An interesting side-note to all of this, Hubert Staff is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Western Illinois Economic Development Authority. WGEM asked him, if representing the people of the Ewbanks neighborhood in this matter was a conflict of interest? He said, "no it was not."
lets have another look at the dog that chewed up elvis" tedddy bear the news in this town sucks no is no investigating where is the old " SCOOP " all we have is one news station watching the ohter and elling what they heard bring back michell mccormick now thers a reporter
i think JJ is going to get jimmy goehl re hired to run the plant i saw them drinking beer at a local bar and they were all smiles
Staff said he is not against building a plant in Adams Co. He said he was against putting it near the Ewbanks neighborhood. What about these other sites? I hear one of them is a great location. Lines are close and no people around.
Lootie is right. The residents of the Ewbanks area are not the city of Quincy's residents and thus we should not feel compelled to vote in thier favor. BUT neither is the Ethanol plant. This proposed site is in Adams County NOT the city of Quincy. So vote in favor of our neighbors to force our INACTIVE county board and its CHAIRMAN to grow some balls! If MR. Flip-flops want the business so badly, he should have made a motion in favor of it on the County Board. Now Mr. T-shirt wants to speak to the city council against the neighbors ballot proposal. Give them their democratic right to vote for it themselves!
on a side. Mr. McLughlin, if you can't afford a nice pair of slacks and a nice shirt (which we are sure you can after the sweetheart deal you gave yourself on Maine Street Tap) I am sure you can find one at the Salvation Army or Catholic Charities. The Alderman don't show up to your council inappropriatly dressed, be an adult and dress like one when you attend thier forum.
On Bevelheimer -- Which party is he really from? If he were accused of being a democrat he would be aquited for lack of evidence.
Quincy Chamber of Commerce --- When was the last time they endorsed a democrat?
GREDF -- When they bring a major industrial plant to Quincy we will start respecting thier opinion. Until then, I think you get the point.
Mettleburg -- last time I looked he was a REPUBLICAN. pretty elitest policy on both his and the county boards part. They think because they have more money and thus more land they should have more rights than the residents even though they are of greater number. Revolutions have been started for policies less elitist than these.
MCCleary (R-District 6) Investor in Ethonal plant.
10:50 is right! Close in our borders! Who cares. I won't go quite as far as he did but I will state that as Democrats we will never lose control of the city council! Let Bob Mays or Sherill Hanks live out thier lifelong goals of becoming mayor of SpringLake Village. Dave Bockhold or one of the Reicherts could become mayor of Melrose village. ETc...
Give the Venverloh family a little redemption for what the Spring Lake residents did to thier Storage business!! Now they want to stick an industrial plant in the Venverlohs backyard! Clue number 1, a storage facilty is a lot less offense to the eye than an ethanol plant!
Hubert Staff and the Obert family are our Democrat brothers!
The Republicans are coming on this site and are bashing the Democrats that are about to vote on this issue. Give them thier just deserve!
To Anonymous 10:47
I am still laughing my ass off at your rant. You sound like a typical Democratic VICTIM! Your on the losing end of an issue so you use personal attacks and the old “poor me” victim plot to try and generate support. I see the, as you put it, lack of action by the county board as a good thing. The Ewbanks folks need the City of Quincy to vote in order for them to have the issue put on the ballot in November. Mr. Staff got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and now will pay the price. Glad to see the City Council voting their conscience and not the alleged will of the “Good Ole Boys” Sounds to me like everyone is onboard with the development of the ethanol plant except for you VICTIMS.
I have a sneaky suspicion that the name Vern Hagstrom is behind the Anonymous signature, sounds just like him.
One other teeny tiny possible conflict of interest might have been overlooked here.....Wasn't Andrew W. Staff named to take Chris Scholz's place as Corporation Council for the City of Quincy when Spring took office? How can Staff Jr. make any kind of responsible recommendation to the Council?
Talk about a conflict of interest. The Staff family is in deep.
Lootie: What's this shit about telling Spring he has done a good job in his rookie year? Mostly he's been a butt plug for Durbin. Since he is a neophyte political hack in training, he overcompensates by being Durb's arm candy. Get real man. He hasn't done anything original. The best thing he did was make Ken Cantrell his #2 man and primary go-to-guy. He took a page out of the Sheriff's book when he (the Sherriff) hired Bill Anderson to run the Department.
Isn't the mayor the person who votes to break ties? What if there is a tie vote among the aldermen. Who does the mayor vote for. His family (Hubert Staff) or the best interest of the city. Why isn't that a conflict?
If you take another look at my prior comment about the mayor being the guy who breaks tie votes among the aldermen, you will recognize that my problem is not the the mayor who got tossed into the matter, but the father of his son in law who had no business appearing before the counsel in the first place. Not because of the apparnet conflict with the development group but because of family.
ABC looked like a mobster up there, I can almost hear makin some one an offer they can't refuse.
Hey Lootie -
Didn't ya think Hughie was a little conciliatory last night...to the point of saying anything to get a vote. I mean, 'the Ewbanks people would work with Quincy in the future to assure.... Whatever. That's what you have to say when someone has one hand gripped on your throat and the other gripping your scrotum. Buy time...Buy votes...my people will do or say anything to get your blessing.
Fortunately the Council saw through it...heard it for what it was, desparate talk. Hubie will say anything when he being paid.
I think that if the mayor had not cut off Gerry T. Monday night you would have learned that he was talking about a zoning case in Loraine. Guess who is the lawyer for Loraine.
You guys must have struck a nerve over there at the Underground. They unlinked you. I suggest you return the favor.
Thanks 11:12
Have done. Maybe we'll hear why that happend.......
Ya, they'll tell ya all about how Hubert as the right to act unethical. I told them he helped WIEDA by doin such a sucky job for Ewbanks.
When U/G can't take the heat, they git out of the kitchen. Oracle lets it ride, though, you gotta love that.
Bet they are really worried about your link or relevance as they don;t recieve any traffic from this site.
Who gives a rats ass about the Q/U.???
Least the Fire here leaves all the post up.
Tell the U/G to pound sand.
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