Italy 5 France 3
Does ANYONE give a shit about this ???
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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You gotta look at why Americans don't care about WCS. Americans don't value world competition, as we think we are top dog in everything, we are Americans first and foremost, before we are citizens of the world. People in other contries view themselves more equally in the world, as members of a global community. Americans are kind of , hate to say it, narcissistic when it comes to the rest of the world. We are Americans, ---- the rest of the world, we are better. We like our competiton amoungst ouselves, we consider world competion to be irrelelant. If you win the Super Bowl or World Series (interesting that it's called world) in the US, your considered a world champ, even though it's just amoungst the US, mostly. We just don't care that it's really just the US championship, becaue the rest of the world doesn't matter, does it?
This attitude is why the US is not so highly thought of around the globe, in some instances. Did anyone see the dude that talked at QU, think it was back in 20004, regarding this. He had written some books on how the US comes off in the world, very good talk, just forget his name, left-leaning dude, think he wrote for NY Times. Just interesting how geo-politcs and geo-sports mirror each other in the US.
I appreciate the debate, and sometimes I feel like you when I'm in a bad mood (the part about making boooom).
PS They just announced that the TV ratings were extremely high for the world cup in the US for ABC & ESPN. Also, you semmed to be well up on the developements of the final match. I guess everyone copied Lootie & wathced the final game (forgot what a trend setter you are, when in New Orleans, do as Lootie does LOL), or went back & forth between it and Chicagoland's Sheetrock 40 like I did.
PS Jeff Gordan was just as dirty as Zidane with his move at the end, cheap shots in both!
Also thanks for vindicating me with the attitude the US portrays globally. Once again, I am vindicated.
Lootie, we do care in the US. Like Paul Moonie said, we're dropping bombs and we're dropping gritts and eggs.
You're overanalyzing a very easy one here. Soccer is just plain BORING. We have better sports, and our best athletes play those other sports, cause they can make alot of money doing it.
the great soccer debate....
Here is how RockyCola sees it..
We are programed in the US to like certain sports. Let's face it, Americas pasttime can be extremely boring.
Violence ? If that was the ultimate sell than Ultimate Fighting would get better ratings than the NFL...Scoring, again, Indoor Football should get more viewers but it does not.
It all comes down to marketing, and the NFL and MLB are simply the best.
Until you can market this sport, it will get older and more out of date, just like the soccer mom in the picture. It is ashame, because both are beautiful.
You can market 47 minutes of scoreless
running around all you want. Simple fact is, it's just boring...real boring...nothing can change this. American sports are just better.
Then just to illustrate what a suck ass sport this is, they give the head butting Frenchman the "golden balls" award, which I understand to be the MVP for the whole tournament. That's the equivalent of Micheal Jordan punching someone in the face in overtime of game 7, getting ejected, losing the game, then winning the series MVP. Turns out, it's boring and stupid.
You gotta respect a frenchie that has fighting spirit, though. Even if they did a "Bryan Cox" on him by coaxing him into the penalty and thus giving away the match.
9:35 & 6:21
If you understand the game, soccer ain't boring. You have to have more intellect than a 7 year old kid with ADHD to appreciate the game.
Why don't you explain this
highly complex game of strategery.
There's nothing to understand. Soccer fansalways resort to defending their boring ass sport with "you just don't understand the sport". I understand, it's BORING, regardless of your intellect.
......not too much more than that or you'll lose intrest in the game like 90% of us have.
It's lack of complexity is
exactly why no one gives a shit
except children and their mothers.
Let me know if you can read this, or if I need to type it out in braille and stuff it in your *ss:
Since PK's decide all matches anyway:
Penalty kick situations will be avoided at most young ages, as putting the players in a win-or-lose individual situation can be too difficult. When your league begins implementing the penalty kick rules, it is time to teach the technique to your players.
Generally, the player that is fouled in the penalty area will be the one to take the penalty kick. You can substitute a player to take the kick if needed. If it is a team foul, you will also select your strongest kicker to take the shot. The ball is placed on the penalty marker, and the kicker stands about three steps off the ball, approaches the ball, and takes the shot. The keeper cannot move in the goal until the shooter’s foot hits the ball.
The best approach when teaching penalty shots is to have your players go for “far post,” i.e., send the ball into either of the low or high corners of the net, away from the keeper. The keeper will generally spring across the goal in either direction, taking a 50-50 chance that he picked the correct direction that the shooter is taking. Emphasize keeping the ball away from the keeper, and practice taking kicks over and over until your players feel comfortable.
