Monday, June 27, 2011

Powers That Be

Quincy Mayor John Spring has declared a state of emergency for the city.

80% of Adams county has no power.

Wouldn't a massive power outage be an Emergency anyways ?

With no power, how do you let everyone know ?

Does it really matter ?


Sassenach said...

You're confusing reality with bureaucracy. Sure, in reality, it's an emergency. But until a government official declares it, well, officially, then no government dollars can flow. Certain contracting rules are also lifted in a state of emergency.

You can't just let random people call something an emergency. Somebody has to be in charge (and thus re-electable).

Anonymous said...

I agree with previous commment. "Declaring a State of Emergency" is a legal process that has rules associated with it. A governmental body must do so publicly even if the general public is without power, under water, etc.

Anonymous said...

Yet the blog admin will still continue to use it as a way to complain.

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