Tuesday, April 25, 2006

As Gas approches $3.00 a gallon.....

Who do you think is sticking it to us the most ???

National Gas Average

Illinois Highest and Lowest Prices

Quincy Gas Prices

Amazing how Quincy Gas Prices are closer to the Higher End of Illinois Prices ???


Rocky Cola said...

I would love to see someone get nailed for these high prices, the problem is I do not know who to blame if anyone.
China has increased it's demand, Katrina hurt us badly, and if the war in Iraq was about oil, I am ready to cash in on that !

Anonymous said...

A local guy works in the Energy Trading business in Houston . What we have is a few factors going at once.

Unstable iraq , a CRAZY Iran , A bunch of Che wanna be's in South America tossed on top a Fire of World Economic Boom !

These factors like the Hurricane season make the market jittery !

So when the companies are BUYING futures they are placing bids forhigher prices . They are in the business to make money .

But if your not short sighted , you can recall the 70's OIL embargo . Where do Oil producing nations place all that money ?

US BANKS ! We in turn finance future Oil fields -- Chavez & Venazuala and Mexico didn't have any oil besides in the hair . The Arabs PAID for those fields .

SO we have an UPTURN in price at the same time Every energy company on the planet is drilling for more fields or placing income into pipelines .

Soon supply will be back in line with demand and the Iraq war will give the QPD hummer $.89 a gallon gas

Or I could be wrong then we're proper F*cked

Anonymous said...

Paid 2:68 a gallon in St. Louis Sat, 4-29.

Why so much less there? Suggest we call the Attorney General's office in Quincy & complain, get them to work on it. They can do something besides employ "connected" people in the Quincy Poltical scene, can't they?

At least at drivers license, they work!

Anonymous said...

ask the local oil cartel a.k.a. Carl Adams and the Hutters why their prices raise and lower at the same time. Why doesn't someone sell gas a penny cheaper to spur competition? Because they get together and set prices on us poor slobs. I dare one of them to sell gas a penny cheaper than than the rest of town. Won't happen.

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