QHW 7/30/2006

"We'll probably find between 35 and 40 labs this year," Knox said. "I'd say labs in general are down, but the arrests are still there and the meth itself is still there."
Knox said there may be fewer meth cooks in the area, but they may be producing more product at one time.
Traffic Tickets up 72% in Adams County....
Which one brings in more $$$.......
That's what I hate, he trend to bust people with money to pay finds for penny-anty ass offenses, the people who would never, ever dream of asking for a jury rial and trying up the system, stead just pay the fine because they have jobs and families to take care of. Their reward is a 72 % increase in paing the fine and going away quietly. Meanwhile, the piece of crap meth-head no-workers get to cost thes system more by asking for jury trials & getting sent to prsion so we can pay for their heat and chow whle they are in jial.
News flash public defenders office: don't put Joe six pack on a jury for a trial requested by some piece of crap low-life who has nothin to loose by asking for a jury trial, even though he's guilty as sin. I will (and have) looked AWFULLY FAVORABLY at the evidence against your client in these situations.
I can spell "guilty"
People getting ripped off by the police elite should fight all tickets in court. That will get the MF's off the street. The whole legal system is about the F'ing low lifes and how they and their low life attorneys can rip off the honest working people. Any attorney representing a drug low life is just as bad.
You mean like all the low-life speeders endangering not only those who choose to drive at the posted speed limit and pedestrians BUT ALSO themselves?
Yeah those firk-ding-blast low lives should be jailed and any lawyer that would defend them should be disbarred!
Oh you meant that speeders should be ALLOWEED To speed because THAT'S okay since the police are (supposedly) "ripping us off".
Here's an incredible idea: DON'T FECKING SPEED, DUMBASSES!
Thats pretty lame...when's the last time a "speeder" has hit a pedestrian ??? Who knows if he was speeding ?? Unless it is front of the hospital between 4 and 7, it's highly unlikly that a radar gun will be in place to record this event.
They also like to hit the North side of Broadway on the street right before micky-d's ! Seen them around 2:00 !
But they hunt that area because they READ the PSA about 22nd and broadway being a bit of a safety hazzard !
accross from Family Video RIGHT now
Gosh, here's a thought: What if there are just fewer labs in Illinois due to tougher laws and an emphasis on busting up "Beavis and Butthead" labs over the last several years.
Would "Meth Arrests Down In Illinois" then be a good thing or a bad thing?
Why don't you write up some more of "what i did today" articles to put in the whig for Sunday...
The decrease in meth labs has reduced danger to citizens, and it has, as far as potential explosions. That hasn't decreased the demand. The headline is misleading. Where's that demand being met from?
Why don't we save money and just hire "meter-maid types" to enforce the speeding laws on Broadway. No big salaries, no expensive cars with $40,000 worth of equipment being wasted, no big pensions growing. We just buy a couple of black & white Honda Civics with "Welcome to Quincy" painted on the hood, hire a couple of the local dem's wives, daughters or girl friends to man them and walla, we save thousands plus the fines. It's a win, win situation for the taxpayers of Quincy.
Meth arrests may be down but anhydrous thefts are at an all time high! The meth heads are still out there but our law enforcement just isn't making as many arrests. Maybe they are to busy going after the petty trafic offenders, they are a lot easier to catch and generate more revenue!
The meth epidemic is still growing at an ASTOUNDING pace. Actually working and being in touch with the community makes this painfully obvious. Unfortunately, the law and gov't side of the equation is slowing down on the issue possibly because they are either overwhelmed or just want to take a breather in the comfort of stats that are just plain wrong. If we thought we had a meth problem in this area before, just wait until the second wave hits very soon. Hate to say it, but it's getting worse than ever. Question is, what do we do about it?
We arrest Soccer Moms and Joe Six pack ! Then we jump around and say "public safety" and "I'm showing you the money"
While the rest of us have to do "Teeth checks at work"
Job well done
Your attempts to wed the issue of meth and speeding are, to quote a previous poster, "lame".
Do you really think law enforcement is a zero-sum game and that if they are stepping up traffic enforcement they must ergo be cutting back other enforcement?
It just doesn't work that way, friends, and if you think it does you are exceptionally...well, I hate to have to say it...stupid.
PS. The reason meth lab busts are down in Illinois is exactly because the heat has been on (and continues to be on) here and they are popping across the river to Missouri and Iowa to cook their crap, then "exporting" to our fair state.
Traffic is a completely separate issue, so quit trying to score points on a non-existent dichotomy.
Yep traffic is all about the money and keeping grants from MADD and other areas because you need to have super duper cool stuff like the Cops in the Big cities .
You need new combat rail systems for your "M-4's" and maybe some termal equipment for the "air foil" radio controled heli . You can call it QPD's UAV .
Then if you come up short and don't kiss enough ass at the Exchange club you can off set any lack of funding out of TRAFFIC !
We get it @SS F***
You just don't seem to think we are very smart . Maybe you should blow smoke up the bearded blankie dragging bum's ass . maybe he will believe you if you toss in a cheese sami-ich !
9th and Broadway 2:00 HIDDEN at the Bread Company
But it is not a speed trap
Hey 3:12,
Why don't you take a fhing elax. Take your fking elisist atitude ans stick it where the sun don't shine you limp dick shit head. I'm fking tired of you no it all attitude. You are a "dick head" and proably a mouth piece for QPD. Just remember this we knwo when we are being fucked by the police. we don't need you two face explanations. So fuck off Dick Head!!
No signs of QPD hunting today but they DID run my plates early AM today .
I really like it when they do that . A Avg guy driving to work going the SPEED limit getting his plates run . Was there a reason to run the plates ?
If I was a betting man I would say the hunters will be on Broadway between Mickey d's and old St Mary's
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