Quincy Hydro Project 2006 – 2011
Quincy Hydro Project born on Dec 12, 2006 in Quincy Illinois, left us on February 18, 2011. It will be joined in the after life by Firegate, Puppygate, Servergate, and other taxpayer funded blunders.
It is survived by it's financial dependents Klingner & Associates, Mead & Hunt, Joe Duesterhaus, Husch-Blackwell, Mississippi L & D 21, LLC, Grey Hunter Stenn, Michael Alexander and Associates, Northland Securities, Bernardi Securities and GREDF.
Quincy Hydro Project made no contribution to the city taxpayers and rarely had a chance to survive and produce electricity even if the project matured. I speak for the majority of city taxpayers when I say it's presence will not be missed by many, very few tears will be shed and there will be no lamenting over its passing.
It's financial family will remember Quincy Hydro Project and amongst ourselves we will remember it in our own way, which were mostly taxpayer funded and easy times throughout the years. We may have made some fond profits of it and perhaps we will think of those times too. But I truly believe at the end of the day ALL of us will really only miss what we never had, a another taxpayer funded white elephant. As for the rest of us left behind, I hope this is the beginning of a time of healing and learning to be a financial responsible city again.
There will be no service. An online memorial service will be here on Quincy Fire where users can share their memories, moods, incriminating feasibility studies, pictures, and gross amounts of profit.
In lieu of flowers, financial dependents request that you send donations to “Where's My Damn Money Gone”. Grief counseling will also be made available by logging on to Quincy Area Hydropower Project.
We commit the application remains of
Quincy Hydro Project
to the Deep ~
ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
From water, all life arises.
Mother of waters, Father of rain,
You have taken back your own.
As a stream flows into a river,
as a river flows into the sea,
This project is dead,
The whole process has been a fiasco. It left the taxpayers with any over runs on building costs and there would have been since it would have required the government involvement at inflated wages. It also left us at the mercy of Missouri who had no stake in the game and would get tax dollars on the site and most of the energy would go into their grid. They should have been a partner to share in cost since the stood to gain with no investment.
Very touching Eulogy Fire. sniffle sniffle....
Socialist Muslim Nazis!
All of them!
Good post. Maybe now the town government (don't call it a city; it just gives them big city notions) can focus on doing things for the town, like street repair, snow removal, and police and fire protection -- you know, that boring old stuff -- instead of trying to find an outside cash cow so they can fund pet projects without having to fight the people for tax dollars like other town governments have to do.
I'm all for hydro if it makes sense. I'm thinking of putting a windmill on my place, so I'm not anti-green-energy or whatever we're calling it these days. But if there's a profit to be made from hydro, a business will step in and do it. That's what they do. It's not what town governments should be trying to do.
How many of those things you say the city should provide do we NOT have?
Street repair? Dayum, see them going on all the time in the summer.
Snow removal? Big fail on ID'ing that as something the city is neglecting, considering the Feb. 1st snowstorm and the rapid return to normal street use (except parking).
Police & Fire service? Ask the people at 20th & Chestnut if they feel a 3-minute response time was out of line, or if they felt they got no such service?
I think the city had/has a place in the hydro project but I agree they shouldn't be the ones putting up the development dollars so some other group can come in and take over the profits.
I wanna know who is going to be hung out to dry as the scapegoat for giving an advantage to the non-municipal LLC?
04:12, where does it say in his post that these things are/were neglected?
It doesn't... I'm sure 4:12 is just some city worker bitch who thinks you should suck her dick everytime she does her job.
Fucking public sector unions. God bless this new beginning, as Wisconsin leads the way in tearing these lazy scum off the teat.
Wisconsin Teachers Union owns health insurance company - they 'collectively bargained' for
Two-Thirds of Wisconsin Public-School 8th Graders Can’t Read Proficiently—Despite Highest Per Pupil Spending in Midwest
Yeesh, maybe you guys should better your reading skills. Aaron in the post JUSt above mine says:
"Maybe now the town government (don't call it a city; it just gives them big city notions) can focus on doing things for the town, like street repair, snow removal, and police and fire protection -- you know, that boring old stuff "
Well shoot, that looks like a claim they those things are being negelected to me.
Reading comprehension may be a bit much for you guys, I guess.
And no, I wouldn't take a government job on a bet. Besides not being that lazy, I'd not want to surrender to the whole "hey I'm a government employee, you OWE me!" attitude.
Jennifer Lepper needs to take a walk or drive down Melview road. It is a death trap. But hey, they resurfaced Harrison no problem. Busses run there.Whoop de frickin' do. Oh yeah, Jefferson too. Fricken' ditto.
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