On Wednesday the authority's governing board took some action to help address the situation. It eliminated the financial officer's position.
Deana Leffers, who was hired for the position a little over a year ago, was laid off Wednesday afternoon — immediately after the governing board emerged from a two-hour closed session to discuss personnel matters.
Board members say they hope eliminating Leffers' $37,000-a-year salary will help put the civic center back on the road to good financial health. However, the center still has more than $85,000 in outstanding bills remaining to be paid, so board members will keep looking for other ways to contain costs.
Lessons Learned:
1. If someone brings you bad news, Fire them.
2. Always start at the bottom. It will save the least amount of money.
any more ???
3. Lock JJ and friends out of the Liquor cabinet.
Finally after a decade someone has had the guts to present to the board all of the wrongdoings, looks like they "can't handle the truth".
Yes, and they fire her.
From day one, the City was advised that there is no civic center in the state of Illinois that makes money - all are nice to have but are not profitable. Now that soccer and apparently baseball revenues are down, Quincy is experiencing the same financial problems as the others.
It seems to me I read in the Herald Whig several weeks or months ago that the Center had a rather large number of accounts receivable and rather than trying to collect them, the board wrote them off as bad debts. If my memory is correct, how could that be?
The Center isn't any different than any other "big" business. The problems are always caused by the little people. As stated, first get rid of the lowly messenger, then they won't have to hear any more bad news and can live in fantasy land forever. The Center has always been a white elephant, and always will be. It seems Quincy needs more motels, perhaps some aspiring contractor could erect some walls, add some porta-potties and make JJ a fortune.
Well lets see...there was just an election, how many campaign checks were written out?
4. Require employees of OLC to actually WORK when being paid ??
Maybe they could have had the financial officeer search overstock.com for cheaper pants.
Baseball revenues are not down. They were higher this year than the last couple of years. I've seen Leffers' budget sheets.
As for the A/Rs: There were about five items, totaling less than 2500 bucks IIRC, that were all more than 90 days past due. Leffers'/OLC dunned them repeatedly and they never paid. Last I heard they hadn't written them off but rather had sent them to a collection agency.
I think that was three meetings past (maybe 4, they've been meeting twice a month in the last couple).
Say I worked for a government funded entity. Then, say I charged private items on one of the entity's credit cards. Then I get caught. I say, "oops" pay them back and move on.
If I work for a private entity... I get fired and arrested.
Say I am eating at Krieger's and I walk out with a bunch of their beer glasses. I get caught and say, "oops" and then leave them there. WTF?!?
I am just surprised the citizens of Quincy aren't letting these democrat scum have sex with their wives. Be ashamed.
Sooner or later the Oakleys wil get tired of having their named attached to the patronage jobs at the OLC.
Anon 1010,
Let's leave the director aside for moment because his name's radioactive.
Two questions: Who are the "Patronage Jobs?"; and Who is neither good at his/her job and/or doesn't work diligently.
If you're fairminded, you won't be able to point out even one. There may or not be leadership problems there. There may or may not be conceptual problems in the business model but there are no rank-and-file slackers.
The OLCC is worthy of discussion but you're focusing on entirely the wrong subtopic. They guy in the engine room didn't cause the Titanic to crash.
Early in the shelf life of the OLC there was a policy of supporting our incumbent legislators' golf outings. This went on for a few years and the board put a stop to it in the early 21st century ('02 I think). Another local public body had the same practice.
So the answer to your question is "None".
Head of Maintenance??????????
There may or not be leadership problems there.
You can't leave that out and expect to have a meaningful discussion about the problems at the OLCC. There is simply NO leadership and not enough work to go around. I'm sure everone works dilligently for far fewer than 40 hrs/week. It's dishonest to argue this far into the game that it is an impossible business model.
Also, OLCC wrote a check as late as 2005 to John Sullivan.
There shouldn't be a head of maintenance for THAT physical plant or the current head is not doing a good job? What part of the physical plant is failing?
Strictly speaking, my answer about the '06 election cycle is correct. But I stand corrected on the timing of the policy change.
There WAS a check in August of '05. I am sure that was after the policy change, which I now believe to have been '04, not '02.
