Updated 10/5: Futher info added at bottom!!
After reading posts here and on several other Blogs, I did a little research to see if the traffic tickets have actually increased here or is it just the illusion of it. OQ's posting of the Traffic tickets in Adams county gave me some ideas on how to do this. I was amazed.
2002 there were 8956 cases.
2003, there were 9259,
2004 - 9427
2005 13089 !!!
If my math is right, that's a 72% increase!!
2006 is currently at 9293 as of today. Right on track for another record year.
Now to be fair and see if maybe this number may be skewed by missing information, I check another statistic. Divorce cases.
2002 - 1139
2003 - 989
2004 - 995
2005 - 1080
Seems to me that traffic cases HAVE been on the rise since 2005 and they need to squeeze the word "profit" in here somewhere....
Mission Statement
The Quincy Police Department
As members of the Quincy Police Department,
it is our mission and duty to serve the citizens of our community, and
to protect all life and property,
to apply the law fairly, ethically and equally to all, and
to work in concert with the citizens of our community to improve
Quality of Life.
Updated Info:
Seems UMR Blog has throw the Red Replay flag on the field and wants a "further review" of the increase of traffic tickets in Adams County. Well here it is. You can check the info and also pick out other Illinois countys to back this up. I liked to Rock Island county since it is about the same size.
The results ??? Surprising.
2002 - 32421
2003 - 33424
2004 - 31715
2005 - 29654
2006 - (to date) 21881
If Adams county large increase in traffic tickets is credited to ISP then why don't they patrol Rock Island County as hard ???
Anybody ?? Anybody ??
Your divorce stats include DUI's designated by "DT".
2002 - 361
2003 - 271
2004 - 297
2005 - 382
and to date 2006 - 370
Making divorces:
2002 - 778
2003 - 718
2004 - 698
2005 - 698
This only further prooves your point as we seem to on a record pace for DUI's also.
Anon 6:46
Thanks! Didn't catch that.
I noticed the same exact thing. I'd like to compare the increase of tickets to the "decrease" of accidents. Wonder where we can find those numbers? Think Copley will share? I'll bet the level of accidents is stagnant over the same time period. Thus another reason to believe it's all just revenue enhancement.
Oh and the fun part? Copley can't back off now... A decrease in numbers makes his job performance look bad. Only way to fix the problem is to start over with a whole new policing philosophy. One using the common sense that Lootie advocates.
The reason divorces aren't going up is that All these married people who got the DUI's and, thus, supsensions or revocations need somebody to driver them around.
cue Barbra singing "People who need People"
Seriously, to make sense of the "TR" stats, one would have to segregate them by Agency and then see if the increase was in keeping with the nationwide increase in the number of Motor Vehicles each year. Intuitively, I suspect the largest percentage increase would come from ISP, not QPD. Sorry, but I don't have time to do the research.
I applaud you for going and looking for objective facts on this topic.
QHW - 7-22-06:
Quincy Police Department Traffic Safety Officer Neal Meyer said there were 634 accidents in Quincy during the first six months of this year, down from 732 during the same period last year.
There were 1,527 reported vehicle accidents in 2005, down from 1,667 the year before.
I might be wrong, but I believe Jona is the secretery for said commision and not a voting member. Learned long ago, you don't mess with Jona!! One sweet yet tough character!
A little bit of info I found out. Maybe the City isn't who we should be mad at. It's more of a State thing. Of all the traffic tickets issues, the City only get $3 per ticket. The rest goes to the State. So while the City is getting an increase in funds, it's not NEARLY as much as the State. My question is, where does all of this money go?
for Lootie...
There was a school zone enforcement near St. Peters...
My question on that is does the portion of the fine go to the public school system or does the Catholic School get in on some of this action ?
anon 4:45..
Don't know where you got that info at, but looking at the clerks page, I beg to differ. A $75.00 seatbelt fine is listed as this:
State - 10.94
County - 25.14
Doc. storage - 5.00
Automation - 5.00
Fine - 28.92
"My question on that is does the portion of the fine go to the public school system or does the Catholic School get in on some of this action ?"
Thats the slippery slope for QPD that Lootie was trying to allude to.