A good drill for penalty kicks is to use a smaller goal from small-sided play and have your players shoot into that to hone their shot skills. Then, when they are faced with the real-sized goal, they will feel that they are shooting into a “bigger” area.
There will be test tomorrow, so get your head out of your #ss.
The lack of offensive chances leads to ties, which, as we know, suck. Soccer's "solution?" Let's randomize the result (in those cases where a tie suddenly becomes an affront, the "World" Cup) by having penalty kicks.
You are determining a winner by a random event that has no relevance to the rest of the game. It would be as stupid as replacing extra innings with batting practice. Your game sucks and you just proved it. Stick that up your ass.
You got me there, old buddy, that's the only thing I would change about the game, PK's suck, they need to do "golden goal" no matter how long it takes.
Golden Goal is the sudden death goal, like a p*ssy *ss field gaol in overtime of NFL.
Speaking of that, does college football overtime suck or what?
I will not though, stick it up my ass. I will politely refuse that. I do agree with the point you made about the PK kicks, and also wanted to bitch about college football overtime sucking.
Lootie, how do you fix college overtime-tie situations?
Your problems with with soccer is that not enough steroids use is happening, evidently. You people are so shallow that you need meatheads on steroids to hit home runs before you get interested in a sport. Look at the "heroes" of your baseball and tell me what shit tank they are in now. Palmero, Big Mac, Sosa. These guys can't even show their FACE at a baseball event these days. Corrupt cheaters. And this is the sport you think is the sh*t?
Just becauseyou think baseball sucks, doesn't mean soccer doesn't. It does.
You see now, that wasn't so hard. Admititng you have a problem is half the battle.
I don't have a problem. I make it to work every day. I pay my bills. You don't know me, you don't know me LOL.
Game don't suck, just the way they end it does.
PS You will watch soccer and you will enjoy it.
Game sucks, big time!
America is based on a just and efficient meritocracy that thrives on measured competition. That's why soccer has never really quite caught on here. They play a whole game and often the only score is a single goal awarded based on a flop in the penalty area. Americans would never stand for it. It reeks of random injustice and unearned glory.
JULY 16 2006
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Wavering Park Shelter House
1200 N. 36th Quincy
I'd rather watch soccer.....
As I have often said on my own blog "Soccer is for foreigners and girls..." But....TaDa!.....being a sensitive and open minded fellow, I happened to watch Spain play France in the company of about a dozen Big 10 Soccer players and coaches.
When you have somebody to explain the game to you in sincere and passionate way, it is in fact not exactly like watching paint dry. It's marginally better....marginally.
Anon 0935
If we don't value World Competition, how do you explain the Women's World Cup viewership or the 1980 Hockey Olympic phenomenon?
I didn't say baseball sucks, I've been baseball's biggest supporter this year. Have you seen what they charge for tickets, beer, soda, and hot dogs at the games. You may say I say baseball sucks, but my white hot cr card says other wise.
Re: womens championship, sex appeal. Wasn't that the hottest sports moment ever when the chick from US, Brandi Chastain (must have been hot for me to remember a name from that far back) took off her shirt after the PK goal?
Re: 1980 We were all jumping in on that after the fact, when ABC ran it tape dealy, we had already won (both Russia & gold medal game). That was a classic case of bandwagon jumping. You know, like Dallas Cowbays fans in the 70's and 90's, or Bears fans in 1985 (boy did they sudenly come out of the woodwork).
From another blog:
The only thing that sucks about Quincy Fire, honestly, is that there is some ass kisser from the teachers union that bitches when you say the teachers shouldn't be showered with money, perks, and benefits and the taxpayers expense
From another blog:
The only thing that sucks about Quincy Fire, honestly, is that there is some ass kisser from the teachers union that bitches when you say the teachers shouldn't be showered with money, perks, and benefits and the taxpayers expense
2:33 PM, July 13, 2006
Kinda of waiting for further explaination on this one.....
Can't find the blog....and If ANON is refering to another ANON or myself ?????
Who cares.
Hi folks, you know for years and years the good tax-paying folk of Quincy have coerced and indeed, strong-armed, if you will, by the relentless and over-the-top greed of the teachers union in district 172. They have pervasively asked for unneeded tax increases just to provide a seemingly quasi middle-class though in reality opulent lifestyle for the undeserving members of the teachers union. The union members are not above threats, blackmail, and intimidation techniques in order to support their inflated lifestyle habits. They always will use your children’s education as almost a hostage in order to obtain their inordinate demands.
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