Your information was accurate and your inference that a taxing body had no business making political contributions to ANYFREAKINGBODY is one I wholeheartedly share. It got started with Donahue and just kept on going. Most of the current board members were not around then. They should be praised for correcting it (or at least attemptiing to).
1145, part deux
Yes, It would be dishonest to have a discussion of the viability of the OLCC without taking in leadership, but that was not the subtopic.
It is eminently possible to have a discussion of "patronage" (i.e., connected people not good or energetic at their jobs) without regard to who's in charge. That's the discussion I was engaging. It's dishonest to duck it (at least if you're the anon carping about patronage employees.)
There are a lot of really talented, dedicated folks there, who really don't need bashed right now.
1145, part drei,
Public Use Business Model and impossible business model are not the same argument. Cracking out a convention center is far from impossible but it takes boundless energy, outside-the-box thinking and some seed money.
Wonder how may industries and interests right here in Quincy could have a voice in bringing their trade meetings here? I'll bet it would be a big number. Just a few examples: I'll bet we could host the County Treasurers' Association Summer Meeting; I'll be AFSCME could hold one of their leadership conferences here. I'll bet the Police Benevolent Golf Tournament would fit in here quite nicely. All of these are things that people who work right here in Quincy might be able to make happen.
The thing is built. The bonds are sold. We all have a stake in it working.
The folks on this Board are not getting anything out of this caper except service to the community. It's a pretty good board and they obviously are paying attention. Carping at them for eliminating a position doesn't seem to me to be a particularly constructive undertaking.
Fire, Good Topic.
Thanks !!!
And if there wasn't such a "radioactive" director, some of the events you mentioned might stand a better chance of happening.
This is not conjecture.
It hard to market the OLCC from the barstool at 17th and Spring on a Friday afternoon @ 3:00pm......
If the board is pretty good and are obviously paying attention, then they should be able to see where the biggest part of the problem is. I suspect you do.
Clue: It's not the financial officer.
Is it the captain of the ship ???
Abandon ship boys, were going down !!!
11:45 AM
OLCC also wrote checks to Mr. Tenhouse. How come no mention of that fact on this thread?
Either way it is a poor practice for a public taxing body to contribute to political campaigns.
How come no one has mentioned the listing of the Quincy Park district on Jil Tracy's D-2's??
Damn you F***ers been busy !
Uncle Tony I hope this isn't the reason why I got no call back ---LOL
Go Bama & go Buckeyes
You just did.
Or while the captain of the sinking ship is out getting duis and open alcohol tickets while driving a taxpayer vehicle.
It is eminently possible to have a discussion of "patronage" (i.e., connected people not good or energetic at their jobs) without regard to who's in charge. That's the discussion I was engaging. It's dishonest to duck it (at least if you're the anon carping about patronage employees.)
The director is AWOL most of the time. His overpaid sidekick the maintenance director is not needed. They got raises last year, I assume for their outstanding performaces. They pay finance charges all over town, because they can't pay their bills on time. So they fire the financial director. I'll bet she knows a few more things about what goes on over there.
Defend it to the end umr, but they are overstaffed, overpaid and devoid of leadership. It's the culture no matter how many good ones work there.
If it were possible to stay on the patronage topic that was raised by 1010, the "evidence" of unqualified patronage is that the Maint. guy is a friend of the director's. That's probative!
Somebody then follows up with the argument that the OLCC is overstaffed. That's a different argument.
Ohio State/Michigan--I vote for "None of the Above!"
ND hates Army
Vote Ohio State or Alabama because they fully support the Army !
Brady Quin wears a grey hooded sweatshirt , the Uni Bomber wore a grey hooded sweatshirt ....
Vote Troy Smith , because unlike Brady Quin , Troy Smith does not support Uni Bombers
"They were used to having the business come to them."
What an agressive marketing stratigy.
Sit on your ass and hope the business comes to you. WOW.
Wonder why more businesses don't use this??
Maybe because they are BANKRUPT !!
"Somebody then follows up with the argument that the OLCC is overstaffed. That's a different argument."
Not really. It's all related. Think about it real hard. Use the central services spare parts manager as a guide.
OK then.
UMR, what is your opinion of the leadership at the OLCC? No dancing, no parsing words, straight up?
