Michael Alexander and Associates as a lobbyist at a cost of $5,000 a month for up to 12 months.
Stoel Rives, LLC for those services at a cost of at least $250,000.
Great River Economic Development Foundation $3,000.
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Which do you think will hire him after this next election? He probably already put in his application!
I'm sure the Mayors brother-in-law would be interested in a nice, say maybe,$70,000.00 a year job watching the water go through the dam, since his last two political jobs as Civic Center Head and tree counter for the State couldn't sober him up. At least he wouldn't have to drive.
It would be too obvious to in-volve the Ex-Mayor, since he is already making money as an Associate with Alexander(City contract), an attorney with EMC(City contract,plus what he got for getting them the contract in the first place years ago) and the Lincoln Douglas re-enactment and museum scam going on.
Maybe he could get his son some kind of hydro job. I'm sure anyone that knew, has forgotten by now that he resigned(?) from his City job. He was under the impression that being a dog catcher allowed him to carry a loaded pistol and pull over drivers for traffic violations.
I'm going to rule out his daugh-ter for a job, she already did a stint as a City employee, and besides, her husband already makes enough money as corporate counsel for the City.
Don't forget the $2000 month travel expenses for Alexander.
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