That's the preliminary finding of a study done by The Cleveland Clinic, which found statistically that men who used their cell phones the most had poorer sperm quality than those who used them the least.
The lowest average sperm counts seemed to be in men who had the most cell phone use (more than four hours a day); those who didn’t use cell phones seemed to have the highest. Although the sperm count appears to go down with increasing cell phone use, the difference in numbers wasn't significant.
Erase your name off the bathroom walls - QUICK !!
Reminds me of the 80's band "Faster -----Cat"" song
Got your number off the bathroom wall.
A modest theory: The guys on the phone so much were busy trying to score. As a consequence their success rate was higher and they didn't have as much replenishment time between parties for their little swimmers to get into formation. For this to be scientifically valid, You'd have to correct for the day and time of the calls and the identity of the Callee's.
"Harold, call me."
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