Pretend everyone who works there deserves to be there and is actually needed.
You seem to have inside baseball knowledge of the place. Surely, you also know of the things that will undoubtedly come out soon, as the heat appears to be coming down.
Is the director doing a good job in your opinion?
If somebody identifies what makes any identified rank and file person a "Patronage" employee and why they are bad at their jobs, I'll be as candid as I can about the leadership.
BUT, I do not have any inside baseball info. I represent the City and, despite what seems to be a common republican belief, the City doesn't run the OLCC.
I'll wait for the id of all those evil patronage employees and their malfeasance/nonfeasance.
1042 That's a pretty weak way of not answering. Two different issues just like you said.
Weak, my @$$. I didn't raise the evil patronage idea. I count three times I've challenged the anon with the supposed heavy inside knowledge of who's good at his or her job and who's not to just explain who the patronage, non-deserving employees are.
I follow that by saying I'll answer the new question honestly and completely right after I have anon 1010 or someone of his/her ilk do the same on the issue they raised first.
You can call it weak. I call it fair. Duck, Duck, Duck and then complain when someone insists on backing up a claim. Sounds fair to me.
DAYUM .......
I was feeling all blue about the thumb ....
But I think reading you guys go at it cheered me up more than a walk around a "canvas maze"
I will inject that maybe just maybe A RADIOACTIVE Exec Director isn't always the best idea.
If we go back to the Mudcat board days the same battle was being faught. I know there are alot of people that will refuse to go to ANYTHING at OLC because of Radioactive waste. I being one of them .
So I would assume that any story saying "OLC" usually gets the reaction of many . For a city and a "Civic center" , some how or another fences need to be mended.
We all have a vested interest in the OLC 's sucess . And without being on the Board , I really could not inject how to fix the damn thing.
I am far too out spoken to be a good board member for the OLC .
Image is everything when it comes to Bodies such as the OLC .
Also the cash crunch because Soccer left is just that . Not much we can do over two "strong willed" forces locking horns. Whats done is done.
Now OLC needs to really beat the bushes and bring stuff in . It will have to do alot of OUTSIDE the box thinking to get it done.
The place needs BUTTS in the door and wallets open . The board needs to really sit down and Brain storm a direction .
Questions such as :
1. Trade groups
2. Teacher Conferences
3. Regional conventions
There has got to be untapped groups out there that with the right work can start filling the place.
Have we tapped the Mormans in Navoo ? Is there some sort of regional group that we can bring in ? what about Hubert's Economic Delv Board ? Can meetings start to be held here ?
I really think the board and the staff needs to use some of the time on the bi monthly meetings to brain storm . No one knew soccer would bring that much in at the time .
So with enough ideas on the table one may just fill the void and bring the OLC back into the black or at least break even.
Also it is kind of a "perfect storm" with both Soccer & the Holiday inn coming at once.
So maybe instead of everyone bitching we could all inject some ideas and hell we might get lucky.
"Weak, my @$$."
Restating it with the unnecessary explanation doesn't make it any less weak...it's weak! But you gotta be given credit for sticking...oh never mind.
What position would you eliminate? Not what person would you fire and replace, but which of these "overstaff"ings would you correct by eliminating the position?
Overstaffed was your term so how do you reduce staffing to what you deem appropriate levels.
Why don't we use our time here to think of ideas and events
Then instead of the random bitching we good lend a helping hand .
Because we PAY someone to do this already ???
Well technically we do .
But we also see the place in a spin factor and we all have a vested interest in the OLC . So it would not hurt to toss a few ideas out .
I know some board members read the blogs . Maybe just maybe they will start the brain storming .
At this point anything beats nothing .
1208 How about they throw around this idea? Shitcan the director and/or head of maintenance. That frees up about $100k in salary alone and you won't see much difference in day to day operations.
Hire one or two teachers during the summer to run the Gems program. Won't have to pay benefits which I assume are from City Hall right now, very expensive. Build on that.
I will bite on "head of maintenance" ..
With a building that size you do need someone to keep it running smooth. Just the HVAC system itself is a beast . Also when you do have shows such as FOOD Show or WGEM home show , someone has to lead the SET UP and Tear down process.
