Surprise School Zone enforcement Friday morning caused a minor accident in front of middle school on Maine Street.
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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This is getting absolutely ridiculous!! As drove past Quncy Senior High the other day I looked over and a ISP was radaring kids leaving School from near the YMCA. A QPD member was standing at the corner of 30th and Maine sending certain cars to another location for their tickets. Around the corner in the Church parking lot there are no less than 15 highschool students cars. So many kids standing there it looked like a kegger might be happening.
Welcome to the real world Quincy High graduates!! The QPD and ISP want you to pay $350 so you will not be able to enjoy your graduation and the festivities that go along with this wonderful accomplishment.
What a freakin farce!!! Copley you should be ashamed of yourself and your department! I would have used the terms “Mr.” Or “Chief” in reference to you, but I don't feel you have earned either of them.
Don't speed in a school zone and you have nothing to worry about. If you can't abide by the law, then maybe you're too stupid to be driving a car!
I don't speed in school zones, but it is very apparent that our community thinks speeding and seatbelts are much more important crimes than any form of felony. There is a major drug problem in our area, yet our city and state police feel much more compelled to worry about moving violations. They have become a joke to the general population.
Like you've never made a mistake in your life. Your self-righteousness is out of place here. Like you've never gone over 65 on I-72.
Everyone knows this is a mad dash for cash until the school year ends. QPD officers themselves have told me this is what its about! So quit acting like a grade school nun, you're not as perfect as you like to pretend.
anon 11:00,
And if I speed on I-72, then I have no one to blame but myself if I get a ticket. Same situation here Sporto, don't break the law and you won't have anything to b*tch about! Seems like a pretty simple concept to me...perhaps my private school education has simply prepared me to better understand things!
Or your a perfect character in an Orwell novel . The question of the "school zone " and road blocks for "public safty" is a true abuse of our founding father's 4th adm.
We can see the school zones at Start & END of the school day . But at 1:15 pm having every revenue cop in the district running speed traps is one thing
I may exceed speed limits , but my nazi rides has a higher gear ratio . If I get a ticket i pay it & go on . If I hit a "safty check" I usually tell them to GO F*CK YOUSELF when they ask to check my spare tire in the trunk.
DUI's and road blocks are a way to play Public safty for Extra money . How many familys of 5 are outside of backwaters at 3:30 am ?
Funny bars on Sat are open to 3:30 Yet cabs stop at 12:30
Makes one say "hmmmmmmmmmmm"
Civil dissent and polite non compliance are wonderful tools !
Also use the 5th all the time esp when they say " you know how fast you were going ?"
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