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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Can you mention Caren Kemner WITHOUT mentioning.... three-time member of the U.S. Olympic volleyball team.
Sheeessshhhh. Give it a rest!
Monday paper is going green because it only weighs 2 ounces and saves on paper and ink. Costs the same price as Wednesdays paper is the bad part.
The fact that hart had to rush to the gay bar for a drink and an interview
Speaking of gay , Steve's Idol write up are gay .
I love the fluff stories on old cars , talk about proving the business model is broken .
I love how they cover all the local news with a blanket of propaganda that would make the Soviets proud
Brian being wrong so often. he acts like he saves everyone is a kicker.
this is where he gets his info.
How many people carry their TV to the basement?
He says "get to shelter, but if you happen to take some pics, send them to me"
Is it really about saving lives or rating ?
If Steve E can pry his lips off of Quincy Raceways Ass would be nice!
Who gives a shit about that place?
How about Ed H. off the Mayors ass?
I like that hart is the pr department for John b , is it that hard to win a jury trial without tainting the entire pool?
QNO Rocks !
I can think of two uses for the Whig.
1. Use to start a camp fire.
2. Line the dog carrier before a long trip.
Other than that, it is just a rag that is not worth the paper it is printed on. Fuck you Oakleys one and all!!!
The ultimate low spot was WGEM's coverage of the president from the airport.
...this one time, at band camp....
Monday's edition is not a paper it's a pamphlet. The "paper" ,and I use the word loosely,is so thin that Kleenex would be ashamed to use it.
When was the last time the whig had a fresh, newsworthy story in the Sunday edition? It's always written earlier in the week.
Holly is the only decent writer/reporter they have.
No news from the statehouse.
The Weekly Reader has harder hitting editorials. I mean, they write an editorial in support of such hard hitting topics as scout cookies and popcorn, city wide cleanup and controversial topics such as better highways.
Generally it prints at 10:00 in the morning so why call it an afternoon paper...maybe that's because that's when we get home to read it.
An eight or even a six page section allows them to print three sections. Wow. The Post Dispatch prints one section that is bigger than the combined sections in the whig on a typical day.
Art Higgins is probably laughing at their product in Heaven.
Go to the Quincy Public Library and dig out some microfiched papers from 20 - 30 years ago. News all over the place. Better written. AP and UPI stories.
What kills me is their "thumb the nose" attitude they have at the community while their subscription rates tumble.
I for one will be at the party when they fold!
What is QNI ??
Are you referring to the "whig" an
the local TV stations?
If so, I concur; neither have reporters just "readers".
Their web pages are poorly updated, sometimes it takes them days just
to change the dates.
OK, I read it now what?
What was wrong with the tv coverage from the airport? It was way better than khqa...thy couldn't even keep themselves on the air.
Better than KHQA ??
Whoopie Crap !
Guess that makes them great
We suck less than KHQA is like a silver medal in the Special Olympics .
Can you connect the dots now?
It's so slow down there now that Jessica is now doing a story on Rodney.
My favorite thing is how they write a story about all the Adams County Health Dept. jobs coming back, while Bobby G. says nothing. Can't have anything positive about jobs coming back to Quincy on Tookie's site now can we?!?!?
Does that make it a WHIGOriginal?
Bob must be too busy shoving Tookie's brat in his mouth....
Watch out for the mayo!
A news room full of people and some random "jobs coming back" piece just trumps Bob . Great stuff asshats , maybe you can doing a quilting story too .
some random "jobs coming back" piece???
Random? This story was a headline on EVERY local media site when the jobs were lost. Tookie just can't have anything positive on his site.
Keep the fearmongering up assholes!
First of all, it depends what your definition of “News” is.
If the “potential” of jobs being lost on the state not paying their bills on time seems like news to you then so be it. The total sum of the whole thing is, nothing happened. Keep your subscription to the QHW updated. I for one found it just a scare tactic by the ACHD to alert the public that they weren't getting their money from the state.
This story had about as much excitement as headline news that the stoplight at 24th and Broadway just turned red !!!! oh wait, it's green now. Oh wait, it now turned yellow!
Maybe Monday's QHW pamphlet that comes out will have how a local hotdog vendor will file for bankruptcy because the fireworks on the riverfront got rained out. One guarantee will be headline news of who won the left turn contest out east Broadway from Steve E. unless it gets...hee..hee...rained out.
It's not the Whig's business model that sucks. It's the Whig that sucks.
"Our" media collect their information
by calling the local police/fire/hospitals etc, requesting updates.
Well they have such a sad re pore
that often they are told to pound sand.
Receiving news updates from
the networks, the locals pick and chose then "read" you the "news".
This same info available to you on
the different websites.
Gone is the local reporter that hustles a story
"This story had about as much excitement as headline news that the stoplight at 24th and Broadway just turned red !!!! oh wait, it's green now. Oh wait, it now turned yellow!"
If it's not exciting to you, then you're saying job losses are no big deal, whether they were temporary (just like a stoplight) or not?
That sounds Mentesti-Spring-ish.