So you say fire that position , well give me the person who can bounce in and fill that slot . I am pretty sure the Admin Assistant who will now be doing the books , can't also run the day to day physical plant stuff.
Also recall , the OLC has always had some major HVAC issues that can't be blamed on the Admins. I am not sure if they are fixed.
So I understand the need for a full time physical plant man for a building of that size .
Does the Maint Head fix the HVAC or call in a local HVAC company to look at it ???
Anyone can call in a local contracter to fix something.
That is a question I can't answer . I was just pointing out that the building is huge and had some quirks on the HVAC side . I do think that a physical plant job is needed there.
So back to ideas to kick start the OLC back into high gear .
Wouldn't the maint head have to show up to do those duties????
Like Central Services, they contact EVERYTHING out, trust me. And if Grussy or Reisy's cars need anything, everthing gets put on hold till the alderman's car is done.
I hear in the privite sector that you are required to show up and work everyday !
meanwhile at the UMRBlog:
Hostility towards Public Employees.
That is his finest work to date. John Wooden = Grussy. Fantastic analysis!
Baseball revenues are not down. They were higher this year than the last couple of years. I've seen Leffers' budget sheets.
Did someone put a pencil to this ?
The point was it is easy to abuse folks who get a paycheck from the taxpayers. If it can happen to JW, it can happen to anyone.
Sorry if that was too subtle for you.
it is easy to abuse folks who get a paycheck from the taxpayers ???
HELLO !!!!
..or is that too subtle for you ???
It's nearly impossible, for example, to fire a government worker even for egregious behavior, whereas most private-sector employees are "at will" hires who can be fired at the will of their bosses for many reasons.
t is easy to abuse folks who get a paycheck from the taxpayers
Well, mostly just the ones that don't earn their inflated paychecks.
" Wouldn't the maint head have to show up to do those duties????"
You have shown your absolute lack of knowledge with this statement.
Do you actually listen to 12:38??? How many hours do you think it takes for setup and teardown of the Kohl's food shows or the WGEM homeshow? Are you kidding us? I personally know occasions where this gentleman has spent 4 straight days (thats 96 straight hours) on the job only sneaking away to his office for 1 or 2 hours to recharge his batteries.
So he is not in the office from 9 to 5?? So what! When a guy puts in more than two weeks worth of hours in 4 or 5 days, I wouldn't expect to see him during downtime. His real job takes place when events are taking place plus day to day oversight of the facility.
Hint, You won't see him walking the halls from 9 to 5. His job is done when most of us are tucked in our beds for the night.
Its completely fair to point fingers at problems that the OLC is currently having, but your way off the mark when it comes to the how well this gentleman is performing or has performed his job!
*shakes head*
You're right, 8:23. But local anon Repub wingnuts will always bitch and moan about the OLC, partly because it exists as something potentially really positive, which they hate, and partly because it's got an Oakley name on it, which they hate even more.
823, after you're done shaking your head, tell us how you justify the other 11 months of the year. There aren't that many large events in the OLC. There never have been and those occasions appear to be decreasing.
Seems it might be a better financial move to contract out those 100hr work weeks twice a year.
You act as though those are the only two events at the OLC during the year. what a farse.
justify your statements with proof, until then you are only throwing out hollow acusations, nothing more.
The solution to OLC money problems is simple. Simply sub-contract JJ & the maintenance position to out to the most qualified low bidder. And bring back the finance officer.
All I have to say is if you are having financial problems the best choice is to fire your financial advisor and let a secratery do the job. I would want a secratary keeping my books. It just makes you wonder how we get into these situations.
I heard JJ resigned so sad to see him go.
By the way he hangs out at the Harrison Pub now, and not Spring Street.
Interesting discussion.
The onus should be on the board. The board, unfortunately is inactive. They simply don't put any pressure, or responsibility for any of the salaried staff to perform. If the charter is to 'sell Quincy', then there should be some incentive for staff to get out of the chair and do just that, sell the OLC. Unfortunately, the general rule is to wait to be contacted. With the amount of loss from the various revenue sources over the last 2 years, the waiting isn't working any longer.
Finally, the board needs some accountablity. I think the position should be an elected position and guidelines put in place to ensure the board is an active board.
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