Wouldn't be nice to get an REAL answer from a certain attorney and not a song and dance?
FWIW, Rock Island County is about 150k. Adams County is about 68k.
My only point, above, was that the sole way to track this increase back to QPD, using court stats, is to back out the County, State and Village tickets.
It might be germane to go back and look at some of U/G's rifs on this topic--bewailing that the state police were so active in Quincy. I think Lootie tuned up on this awhile back too. I don't know if they're right or not but the only way to figure it out is as I suggested.
You're smart enough to figure out why RICO is not a comparable situation.
I am not suggesting how this would come out, just that there is no statistical shortcut for it.
Thanks for this analysis. It beats hell out of folks calling people names.
Now funny names from history is always good Uncle T
"It might be germane to go back and look at some of U/G's rifs on this topic--bewailing that the state police were so active in Quincy."
The QHW article that was the cause of U/G's said rif showed statistical increases by both the ISP and QPD.
What you fail to see here, in your lame attempt to defend QPD, it that Yes RIC is larger that Adams Co. but, bottom line, There is not the percentage of increase. I think the question here is Why is Adams Co. being targeted. By ISP or QPD ??? Someone out here know the answer.
Anon 1254,
I don't think I've set out to defend anybody in this step, lame or otherwise.
Fire has put out valid AC stats. I have suggested what the next would be if he wanted to figure out whether they supported any increased enforcement effort by QPD. He then gave "trend" stats for a non comparable (for many reasons) county and I touched on just one reason why it wasn't comparable.
The answer sits in the Circuit Clerk's office for someone with time to correctly do the research.
As I think I've mention in my own blog, I'm a hobbyist sabremetrician. I actually study statistics for chuckles. My comments here were strictly about a reliable method for analyzing a proposition.
Re-read my comments here and I think you'll see there's no "defense", just a discussion of method.
I think Tony enjoys the fact that all of us had to look in our websters just to figure out what he was saying!
Might have been a bit easier on us if he had looked it up in Websters and spelled it correctly!
One entry found for sabermetrics.
Main Entry: sa·ber·met·rics
Pronunciation: "sA-b&r-'me-triks
Function: noun plural but singular in construction
Etymology: saber- (from Society for American Baseball Research) + -metrics (as in econometrics)
: the statistical analysis of baseball data
- sa·ber·me·tri·cian /"sA-b&r-m&-'tri-sh&n/ noun
p.s. Tony, you trying to confuse us with big words so we change the subject?
p.s.s. I know your profession gets paid by time and not "words" anymore but if you are going to charge us $.50 you could at least spell it right for us!! lol j/k
The original society was called by the acronym "S.A.B.R.E". Never broke the habit.
Kind of like you and your favorite dog, the "ladrador"
Sorry. Shouldn't put the TYFCB in your site. Habit.
ABC, I'm an amateur Sociologist ( albeit a piss-poor one) . I love looking at the effect the blogosphere has on the community, especialy in these situations. Folks are communicating more, in differant arena's, it's great!
What will the outomes be?
While all of your stats are valid and I agree with pretty much all you have stated opinion-wise, I have yet to notice a decline in people I see driving like jackoffs or drunk drivers (I recently saw someone throw a beer can out their window on 52nd and Broadway at 10:45 am on a Tuesday!). While its fun to look at numbers, take a look at reality. Go 35-40mph down Broadway and see how many people pass like you are standing still. I drove from Lowe's to Walgreens the other day and I was passed by nine vehicles while going above the speed limit. I was also tail-gated and subjected to the soothing sounds of "Chamillionaire" at nine million decibels. Maybe the city should further explore this untapped resource they left alone for so many years. Maybe they should tack on another thousand bucks for a DUI or fifteen or twenty on a speeding ticket. It sure beats the hell out of taxing our property to death. Who am I kidding? They'll do that anyway. This is Quincy! The school zones are little much, yes, but if you slow the f**k down, where is the problem? Would you guys be crying if they made it so if you anally raped a dog's carcass near a school it was an extra $500 on top of the regular fine? No, because you don't screw dead dogs. Well some of you don't.
"nd the U/g will BITCH about QPD"
The U/g doesn't bitch about QPD and if they did it would not be QPD in general it would be some of thier policies.
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