Well 8:08 anon:
Stop lights may be very appealing to you but not to me. I'll run thru this once again so u may understand.
The state is behind on payments, the ACHD has to cut employees, the state comes thru with the money. No jobs lost. Just like watching a stoplight. Red, Green, Yellow. I for one am not facinated by watching a sequence occur that I know the outcome. Maybe you are.
Bottom line is, did anyone actually "lose" their job. No. It was a published threat to make the public aware of no state funding.
When Praire Farms layed off, they did. When Gardner Denver layed off, they did. This was News!
You can call it news, I call it propaganda.
Thanks for stopping by.
At least QNI had the balls to fire Bob for being such a pervert. Does anyone remember Ms. Wendling's departure? The interns sure hated him too. Be careful Jamie Boozin....
Well look who finally came to the show!
Well look who finally decided to come to the show.
I think QNO does a fine job reporting the news. Maybe if the Whig would allow public comments they might see just how biased they really are.
Look at the trolls out trying to attack the messenger . Great work staff , Hilfrink will not lay you off this week .
Free Speech ???
at the Whig ???
WTF are YOU smoking?
"We'll tell you the news we want you to hear!"
"Maybe if the Whig would allow public comments they might see just how biased they really are."
Have you forgotten already? The Whig DID have a comment section in their poll section but it quickly became nothing more than a place for the teabaggers to spew their "OBUMMER IS A NAZI" vomit all over.
I take offense to the word "teabagger"
The use of the word is evil as
the the so called "n" word.
It is a vile term and should not be
used in print
It wasn't Bob G. that was the perv. It was his predecessor MM.
So why did they never ever fire LS for being a falling down, embarrassing the company repeatedly in public drunk?
I have bad news for you.
This is the INTERNET, not PRINT; you dumb old hag.
Have you signed up for typing classes yet or are you going to continue typing 3 words per line the rest of your frail and half-retarted life?
Wait.... are you REALLY saying the word teabagger is as bad as the N-word? As if the teabagger name is a reference to a specific race? Because that's exactly what the N-word is, and you need a history lesson.
I feel like saying the word FUCK right now.
So there.
F U C K.
12:04 pm --- Since you failed to identify yourself and attacked an individual instead of addressing the issue you must be a Dope Smoking, Womanizing, Lying, Draft Dodging, Cowardly democrat.
Reminds me of..
Nice pants, you know who!
Perhaps you'd like to enlighten us on why BG no longer works for QNI. MM was bad from what I hear, but BG is the king of them all. No question.
QHW writes a article on Fireworks safety then RH blabs that he was blowing up things in Illinois where fireworks are illegal?
Are you shitting me?
What's next week RH? Road tripping with Jim Beam?
If your gonna make very personal attacks, gonna have to leave your name.
Otherwise there gone.
"If your gonna make very personal attacks, gonna have to leave your name.
Otherwise there gone."
Bullshit Meter at 11! So it's okay to dig into Jonathan Schoenakase's court records and gossip away, but not McQueen's? OH NO!... Can't have no bad talk about Messiah McQueen! Only good talk... gooooood talk... NOOOO BAD talk....
Couple derogatory remarks about QNI staff at the top of list too.... bet they won't be removed.
Now I see what your definition of 'fair and balanced' is.
I believe in free speach
But, if you don't like
censorship, start your own column
03:28:00 PM
How many children do you have to molest to arrive at the position in life that you have?
When did this happen?
Start your own Fucking Blog and stop whining.
Reminds me of you know who "nice Pants"
If we're personal attacks, we can't leave out Mr. "Nice Pants", can we?
"nice pants"
Nice pants?
Would you explain?
Roberta could you please learn how to type.
Typing like
this is not
the way it
is done in
the real world
What does "nice pants, nice pants"
have to do with sentence structure?
Or, are you calling me nice pants?
I'm sorry for
being dummer then
Sarah Palin. She
sets the
bar high too.
Here we go again, if you cannot justify
your position attack the messenger.
Now this is Roberta
Hey STUPID /How do you spell dumber?
Sarah Palin is
not dumb. She's
a beocon of light
to the tea party and
has lots of
foreign policy.
Never mind my
typing. Sticks
and stones.
The REAL Roberta.
Are you kidding me Roberta?
Sarah Palin having foreign policy experience is like saying Rush Limbaugh is black.
Damn you're dumb.
I just love you idiots.
Damn, and I thought today was
going to be boring.
The Real Roberta
Hey fecal matter!
Sarah is my hero, my beacon, my savior, my friend.
The Real Roberta
Hey shit for brains!
Rush is my hero, so stick it.
ha ha ha
Sorry if my post was viewed as a personal attack on McQ. But I see a lot of faces I know at the QTP stuff, and they are good honest hard working people, and they are following him, like little sheep. I also see McQ's face all over the QTP. Those nice adjectives do not apply to him, and I know the good people WANT him to be as good & honest as they are, and they THINK that he is that way, but they didn't know him 20 years or more ago. McQ has a past, and he is carefully trying to reinvent his past for the QTP. It's obvious he is positioning himself to run for political office. Before you give him your honest hard earned money for his QTP and his future campaign fund, check into McQ's past. Seriously.
