Friday, March 30, 2007
WFFC - 2008 ??

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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Ed Husar can sky dive ! He is like an airborne ranger living the life of danger.
Who cars?
Why would any grown man want to prevent public intoxication and nudity? Maybe the police should arrest the people who are bitching... for being bitches.
Would you want to watch 2 guys get naked and drunk?
WFFC is just a giant FRAT party on speed and roids .........
If one does not like naked men running amouk then I would say "Don't drive out to the air port"
I still giggle about the guy who landed at the farm right in the middle of our trap range while we were shooting . I bet he pooped himself ........then we drove him back to the airport
There are some who, back in the days of old, would drink heartily at a farm out near the airport. These fellows had a little tradition they called "Attack of the Naked People". Let me tell you this... it was fucking funny.
You would be too busy concentrating on not scuffing up your nuts to ascertain the reactions of the truck drivers you chased from your hiding place in the woods. But you know they at least went home from that particular delivery and told their wives of the magnificent naked drunks that chased them out of or into town.
Rumor has it after a successful Mission of Attack of the butt naked people ---------one was forced to RING the BELL !
I know a certain guy whose flip flops induced a whip out on gravel while starting the attack !
45 degree slope + gravel + unprotected kibble & bits = THAT HURT like hell for weeks to come.
There was a HUGE Panty collection at the end of that summer of FARM fun !
I would gather the min was 35-55 different panties & owners .
Rules were rules POST party at the farm meant We must do a butt naked attack on the bi pass!
economic impact on Quincy was like $6.5 million over the 10 days," Ebbing said.
More like 6.5 milion in bills Blessing's ER got stipped on.
And I'm not haulin water for Blessing, but a bunch of jerks come in here yearly get drunk, crazy, and stupid, hurt themselves, and then skip out on ER bills, Blessing has to pass that cost on to those who live around in this area and pay their bils, F--- that!
Aren't there plenty of closed air force bases they could have this thing at?
World Free Fall is either like it :
Family's in the afternoon watching from the deck
Food wholesalers
Beer Dist
or Hate it:
Clean up at the airport
Current avfuel guy
Lil old ladies who read the jerry Springer type tales
and Blessing collections.
But shit, Looite, we have to make the mf-er's pay. I know you paid when you went there this WE, or ambulatory care.
Like we're some brothers to steal on.
Dude I have so OVER paid QMG in my life time b/c they could NEVER bill the old insurance correct !
Blessing does a stellar job in their billing !
But blessing ER gets 4 thumbs up !
Great care ! And really nice folks working on a slow sunday morning !
Since the Shoe Bomber, the rules of what can happen at a General Aviation Facility have changed. I'm not even sure our Airport could host the FFC as we have known it, no matter who wants it or doesn't want it.
It would be a good place to start the analysis.
Never thought about that ! Damn very good point !
What happened at Rantoul, did they wear out there welcome there too?
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