For most celebrities, getting smacked with a DUI is an instant image crisis. For Paris Hilton, it could be a career boost.
"Paris Hilton being arrested just makes her more famous," said veteran publicist Michael Levine. "She has devoted her entire adult life to appearing to be the princess of parties."
Let the "party" bitch cruise thru Taco Bell here and see what happens.
Why is everyone so obsessed with this woman!! Hasn't anyone seen her VIDEO!! Terrible! Don't care if she is worth million or billions. I definately don;t want a woman that BAD in bed or even intrigued with her in the slighltest bit!!!
that video was supposed to put her on the map! All it did was told me not to sleep with spoiled little debutants! UUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!
money money money
you fag
i d lick her
If she lived in Quincy the judge & dipshit state's attorney would let her build a house for humanity instead of going to jail for mutilple DUI's like a local developer. Money talks with the local legals. But if you are joe-six pack you can kiss your ass good by. Double standard.....nope just plain old payola....
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