If you know McQ is such a criminal, how about giving us some facts.
I didn't say he was a criminal. I'm saying he just knows way more about owing bill collectors, having things repo'd, and being sued for bills he didn't pay than the average member of the QTP.
Because one cannot pay their bills does not make a bad person
However, making the bills and not intending to pay does make you a deadbeat.
okay you stupid quincyians, god how i hate you dumbasses, A. washed up, trying to keep from working and getting a chance to drool over your daughters, who making the money there, who owns the building-- shierlings. B. there is no reporting anymore, les is drunk, shan is over the hill, lesley could dunk on me and the paper sucks , who cares, don't watch -don't buy it C. QNO is a QNI wannabe--- lets put everyones name on the internet who got a speeding ticket on broadway-- in depth, on the edge reporting-- D. your mayors, past and present-- enough tools to fill a rolling snap-on cabinet-- spring, scholz, hagstrom one more worthless than the next, although scholz did stop the flood of 93..whata dickhead E. your police dept-- can you say gestapo.. so glad i'm not polish, jewish or gypsyish..and the adams county state highway patrol of quincy il,i heard you are going to need papers to leave quincy, MAY I SEE YOUR PAPERS(done in my best german accent), F. and for all you others, bob g, roberta, mm whoever i missed and for all you other responders, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS LIVE HERE, SO EITHER PUT UP WITH IT OR MOVE,,DON'T WATCH OR BUY IT,, and if you really do idolize RUSH and Sarah Palin, you are probably a fan of ronald reagan, the dumbest most inept president, i never had the chance not to vote for, he's probably buggering poor bonzo as we speak(stupid monkey) please respond to this as i know you loyal quincyians will, you bunch of worthless spew of human DNA--- fuck your mother
As I write this I see I will be the 77th commenter. At his point, I think we have heard from every Whig subscriber at least once.
Think you hit the nail on the head,now
I just have to figure out what you said.
Maybe you could share the "medicine" you are taking
i'll break it down for you
things that suck in quincy
- kemner begging money for sports
- the herald whig
-the police, all depts(sheriffs are ok)
-the writers and reporters
-some people named-- brian,kemner,steve e, Ed H, john b,wgem, khqa, jessica, rodney,ACHD, tookie,bob,mentesti-spring, hillfrink, mm,bob g,ls,roberta, democrats, teabaggers, qni,rh,some comments, nice pants, rush and sarah, qtp, mc q..
-the taxes
-the roads
-gas prices
-no fireworks
-the mall
-your riverfront
-the mayor
-the council
-the city workers
-feel free to add your own, quincy is quickly becoming hannibal mo.. adump of a town with meth rampant and inept leaders,, oh but you do have lonny lemon running your schools, every year a new batch of girls he can try to date,, good choice, i have to agree with 9:47. you all are a bunch of dumbasses and i quote" fuck your mother" classic
I'm seeing the problem of letting a post go on for too long....
Sorry but all the attributes you listed seem positive.
There are anger issues here; were you arrested, fired, locked up, evicted, sued or dumped by you sister?
Perhaps a change of scenery or DOC would be best for you..
well roberta, i listing all the stuff, that you people bitch about, i live in hamilton and i do have didnt scenery than you in quincy i have a job,own my house(bank too), never been sued yet, and pretty sure i banged your sister and if i wanted to see you ' i'll just look for the dumbest person in quincy, and as for anger issues, just reading all your comments make me smile and happy that i'm not a dumbass quincyian,,,, quoting again "fuck your mother"
Wow 11:36
Do you eat with that mouth
"Wow 11:36
Do you eat with that mouth
Did you HEAR those words come out of his mouth? The appropriate question should have been, "Do you eat with the FINGERS that just typed that?"
JeeezusFuckingChrist Roberta.... I wonder how people like you have enough common sense to wake up in the morning.
Damn, this is fun
Your vocabulary really sets you apart from your associates;
you must impress the little boys. Did you study online in DOC?
Dirt bag
Oh Roberta,
One minute you're all like:
Here we go again, if you cannot justify
your position attack the messenger.
Now this is Roberta
Then the next you're all like:
Your vocabulary really sets you apart from your associates;
you must impress the little boys. Did you study online in DOC?
Dirt bag
Pot calling the kettle black much?
You are absolutely correct, I apologize for calling whom ever a dirt bag
Was there anything in last Sunday's paper that wasn't a pat on the back to Oakley's highway lobbying?
My favorite thing is how they covered a tea party in Keokuk and all you teabaggers that hate QNI will still find something to whine and bitch about.
My favorite thing is how 12:08 likes to suck balls.
"My favorite thing is how 12:08 likes to suck balls."
My favorite thing is how Chip Gerdes touches little boys.
Wow, that was brave. Put your chips on the table, 12:24, and let us know who you are.
At least Gerdes puts his money and name where his mouth is... you put yours on people's balls... because you are gay.
Chip is already on the table.... errr.. UNDER one.
If you're lucky, maybe you can get a job at QNO when you they downsize you out of a job at the Whig.
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