTW, it wasn 't at the end. It was in the third paragraph. Rob said "I'll have to let the press know...hmmmm, I guess I have!" looking at Ed and myself.
When the freefallers come back, can you buy squares that cover periods of time to win a pool when someone dies? I'll take Sunday 11:00am - 2:00PM.
I am happy they are thinking and trying to get butts in the door. The staff I know is loving life. The last "Director" burned a lot of bridges , and Rob is the exact type than can rebuild those.
With Rob there we can get the HQBD & the OLC on the same page . Two great programs that will bring a spark of life to Quincy.
The 1000 yard stare of the staff is going away and their post tramatic JJ syndrome will soon be cured.
Senor, I'll take that bet (you're gonna regret) on those free fallers floping and dying. I say will split the time up evenly, first half through second half (if it lasts 8 days, first/last four days, etc). I win, you hook me up with Popeyes, you win, I'll be Casano's delivery boy for ya.
Other possible topics to bet on: How many VD's will be spread during the convention (ACHD will provide data).
How many Blessing ER bills will be skipped out on (Gem City Accts will issue total).
What if we plotted certain acreage around the airport within which the eventual death by impact will occur?
Hell ya, like North or South of 104, or we could pick from family farms out that way. I get Todd N.'s place!
Ed Husar is the best.......at fiction
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