Missed this in the QHW Sunday........
Electricity providers are power players in legislative races
By Kevin McDermott
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — As Illinois' two major electric utilities in recent weeks have been loudly threatening bankruptcy if they don't get a major rate hike, they've been giving almost a quarter-million dollars in campaign donations to the state legislators who will make that decision, records show.A Post-Dispatch review of new campaign finance reports found that the state's two biggest electricity providers have donated more than $248,000 to state politicians in the six weeks since the controversial announcement of a major rate hike proposal. That's almost as much as the companies gave this year up until the Sept. 15 rate-hike announcement, which sparked a storm of political debate and legislative threats to impose new rate caps. The spike in donations began virtually on the day the planned rate hike was announced — including five-figure contributions made to leaders in both parties almost immediately afterward. Donations to leaders, key committee members and rank-and-file legislators in both parties have continued as those lawmakers have debated whether to allow the rate hikes to go into effect.
"They're pulling out all the stops,'' said David Kolata, director of the Citizens' Utility Board, which is spearheading the effort to freeze electric rates.Because of the lack of competition in the market, Illinois froze electric rates by law in 1997, with the idea of unfreezing them next year, by which time, state leaders thought, more market competition would have developed, thus keeping rates low.
They give a 1/4 mill to politicians, but they moan, "If we don't get the rate increase, we'll file for bancruptcy".
Off the subject, but what was with the Schmitt's letter to the HW editor Sunday about the house at 833 Van Buren? Since when did it become illegal or improper, un-neighborly to put in a deck, an outhouse, or to maintain trees in your yard? Also, are you not allowed to have friends over and drink beer in your yard. If I'm grilling out in my backyard, and I pop a top, am I breakin the law? or a bad person/neighbor? Also, why is this a problem if you live 2 BLOCKS away around the corner?
Those guys ain't hurtin no one, and they are within the law in what they do. Heaven forbid people get together, and enjoy themselves 4 times a year. Heck, they may not be able to afford the gas to go to Columbia, Champaign, or Kansas City to have a football party, what's wrong with having extremely small ones here?
Seems like Catholic bashing is in full season again.
Your about two weeks late with this ! Both U/G and the guy formerly known as Lootie broke this @ Oracle !
Ameren's 1/4 PROFIT was $293 mil also !
Anon 11:15
Lootie's site is gone and Oracle is too deep into politics to care. Did not "see" this on either post.
UMRblog hits on this too.
My question is who owns the power plant at Meridosia ???
A mo potent concern dan da power, don pay my bill no how:
What iz wiff da couple dat lives on Martin Luther King St. complaining about brothas drinking 40 oz er on they poch 'bfoe football games? It'suh free county, ain't it. It ain't like dey didn't gots they permits fo' da deck, iz it? Sure enouh, dey did. Why iz dey tripping about it, we'll save some colt 45 fo' those peeps an' dey gripes. All dey gots ta do iz ax. We will also grill dem some ribs, if dey bring da meat. We iz all tight in da 9th St. hood. They live on MLK St., dey need ta act like it, an' stop worrying. ya'll is mad stupid.
Just pointing out to ya !
And for the FIRST time EVER I agree with Eubonics Man !
*pounds chest and says "props"
Well, I read in the article that those guys will grill any meat you bring over, and will give you burgers & dogs, all you have to do is bring the buns? How cool is hat. And you got peolple complaining about it? Waht aobut when they have those block parties, I assume a beer or two is drank at those? They only have those tail gate parties 3-4 times per year. It will be a mute point anyway, with Connell leaving, they ain't gonna have good teams anymore, games won't be as popular, Big 172 will suck wild Bill in, and they'll be tailgating in Transtion's parking lot.
Hey they refused to grill that AR-KANSAS "steak" for me
What's wrong with road kill raccoon any way ? It was fresh !
Eat more Possum!
200,000 Dems signs post an OT game means a certain someone ATE CROW !
and a sh*t load of CROW to boot.
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